;+ ;thm_crib_fgm.pro ;usage: ; .run thm_crib_fgm ; ;Notes: ;Disable print statements by calling "dprint,setdebug=-1" before running the crib ; ;Written by Hannes Schwarzl and Ken Bromund ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-04-27 11:26:29 -0700 (Mon, 27 Apr 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17433 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/basic/thm_crib_fgm.pro $ ; ;- dprint, "--- Start of crib sheet ---" ;timespan, '6-8-17', 1 timespan, '2007-3-23', 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprint, "-" dprint, "- 'standardized' interface, with intermediate outputs saved" dprint, "--> enter .c" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; stop thm_load_state,probe='a', /get_support_data thm_load_fgm,lev=1,probe=['a'],/get_support_data,type='raw', suffix='_raw' thm_cal_fgm,probe=['a'],datatype='fg?',in_suffix='_raw', out_suffix='_ssl' tplot_options, 'title', 'THEMIS FGM Examples' tplot, ['tha_fgl_raw', 'tha_fgl_ssl'] ; note: thm_contrans accepts probe and datatype keywords: thm_cotrans,probe=['a'],datatype='fg?',in_suffix='_ssl', out_suffix='_dsl', out_coord='dsl' ; note: thm_cotrans can also work directly with tplot names: thm_cotrans,'tha_fg?',in_suf='_dsl',out_suf='_gse', out_c='gse' thm_cotrans,'tha_fg?',in_suf='_gse', out_suf='_gsm', out_c='gsm' tplot, ['tha_fgl_raw', 'tha_fgl_ssl', 'tha_fgl_dsl', 'tha_fgl_gse','tha_fgl_gsm'] stop tplot, ['tha_fg?_gsm'] stop store_data, 'Tha_fgl_dsl_gse', data=['tha_fgl_dsl', 'tha_fgl_gse'] options, 'tha_fgl_gse', 'colors', [1, 3, 5] tplot, 'Tha_fgl_dsl_gse' ; clean up support data del_data, 'th?_fg?_hed th?_state' tplot_names ; clean up support data, and intermediate outputs, and state data ;del_data, 'th?_fg?_* th?_state*' ;tplot_names ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprint, "-" dprint, "- next: same thing, but without saving intermediate outputs" dprint, "--> enter .c" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; stop del_data, 'th* Th*' thm_load_state,probe='a', /get_support_data thm_load_fgm,level='L1',probe=['a'],/get_support_data,type='raw' thm_cal_fgm,probe=['a'],datatype='fg?' thm_cotrans,probe=['a'],datatype='fg?', out_coord='dsl' thm_cotrans,'tha_fg?', out_c='gse' thm_cotrans,'tha_fg?', out_c='gsm' tplot, ['tha_fg?'] ; clean up support data del_data, 'th?_fg?_hed' tplot_names ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprint, "-" dprint, "- next: load, calibrate, and transform coordinates in one call" dprint, "--> enter .c" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; stop del_data, 'th* Th*' timespan, '2007-3-23', 1 ; only load spin data needed for cotrans thm_load_state, probe='a', datatype='spin*', /get_support_data ; default is 'l1 calibrated dsl': request 'l1 calibrated gsm' thm_load_fgm,level=1, probe=['a'],datatype='fg?',coord='gsm' tplot, 'tha_fg?' ; another thm_cotrans example: when not doing globbing, you can ; specify output tplot variable directly: thm_cotrans, 'tha_fgl', 'tha_fgl_gse', out_coord='gse' ;; Since /get_support_data keyword was not given, but default action is ;; to calibrate: the necessary support data is retrieved and ;; cleaned up automatically by thm_load_fgm. ;; if you want it to stick around, then give the /get_support_data keyword. tplot_names dprint, "cleanup state" del_data, 'th?_state*' tplot_names ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprint, "-" dprint, "- next: load data directly from L2 CDF" dprint, "--> enter .c" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; stop ; get the dsl data, and add a _l2 suffix thm_load_fgm, probe='a', suffix='_l2', level = 'l2' tplot_names ; load data in all coordinate systems availabe in L2 CDF thm_load_fgm, probe='a', coord='*', level = 'l2' tplot_names ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprint, "-" dprint, "- note that the original crib still works, with one change:" dprint, "- new keyword to override new default behavior of thm_load_fgm: type='raw'" dprint, "--> enter .c" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; stop thm_load_state,/get_support_data,probe='a' thm_load_fgm,level=1,probe=['a'],/get_support_data,type='raw' ; file names for real calibration files are: th[a-e]_fgmcal.txt ; they can be found in the 'master' file directory of the data tree. cal_relpathname = 'tha/l1/fgm/0000/tha_fgmcal.txt' cal_file = spd_download(remote_file=cal_relpathname, _extra=!themis) thm_cal_fgm,'tha_fgl','tha_fgl_hed','tha_fgl_ssl',cal_file,datatype='fgl' tplot_options, 'title', 'THEMIS FGM Examples' tplot, ['tha_fgl', 'tha_fgl_ssl'] ; Interface to ssl2dsl has changed: all arguments now specified by ; keywords instead of positional parameters, new arguments for ; using spinmodel routines. ssl2dsl,name_input='tha_fgl_ssl',name_output='tha_fgl_dsl',spinmodel_ptr=spinmodel_get_ptr('a') dsl2gse,'tha_fgl_dsl','tha_state_spinras','tha_state_spindec','tha_fgl_gse' cotrans,'tha_fgl_gse','tha_fgl_gsm',/GSE2GSM tplot, ['tha_fgl', 'tha_fgl_ssl', 'tha_fgl_dsl', 'tha_fgl_gse','tha_fgl_gsm'] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dprint, "-" dprint, "- The next example shows how to enable the eclipse spin model corrections" dprint, "- when loading calibrated L1 FGM data." dprint, "--> enter .c" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; stop ; Example showing use of eclipse spin model corrections for FGM data ; THB passed through a lunar shadow during this flyby. The eclipse ; occurs between approximately 0853 and 0930 UTC. timespan,'2010-02-13/08:00',4,/hours ; 2012-08-03: By default, the eclipse spin model corrections are not ; applied. For clarity, we'll explicitly set use_eclipse_corrections to 0 ; to get a comparison plot, showing how the lack of eclipse spin model ; corrections induces an apparent rotation in the data. thm_load_fgm,probe='b',level=1,type='calibrated',suffix='_before',use_eclipse_corrections=0 ; Here we load the same data, but enable the full set of eclipse spin ; model corrections by setting use_eclipse_corrections to 2. ; ; use_eclipse_corrections=1 is not recommended except for SOC processing. ; It omits an important spin phase offset value that is important ; for data types that are despun on board: particles, moments, and ; spin fits. ; ; Note that calibrated L1 data must be requested in order to use ; the eclipse spin model corrections. The corrections are not ; yet enabled in the L1->L2 processing. thm_load_fgm,probe='b',level=1,type='calibrated',suffix='_after',use_eclipse_corrections=2 dprint, " - This plot shows the effect of the eclipse spin model corrections" dprint, " - on the FGL and FGH data. The variables with suffix _before " dprint, " - are uncorrected, while the variables with suffix _after have " dprint, " - had the corrections enabled. During the eclipse, between " dprint, " - approximately 0853 and 0930 UTC, the uncorrected FGM data " dprint, " - is clearly rotating in the spin plane, due to the spin-up " dprint, " - that occurs during the eclipse as the probe and booms cool " dprint, " - and contract. " tplot,['thb_fgl_before','thb_fgl_after','thb_fgh_before','thb_fgh_after'] print, "--- End of crib sheet ---" end