;+ ; ;NAME: ; thm_crib_twavpol_scm ; ;Purpose: ; Demonstrate the usage of the wave polarization routines ; for SCM data in magnetic field aligned coordinates. ; ;NOTES: ; Shortened version of Olivier Le Contel's wave polarization ; crib(scm_mfa_wpol_ole_fc_crib.pro) ; Edited for clarity, minor updates - 2016-06-17 af ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-06-17 16:55:39 -0700 (Fri, 17 Jun 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21338 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_twavpol_scm.pro $ ;- ;=============================================== ; 1) Select date, data type, and time interval ;=============================================== date = '2008-02-26' timespan,date,1,/day ;; Select satname satname ='d' ;; Select MODE (scf, scp, scw) mode = 'scf' thscs_mode = 'th'+satname+'_'+mode ;; Select FGM_MODE (fgl or fgh) fgm_mode = 'fgl' thscs_fgm_mode ='th'+satname+'_'+fgm_mode+'_dsl' ;; If you want to set up a limited timespan for calibration, ;; you set up a trange array like this: ;; To impose by hand t1 and t2 : ;20080129 ;starting_time='02:24:00.0' ;ending_time ='02:28:00.0' ;20080226 ;scf starting_time='04:30:00.0' ending_time ='05:30:00.0' ;scp ;starting_time='04:50:00.0' ;ending_time ='05:09:00.0' ;scw ;starting_time='04:54:49.0' ;ending_time ='04:54:58.0' ;20070508 ;thc in scf mode ;starting_time='03:32:00.0' ;ending_time ='04:42:00.0' trange = [date+'/'+starting_time, $ date+'/'+ending_time] ;=============================================== ; 2) Load FGM and ephemeris support data ;=============================================== thm_load_state, probe=satname, /get_support_data thm_load_fgm,level=2,probe=satname,datatype=fgm_mode,coord='dsl' ;calculate field magnitude from FGM vector split_vec, thscs_fgm_mode calc_string = '"'+thscs_fgm_mode+'_m" = sqrt(total("' + thscs_fgm_mode + '"^2,2))' ;example of what the calc call will look like with string names filled in ;calc,'"thd_fgl_m" = sqrt(total("thd_fgl_dsl"^2,2)) dprint, "Making call to calc: " + calc_string calc,calc_string,/verbose ;tdotp,thscs_fgm_mode+'_'+coord,thscs_fgm_mode+'_'+coord,newname=thscs_fgm_mode+'_m' ;get_data,thscs_fgm_mode+'_m',data=mod2 ;store_data,thscs_fgm_mode+'_m',data={x:mod2.x,y:sqrt(mod2.y)} ;============================================================================== ; 3) Get SCM data and SCM header file for customized and diagnostic calibration ;============================================================================== ;; get data within the specified time range thm_load_scm,probe=satname, level=1, type='raw',$ trange=trange,$ /get_support ;; default values of parameters are shown. ;; the '*' appended to mode will get diagnostic parameters ;; (_iano, _dc, _misalign) as well as calibrated output. Note out_suffix ;; is necessary to get what was former default behavior (_cal on output) ;; To run with different parameters, uncomment and change as you like. ;; Note: the /edge_zero is not a default option, so the output will differ ;; slightly from step 4a) above. ;; Cleanup informations ;; To perform a full cleanup of spin tones (power ripples) and 8/32 Hz tones --> cleanup ='full' ;; cleanup is based on superposed epoch analysis suggested by C. C. Chaston using an averaging window ;; spin tones cleanup corresponds to an averaging window duration exactly equal to the spin period ;; which is fixed in the code (wind_dur_sp = spinper) ;; 8/32 Hz tones cleanup corresponds to an averaging window equal to a multiple of 1s ;; this averaging window duration can be chosen by the keyword wind_dur_1s ;; To perform only a cleanup of spin tones (power ripples) --> cleanup='spin' ;; To perform no cleanup --> comment cleanup keyword ; SCM data Fmin=0.45 Fmax = 0. thm_cal_scm, probe=satname, datatype=mode+'*', out_suffix = '_cal', $ trange=trange, $ ; nk = nk_input, $ ; mk = 4, $ ; Despin=1, $ N_spinfit = 1, $ ; clnup_author = 'ole',$ ; cleanup = cleanup_input,$ ; wind_dur_spin = 0.5,$ ; wind_dur_1s = 1.,$ ; Fdet = Fdet, $ ; Fcut = 0.1, $ Fmin = Fmin, $ Fmax = Fmax, $ step = 5, $ Fsamp=Fsamp,$ /edge_zero ;=============================================== ; 4) Magnetic field-aligned calculations ;=============================================== ;Transform into Xgse field aligned coordinates built from time averaged fgm data. time_av = 3. avg_data,thscs_fgm_mode,time_av,newname=thscs_fgm_mode+'_av' tinterpol_mxn,thscs_fgm_mode+'_av',thscs_fgm_mode ;------------------------------------------------- ; This transformation is only valid for data in the ; same coordinates as the input to thm_fac_matrix_make! ;------------------------------------------------- thm_fac_matrix_make, thscs_fgm_mode+'_av_interp' tvector_rotate, thscs_fgm_mode+'_av_interp_fac_mat',thscs_mode+'_cal' scm_wave = thscs_mode+'_cal_rot' ;clip data into specified range time_clip,scm_wave,trange[0],trange[1],/replace ;=============================================== ; 5) Polarization Analysis ;=============================================== if mode eq 'scf' then nopfft_input = 32 if mode eq 'scp' then nopfft_input = 512 if mode eq 'scw' then nopfft_input = 1024 ;------------------------------------------------- ;Warning: ;twavpol/wavpol gives power spectrum in arbitary units, ;this may complicate comparison with other data types(ie onboard FFT). ;------------------------------------------------- steplength_input = nopfft_input/2 twavpol,scm_wave, error=error, freqline = freqline, timeline = timeline,nopfft=nopfft_input,steplength=steplength_input ;=============================================== ; 6) Plot calibrated data, with time in second ;=============================================== tplot_options,'region',[0.,0.,1.,1.] tplot_options,'charsize',1. freq_min = Fmin if mode eq 'scw' then freq_min = 8. if mode eq 'scf' then freq_max = 4. if mode eq 'scp' then freq_max = 64. if mode eq 'scw' then freq_max = 4096. n_yaxis = 0 if mode eq 'scw' then n_yaxis = 1 ylim,scm_wave +'_powspec',freq_min,freq_max,n_yaxis ylim,scm_wave +'_degpol',freq_min,freq_max,n_yaxis ylim,scm_wave +'_waveangle',freq_min,freq_max,n_yaxis ylim,scm_wave +'_elliptict',freq_min,freq_max,n_yaxis ylim,scm_wave +'_helict',freq_min,freq_max,n_yaxis options,thscs_fgm_mode+'_x',ytitle='Bx!C' options,thscs_fgm_mode+'_y',ytitle='By!C' options,thscs_fgm_mode+'_z',ytitle='Bz!C' options,thscs_fgm_mode+'_m','ytitle','B !C!C' options,thscs_fgm_mode+'_m','color',0 options,thscs_fgm_mode+'_m',labels=['Bt'] options,scm_wave,ytitle='scm !C!C [nT fac]' options,scm_wave +'_powspec',ztitle='Arbitrary units' options,scm_wave +'_degpol',ztitle='Deg. Pol.' options,scm_wave +'_waveangle',ztitle='Wave !C Angle' options,scm_wave +'_elliptict',ztitle='Ellipticity' options,scm_wave +'_helict',ztitle='helicity' options,scm_wave +'_powspec',ytitle='f [Hz]' options,scm_wave +'_degpol',ytitle='f [Hz]' options,scm_wave +'_waveangle',ytitle='f [Hz]' options,scm_wave +'_elliptict',ytitle='f [Hz]' options,scm_wave +'_helict',ytitle='f [Hz]' zmin = 1.e-6 zmax = 1.e-2 if mode eq 'scw' then zmin = 1.e-16 if mode eq 'scw' then zmax = 1.e-8 zlim,scm_wave+'_powspec',zmin,zmax,1 tplot,[$ thscs_fgm_mode+'_x'$ ,thscs_fgm_mode+'_y'$ ,thscs_fgm_mode+'_z'$ ,thscs_fgm_mode+'_m'$ , scm_wave $ ,scm_wave+'_powspec' $ ,scm_wave+'_degpol' $ ,scm_wave+'_waveangle' $ ,scm_wave+'_elliptict' $ ,scm_wave+'_helict' $ ] tlimit, trange end