;+ ;Procedure: thm_crib_sst_ion_decontaminate ; ;Purpose: A crib on showing how to subtract the SST-FT channels from the SST-O data to remove electron contamination from ion moments. ; ; ;Notes: ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-01-09 09:37:04 -0800 (Mon, 09 Jan 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22534 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_sst_ion_decontaminate.pro $ ;- trange = ['2010-06-05','2010-06-06'] ;set the date and duration (in days) timespan,trange ;set the spacecraft probe = 'c' ;loads particle data for data psif thm_part_load,probe=probe,datatype='psif' ;and psef thm_part_load,probe=probe,datatype='psef' sun_bins = dblarr(64)+1 ;allocate variable for bins, with all bins selected ; sun_bins[[0,8,16,24,30,32,33,34,40,48,58,55,56]] = 0 sun_bins[[0,8,16,24,32,33,40,47,48,55,56,57]] = 0 ;In modeling the SST open(ion) side, the magnetic deflector should ;deflect electrons below 350 keV away from the deflector. In theory, ;electrons above 400 keV should be eliminated by anti-coincidence logic. ;In practice, the ion channels still get some contamination. To ;eliminate the contaminated particles. You can try subtracting ;electrons from the FT channel from the upper bins of the O channel. dist_psif = thm_part_dist_array(probe=probe,type='psif',trange=trange,/sst_cal,method_clean='manual',sun_bins=sun_bins) dist_psef = thm_part_dist_array(probe=probe,type='psef',trange=trange,/sst_cal,method_clean='manual',sun_bins=sun_bins) thm_part_conv_units,dist_psif,units='eflux',/fractional_counts thm_part_conv_units,dist_psef,units='eflux',/fractional_counts ;for comparison thm_part_products,probe=probe,datatype='psif',trange=trange,outputs='moments energy',dist_array=dist_psif,suffix='_before' ;this code assumes that psif/psef are matched in angle ;If they aren't, the code may throw and error. Call this to match angle: ;thm_part_sphere_interpolate ;matches angle ;get the number of elements for the loop thm_part_time_iterator,dist_psif,nelements=n for i = 0l,n-1 do begin thm_part_time_iterator,dist_psif,psif_data,index=i thm_part_time_iterator,dist_psef,psef_data,index=i dim = dimen(psif_data.energy) for j = 0l, dim[1]-1l do begin data8 = interpol(psef_data.data[*,j],psef_data.energy[*,j],psif_data.energy[8,j]) ;interpolate electron data to 8th sst ion bin psif_data.data[8,j]=(psif_data.data[8,j]-data8) > 0 ; subtract data(store max(result,0) data9 = interpol(psef_data.data[*,j],psef_data.energy[*,j],psif_data.energy[9,j]) ;interpolate electron data to 9th sst ion bin psif_data.data[9,j]=(psif_data.data[9,j]-data9) > 0 ; subtract data(store max(result,0) endfor thm_part_time_iterator,dist_psif,psif_data,index=i,/set endfor thm_part_products,probe=probe,datatype='psif',trange=trange,outputs='moments energy',dist_array=dist_psif,suffix='_after' stop end