;+ ;Procedure: ; thm_crib_spinfit ; ; ;Purpose: ; Demonstration of finding spin fit parameters for spinning data. ; The FIT module calculates the E-Field and B-Field vectors by taking 32 points at equal angles ; and fitting a sine wave least squares fit to the data. The best fit of the data is defined by the ; formula: A + B*cos() + C*sin(). The module calculates the standard deviation of the fit ; called Sigma, and the number of points remaining in the curve called N. ; ; ;Usage documentation for thm_spinfit ; ; Arguments: ; required parameters: ; var_name_in = tplot variable name containing data to fit ; ; Keywords: ; sigma = If set, will cause program to output tplot variable with sigma for each period. ; npoints = If set, will cause program to output tplot variable with number of points in fit. ; spinaxis = If set, program will output a tplot variable storing the average over the spin axis dimension ; for each time period. ; median = If spinaxis set, program will output a median of each period instead of the average. ; plane_dim = Tells program which dimension to treat as the plane. 0=x, 1=y, 2=z. Default 0. ; axis_dim = Tells program which dimension contains axis to average over. Default 0. Will not ; create a tplot variable unless used with /spinaxis. ; min_points = Minimum number of points to fit. Default = 5. ; alpha = A parameter for finding fits. Points outside of sigma*(alpha + beta*i) ; will be thrown out. Default 1.4. ; beta = A parameter for finding fits. See above. Default = 0.4 ; phase_mask_starts = Time to start masking data. Default = 0 ; phase_mask_ends = Time to stop masking data. Default = -1 ; sun2sensor = Tells how much to rotate data to align with sun sensor. ; ; Notes: ; The module determines which data is more than xN * �N (sN = standard deviation) away from fit, ; and removes those points and repeats the fit. The second time the standard deviation is ; smaller so the tolerance is increased a bit. The tolerance xN varies with try as: ; Alpha*NBeta, where A=1.4 and Beta=0.4 provide good results. The operation continues ; until no points are outside the bounds and the process is considered convergent. ; ; ;Written by Katherine Ramer ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-03-04 14:34:06 -0800 (Wed, 04 Mar 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17089 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_spinfit.pro $ ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; FIT Ground Based SpinFit data example. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Setup ;----------- ; set probe probe = 'a' ; set the timespan trange = '2008-01-01/' + ['10:00','13:00'] timespan, trange ; set a few TPLOT options. tplot_title = 'THEMIS FIT Ground Based Spin Fit Examples' tplot_options, 'title', tplot_title tplot_options, 'xmargin', [ 15, 10] tplot_options, 'ymargin', [ 5, 5] ; set the color table. loadct2, 39 ; load the raw data required to perform spin fit thm_load_fgm, probe=probe, level=1, type='raw' thm_load_efi, probe=probe, level=1, type='raw' thm_load_state, probe=probe, /get_support_data ; Perform spin fit ;---------------- ; perform spin fit on fgh data and have it return A, B, C fit parameters plus the ; standard deviation and number of points remaining in curve. ; fit magnetic field data thm_spinfit, 'th'+probe+'_fgh', /sigma, /npoints ; fit electric field data thm_spinfit, 'th'+probe+'_efp', /sigma, /npoints ; Now load on board spin fit data to compare. ;------------------------ ; tha_fit_efit and tha_fit_bfit contain the A, B, C, sigma, and npoints values in an ; nx5 array for electric and magnetic fields, respectively. thm_load_fit, probe=probe, level=2, datatype=['fit_efit', 'fit_bfit'] ; split into separate variables for comparison ; -note: the vectors in these variables appear to be out of order ;split_vec, 'th'+probe+'_fit_efit', suffix='_'+['a','b','c','sig','npoints'] ;split_vec, 'th'+probe+'_fit_bfit', suffix='_'+['a','b','c','sig','npoints'] ; list variables ;tplot_names, '*_' + ['a','b','c','sig','npoints'] end