;+ ;Name: ; thm_crib_slp_sse ; ;Purpose: ; Crib to demonstrate how to use Solar Lunar Planetary Data, ; And how to perform SSE transformation ; ;Notes: ; ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-05-14 17:01:41 -0700 (Thu, 14 May 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17619 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_slp_sse.pro $ ;- ;============================= ; Notes ;============================= ; ; SSE is defined as: ; X: Moon->Sun Line ; Y: Ecliptic North cross X ; Z: X cross Y ; ; GSE is defined as: ; X: Earth Sun Line(naturally in the ecliptic plane) ; Y: Z x X ; Z: Ecliptic North ;============================= ; Crib ;============================= ;set the time timespan,'2007-03-23' ;download some fgm data to demostrate transform on thm_load_fgm, probe = 'a', coord = 'gse', level = 'l2' ;load slp data ;detailed descriptions of loaded quantities ;can be found in the thm_load_slp.pro header ;Calling this routine is necessary for thm_cotrans to do the transform thm_load_slp thm_cotrans,'tha_fgl_gse','tha_fgl_sse',out_coord='sse' ;The difference here should be very small. ;Rotation is on the order of 1 degree tplot,['tha_fgl_gse','tha_fgl_sse'] thm_load_state,probe='a' thm_cotrans,'tha_state_pos','tha_state_pos_sse',out_coord='sse' ;The difference here should be pretty big ;thm_cotrans performs an affine transformation when going to 'sse' ;if the data's dlimits label it as a position. This means that the ;rotation is performed, and the frame of reference is translated to moon-center tplot,['tha_state_pos','tha_state_pos_sse'] stop ;if you want to coord transform a position without the translational component use ; -position/velocity/acceleration/none labels can be found in ; dlimits.data_att.st_type, allowed values are 'pos','vel','acc','none' thm_cotrans,'tha_state_pos',in_coord='gei','tha_state_pos_sse',out_coord='sse',/ignore_dlimits tplot,['tha_state_pos','tha_state_pos_sse'] stop end