;+ ;Name ; thm_crib_part_slice2d_plot ; ;Purpose: ; A crib showing plotting options for 2D particle slices. ; ;See also: ; thm_crib_part_slice2d ; thm_crib_part_slice2d_adv ; thm_crib_part_slice2d_multi ; thm_crib_part_slice1d ; ;Notes: ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-03-24 16:48:06 -0700 (Thu, 24 Mar 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 20586 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_part_slice2d_plot.pro $ ;- ;=========================================================== ; Plotting Options overview: ; The following is a list of examples of all plotting keywords ; available for thm_part_slice2d_plot. ;=========================================================== ; ;levels = 120 ; change the number color contours, default is 60 ;olines = 8 ; change the number of contour lines ;zrange = [1.E-14,1.E-8] ; limit data range for plotting ;xrange = [1500.,-1500] ; specify x-range to plot ;yrange = [1500.,-1500] ; specify y-range to plot ;zlog = 1 ; use log scaling on z axis (defalt=1) ;title = 'New Title' ;Set custom title for plot ;[xyz]ticks = 8 ; change # of tick marks ;[xyz]minor = 2 ; change # of minor tick marks ;[xyz]style = 0 ; change numerical format ; (0=automatic, 1=decimal, 2=scientific) ;[xyz]precision ; specify number of siginificant digits to display ;[xyz]title = 'New Axis Title' ;Set custom title for specified axis ;[b,v,sun]_color = 0 ; specify the color of the corresponding support vector [0-255] ;charsize = 1.20 ; set text to 120% size (default=1.00) ;clabels = 1 ; annotate contour lines (if displayed) ;sundir = 1 ; plot projection of sun direction (default=0) ;plotaxes = 1 ; plot dashed lines along x=0 and y=0 (default=1) ;ecircle = 1 ; plot energy limits (default=0) ;plotbulk = 1 ; plot projection of bulk velocity (default=1) ;clabels = 1 ; annotate values of contour lines (default=0) ;plotsize = 700 ; change size of plot area in pixels (default=500) ;window = 2 ; change which IDL window the plot is drawn in ;export = '/home/my_dir/filename' ; export plot to specified file, .png used by default ;eps = 1 ; export to postscript (.eps) instead of png ;=========================================================== ; Load Data and create example slice ;=========================================================== ; Set probe and time range probe = 'b' trange = time_double( '2008-02-26/' + ['04:52:30','04:53:00']) thm_load_fit, probe=probe, level=2, trange=trange ; Get array of ESA particle distributions ; - use GET_SUN_DIRECTION keyword to load sun direction vector (used in example below) peib_arr = thm_part_dist_array(probe=probe, type='peib', trange=trange, /get_sun_direction) ; Get a basic x-y plane ESA slice in DSL thm_part_slice2d, peib_arr, slice_time=trange[0], timewin=30, $ mag_data='th'+probe+'_fgs_dsl', $ /three_d_interp, part_slice=part_slice ; Plot the slice thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice stop ;=========================================================== ; Ploting Options Examples ;=========================================================== ; Limit the x and y axes ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, $ xrange = [1500.,-1500], $ yrange = [1500.,-1500] stop ; Change the range of the color contours, increase the number of ; levels for smoother gradients (default is 60 levels), and remove ; the contour lines ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, $ zrange = [1.E-14,1.E-8], $ levels = 120, $ ;use 120 color contours olines = 0 ;draw no contour lines stop ; Add contour lines with annotations to the previous plot ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, $ zrange = [1.E-14,1.E-8], $ levels = 120, $ olines = 8, $ /clabels ;annotate values of contour lines stop ; Remove supplementary annotations ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, $ plotbulk = 0, $ ;turn off bulk velocity projection plotaxes = 0, $ ;turn off x/y=0 ecircle = 0 ;turn off drawing of energy limits stop ; Display B field and sun direction ; -Sun direction is plotted as a black line. ; Plotting the sun vector requires /get_sun_direction ; keyword to be present when data is loaded (see above). ; -B field direction is plotted as a dotted cyan line. ; The projection of the full vector on the slice plane ; is plotted as a solid line. ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, $ ; b_color = 150, $ ;plot B as green ; v_color = 0, $ ;plot velocity as black ; sun_color = 200, $ ;plot sun direction as orange plotaxes = 0, $ ;remove axes to make vectors more visible ; plotbulk = 1, $ ;on by default plotbfield = 1, $ ;plot B field sundir = 1 ;plot sun direction stop ; Increase font size ; -CHARSIZE is treated as a multiplier for font size, 1 being the default ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, charsize = 1.6 stop ; Set custom main title, x-axis title, and y-axis titles ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, $ title = 'This is the title!', $ xtitle='I''m the x-axis!', $ ytitle='I''m the y-axis!' stop ; Set custom number of ticks for each axis ; -set major ticks with [XYZ]TICKS ; -set minor ticks with [XY]MINOR ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, $ xticks=7, $ ; 7 major ticks on x axis yticks=15, $ ; 15 majors ticks on y axis xminor=4, $ ; 4 minor ticks between majors on x axis yminor=2, $ ; 2 minor ticks between majors on y axis zticks=22 ; 22 major ticks on z axis stop ; Increase the size of the plot ; -plot size is taken in pixels, default is 500 ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, plotsize = 750 stop ; Set custom annotation options ; -set [XYZ]STYLE to 0,1,2 for auto/decimal/scientific notation respectively ; - use[XYZ]PRECISION to controls how many significant figures ; to display. For auto-format the precision determins when ; scientific notation will be used instead of decimal ; ; -this example demonstrates decimal format for the x axis ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, $ xticks = 4, $ ;custom ticks for non-round #s xprecision = 8, $ ;8 sig figs xstyle = 1 ;use decimal format stop ; Set custom annotation options (cont.) ; -use scientific notation for the x/y axes ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, $ xprecision = 2, $ ;2 sig figs yprecision = 2, $ ;2 sig figs xstyle=2, $ ;use scientific notation ystyle=2 ;use scientific notation stop ; Set custom annotation options (cont.) ; This example demonstrates adding precision to z axis, ; and supressing minor ticks on the x/y axes ; ----------------- thm_part_slice2d_plot, part_slice, $ xminor = 0, $ ;supress minor ticks yminor = 0, $ ;supress minor ticks zprecision = 6 ;6 sig figs for z annotations stop END