;+ ;Name: ; thm_crib_part_combine_ncount ; ;Purpose: ; Crib demonstrating how to subtract or mask a set number of counts ; from combined ESA-SST particle distributions. ; ; Rather than masking/subtracting the raw data this will create ; a second product in parallel: a mask that can be applied to the ; final product (i.e. the subtraction is applied after averaging ; and/or interpolating the data instead of before) ; ;See also: ; thm_crib_part_combine ; thm_crib_part_products_ncount ; thm_crib_part_slice2d ; thm_crib_part_products ; ;Notes: ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-07-22 16:53:38 -0700 (Fri, 22 Jul 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21514 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_part_combine_ncount.pro $ ;- compile_opt idl2 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Load Combined Data ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;set probe and day probe = 'd' trange = '2011-07-29/' + ['13:00','14:00'] ;specify datatypes esa_datatype = 'peif' sst_datatype = 'psif' ;Generate combined distribution combined = thm_part_combine(probe=probe, trange=trange, $ esa_datatype=esa_datatype, $ sst_datatype=sst_datatype) ;Generate synthetic distribution ; -all data will be set to the specified number of counts before ; it is interpolated ; -this example uses 2 counts base = thm_part_combine(probe=probe, trange=trange, $ esa_datatype=esa_datatype, $ sst_datatype=sst_datatype, $ set_counts=2) stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Create identical plots from real and synthetic data ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;produce 2d slices of 3D distribution along the GSM x-y axis ; -limit energy range to exclude top SST energies thm_part_slice2d, combined, slice_time=trange[0], timewin=30, $ erange=[0,4e5], coord='gsm', part_slice=slice thm_part_slice2d, base, slice_time=trange[0], timewin=30, $ erange=[0,4e5], coord='gsm', part_slice=slice_base ;plot on constant z axis zrange = [1e-17,1e-6] thm_part_slice2d_plot, slice, window=0, zrange=zrange thm_part_slice2d_plot, slice_base, window=1, zrange=zrange stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Plot masked and subtracted data ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;copy data to preserve original masked = slice subtracted = slice ;subtract synthetic data ; -keep output > 0 subtracted.data = (slice.data - slice_base.data) > 0. ;mask with synthetic data ; -no change will be made if all real datapoints are larger idx = where(slice.data lt slice_base.data, n) if n gt 0 then masked.data[idx] = 0. ;plot thm_part_slice2d_plot, slice, window=0, zrange=zrange, title='Original' thm_part_slice2d_plot, subtracted, window=1, zrange=zrange, title='Subtracted' thm_part_slice2d_plot, masked, window=2, zrange=zrange, title='Masked' end