;+ ;Name: ; thm_crib_part_combine ; ;Purpose: ; Crib demonstrating basic usage of combined ESA/SST particle code. ; ;See also: ; thm_crib_part_products ; thm_crib_part_slice2d ; thm_crib_part_combine_ncount ; thm_crib_sst_load_calibrate ; thm_crib_sst.pro ; thm_crib_esa.pro ; ;Notes: ; If you see any useful examples missing from these cribs, please let us know. ; A lot of instrument specific options (e.g. decontamination) are found in the other cribs. ; ;Notes on method: ; Internally, combined distributions are created in three steps: ; a) Linear time interpolation ; -time samples are matched by linearly interpolating the ; data set with lower time resolution to match the other ; b) Linear spherical interpolation ; -both data sets are interpolated onto the same angular grid ; c) Energy gap interpolation ; -once all times/angles match the gap between the ; ESA and SST energy ranges is filled in with a logarithmic ; linear interpolation (log(flux) vs log(energy)) ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimmpc1 $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-10-05 10:40:29 -0700 (Thu, 05 Oct 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24118 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_part_combine.pro $ ;- compile_opt idl2 print, ' ', ' Load times may be as long as 60+ seconds when producing combined data sets. ', ' ' stop ;expand left margin to better accomodate labels tplot_options, 'xmargin', [15,9] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Load Combined Data ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;set probe and day ;time intervals longer than 1-2 hours may be memory and times intensive probe = 'd' trange = '2011-07-29/' + ['13:00','14:00'] ;specify which datatype to use from each instrument ;only full and burst data are valid for sst_datatype esa_datatype = 'peir' sst_datatype = 'psif' ;This will automatically load the required particle data and interpolate ;between the two instruments to produce the combined product. ;The original ESA and SST data will be passed out via the last two keywords. combined = thm_part_combine(probe=probe, trange=trange, $ esa_datatype=esa_datatype, sst_datatype=sst_datatype, $ orig_esa=esa, orig_sst=sst) ;Default midpoint energies for interpolation above ESA energies are(in eV): ;Ions: [25000,26000.,28000.,30000.0,34000.0,41000.0,53000.0,67400.0,95400.0,142600.,207400.,297000.,421800.,654600.,1.13460e+06,2.32980e+06,4.00500e+06] ;Electrons: [27000,28000.,29000.,30000.0, 31000.0,41000.0,52000.0,65500.0,93000.0,139000.,203500.,293000.,408000.,561500.,719500.] print, ' ','The "combined" variable now contains pointers to the combined particle distribution.' print, 'This can be passed to other routines to produce combined data products.', ' ' stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Produce energy spectrogram ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Pass the combined data into processing routines the same way you ;would use output from thm_part_dist_array. thm_part_products, dist_array=combined, outputs='energy' window, ysize=800 ;naming is slightly different than normal particles variables. ; p=particles ; t=total ; i=ions ; r=reduced distribution esa ; f=full distribution sst tplot, 'thd_ptirf_eflux_energy' print, ' ','Pass the combined data to thm_part_products to produce spectrograms.' print, 'This is an example of a combined energy spectrogram.' print, 'Continue to the next example to see a before & after comparison.',' ' stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Compare with original data ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Generate spectrograms from original ESA/SST data thm_part_products, dist_array=esa, outputs='energy' thm_part_products, dist_array=sst, outputs='energy' window, 0, ysize=800 window, 1, ysize=800 ;set all plots to the same scale store_data,'thd_ptirf_eflux_energy_pseudo',data='thd_peir_eflux_energy thd_psif_eflux_energy' zlim, ['thd_ptirf_eflux_energy','thd_ptirf_eflux_energy_pseudo','thd_psif_eflux_energy','thd_peir_eflux_energy'],1e3,1e7,1 ylim, 'thd_ptirf_eflux_energy_pseudo thd_ptirf_eflux_energy',5.,1.e6,1 tplot, ['thd_ptirf_eflux_energy_pseudo'], window=1 tplot, 'thd_ptirf_eflux_energy', window=0 print, ' ','This compares the combined energy spectrogram to plots made from the original data.', ' ' stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Produce moments ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;moments will be produced for this run ;see thm_crib_part_products for more usage options thm_part_products, dist_array=combined, outputs='moments' ;moments to plot mom_names = 'thd_ptirf_'+['density','velocity','eflux'] tplot, mom_names print, ' ','Pass the combined data to thm_part_products (or thm_part_moments) to produce combined moments.' print, 'Continue to the next example to see a comparison with on board moments.',' ' stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Compare with on board moments ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;get combined on board moments thm_load_mom, probe=probe, trange=trange, datatype='ptim' ;density mom_names = 'thd_'+['ptim','ptirf']+'_density' options, mom_names, yrange=[1e-2,1e2], ylog=1 tplot, mom_names print, ' ','Density comparison (on board vs. ground).', ' ' stop ;velocity mom_names = 'thd_'+['ptim','ptirf']+'_velocity' options, mom_names, yrange=[-200,200] tplot, mom_names print, ' ','Velocity comparison (on board vs. ground).', ' ' stop ;eflux mom_names = 'thd_'+['ptim','ptirf']+'_eflux' options, mom_names, yrange=[-1e11,1e11] tplot, mom_names print, ' ','Flux comparison (on board vs. ground).', ' ' stop ;pressure tensor mom_names = 'thd_'+['ptim','ptirf']+'_ptens' options, mom_names, yrange=[-1e3,8e3] tplot, mom_names print, ' ','Pressure tensor comparison (on board vs. ground).', ' ' stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Produce velocity slice ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;load support data for field aligned slice ; -bulk velocity vector must be specified for combined distributions ; when using BV, BE, xvel, and perp rotations (no automatic calculation) thm_load_mom, probe=probe, trange=trange, datatype='ptim' thm_load_fgm, probe=probe, trange=trange, datatype='fgl', level=2, coord='dsl' ;get velocity slice thm_part_slice2d, combined, slice_time=trange[0], timewin=30, part_slice=comb_slice, $ rotation='BV', mag_data='thd_fgl_dsl', vel_data='thd_ptirf_velocity', /three_d_interp ;thm_part_slice2d, combined, slice_time=trange[0], timewin=30, part_slice=comb_slice, $ ; rotation='BV', mag_data='thd_fgl_dsl', vel_data='thd_ptim_velocity', /three_d_interp thm_part_slice2d_plot, comb_slice print, ' ','Pass the combined data to thm_part_slice2d to produce combined velocity slices.' print, 'Continue to the next example to see a comparison with esa-only and sst-only slices.',' ' stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Compare with plot produced from separate distributions ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-use default method to show bin boundaries ;-use gsm coordinates for sst ;-limit energy range to exclude top SST energies ; (tenuous data at high energies/makes it easier to see instrument energy gap) thm_part_slice2d, combined, slice_time=trange[0], timewin=30, part_slice=comb_slice, $ erange=[0,8e5], coord='gsm' thm_part_slice2d, esa, sst, slice_time=trange[0], timewin=30, part_slice=sep_slice, $ erange=[0,8e5], coord='gsm' zrange = sep_slice.zrange ;range of pre-interpolated data thm_part_slice2d_plot, comb_slice, zrange=zrange, window=0 thm_part_slice2d_plot, sep_slice, zrange=zrange, window=1 print, ' ','This comparison shows a slice of the combined data compared to an ' print, 'un-interpolated esa + sst slice.',' ' stop ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Generate data with SST & interpolated bins only. ;(This Backwards compatibility mode, generates the output from thm_sst_load_calibrate.) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- combined = thm_part_combine(probe=probe, trange=trange, $ esa_datatype=esa_datatype, sst_datatype=sst_datatype, $ orig_esa=esa, orig_sst=sst,/only_sst) ;Pass the combined data into processing routines the same way you ;would use output from thm_part_dist_array. thm_part_products, dist_array=combined, outputs='energy' window, 0, ysize=800 tplot,'thd_psif_eflux_energy' print,'SST data & interpolated bins used to generate particle products.' stop ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Generate data with SST energy bins below the limit removed before filling the ESA/SST gap ;For later mission dates those bins may be unreliable due to instrument degration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- combined = thm_part_combine(probe=probe, trange=trange, $ esa_datatype=esa_datatype, sst_datatype=sst_datatype, $ orig_esa=esa, orig_sst=sst,sst_min_energy=60000.,esa_max_energy=10000.) ;Pass the combined data into processing routines the same way you ;would use output from thm_part_dist_array. thm_part_products, dist_array=combined, outputs='energy' tplot,'thd_psif_eflux_energy' print,'SST data & interpolated bins used to generate particle products.' stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Use manually loaded data ;This can be useful if the data needs to be processed before interpolation. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;set probe and time range probe = 'd' trange = '2011-07-29/' + ['13:00','14:00'] ;load data manually ;IMPORTANT: always use the same time range and probe! esa_dist = thm_part_dist_array(probe=probe, trange=trange, datatype = 'peif') sst_dist = thm_part_dist_array(probe=probe, trange=trange, datatype = 'psif') ;Pass the pre-loaded data through the ESA_DIST and SST_DIST keywords combined = thm_part_combine(probe=probe, trange=trange, $ esa_dist=esa_dist, sst_dist=sst_dist) thm_part_products, dist_array=combined, outputs='energy' options, 'thd_pt??f_eflux_energy', zrange=[1e3,1e7] tplot,'thd_pt??f_eflux_energy' print, ' ','Load original data manually', ' ' stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Mask SST data at particular times ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Generate the mask variable calc,'"thd_psif_count_rate_mask"="thd_psif_count_rate" lt 800' ;include data only when rate is less than 800 ;Generate combined data combined = thm_part_combine(probe=probe, trange=trange, esa_datatype=esa_datatype,$ sst_datatype=sst_datatype, orig_esa=esa, orig_sst=sst,$ sst_data_mask="thd_psif_count_rate_mask") ;set /esa_extrapolate if you want to extrapolate esa data instead of removing sst data ;Generate products thm_part_products, dist_array=combined, outputs='energy' tplot,'thd_ptirf_eflux_energy' print,'Mask SST data for particular time intervals' stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Propogate Error calculation through to thm_part_products, using ;GET_ERROR. The example is for manual data load, but the /get_error ;option will work in any case. The /get_error option must be used in ;thm_part_combine if it is used subsequently. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;set probe and time range probe = 'd' trange = '2011-07-29/' + ['13:00','14:00'] ;load data manually ;IMPORTANT: always use the same time range and probe! esa_dist = thm_part_dist_array(probe=probe, trange=trange, datatype = 'peif') sst_dist = thm_part_dist_array(probe=probe, trange=trange, datatype = 'psif') ;Pass the pre-loaded data through the ESA_DIST and SST_DIST keywords, ;set /get_error combined = thm_part_combine(probe=probe, trange=trange, $ esa_dist=esa_dist, sst_dist=sst_dist, /get_error) thm_part_products, dist_array=combined, outputs=['energy','moments'], /get_error tplot,'thd_pt??f_*sigma' print, ' ','Load original data manually, set /get_error and plot', ' ' stop ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;End ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print, 'End of crib.' end