;+ ; Name: thm_crib_neutral_sheet ; ; Purpose:crib to demonstrate use of the neutral sheet routines ; and means for generating plots. ; ; Notes: 1. run it by compiling in idl and then typing ".go" ; or copy and paste. ; ; SEE ALSO: idl/external/IDL_GEOPACK/trace/ttrace_crib.pro ; idl/ssl_general/cotrans/aacgm/aacgm_example.pro ; idl/themis/examples/thm_crib_tplotxy.pro ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-02-06 12:22:09 -0800 (Thu, 06 Feb 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 14178 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_neutral_sheet.pro $ ;- PRO thm_crib_neutral_sheet compile_opt idl2 ; set the timeframe date = '2008-12-27/00:00:00' hrs = 3 date = time_double(date)-3600*hrs/2 timespan,date,hrs,/hour ; generate points for the neutral sheet models time = make_array(121, /double) ; space out time points, one every minute for i=0, 120l do $ time[i] = time[i] + i*60 + time_double(date) gse_pos = make_array(121,3,/double) gse_pos[*,0] = (-1.*(dindgen(121)/4.))+8 ;******************************************************************* ; This section shows the conversion from GSE to aGSM coordinates ; The aberrated GSM (aGSM) coordinate system is defined with the ; 1) X-component along the aberrated solar wind flow direction ; 2) XZ plane containing the dipole axis ; 3) Y completing the right handed coordinate system ;******************************************************************* ; The trick is to start with GSE, do the ; aberration and then rotate back into GSM ; load solar wind velocity data using OMNI (GSE coordinates, km/s) omni_hro_load, varformat=['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz'] ; remove NaNs from the solar wind velocity tdeflag, ['OMNI_HRO_1min_Vx', 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vy', 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vz'], 'remove_nan' get_data, 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vx_deflag', data=Vx_data get_data, 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vy_deflag', data=Vy_data get_data, 'OMNI_HRO_1min_Vz_deflag', data=Vz_data ; do the transformation to aberrated GSM (aGSM) using solar wind velocity loaded from OMNI ; output variable: agsm_pos_from_vel gse2agsm, {x: time, y: gse_pos}, agsm_pos_from_vel, sw_velocity = [[Vx_data.Y], [Vy_data.Y], [Vz_data.Y]] ; use aberrated GSM coordinates calculated from velocity data gsm_pos = agsm_pos_from_vel.Y stop ;************************************************************** ; This section calculates the distance to the neutral sheet ;************************************************************** ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the SM model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='sm', distance2NS=dz2NS_sm ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the THEMIS model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='themis', distance2NS=dz2NS_thm ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the AEN model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='aen', distance2NS=dz2NS_aen ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the den model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='den', distance2NS=dz2NS_den ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the fairfield model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='fairfield', distance2NS=dz2NS_fm ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the den-fairfield model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='den_fairfield', distance2NS=dz2NS_den_fm ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the lopez model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='lopez', distance2NS=dz2NS_lm ;*********************************************************** ;This section traces the field lines (Tsyganenko model) ;*********************************************************** ; create points for the field line traces times = replicate(time_double(date),14) x = [-22,-22,-22,-22,-17,-12,-8,-5,-3,2,4,7,8,8] y = replicate(0,14) z = [10,7,4,0,replicate(0,9),4] trace_pts_north = [[x],[y],[z]] trace_pts_south = [[x],[y],[-1*z]] ; store the trace data in tplot variables store_data,'trace_pts_north',data={x:times,y:trace_pts_north} store_data,'trace_pts_south',data={x:times,y:trace_pts_south} ;use kp 2.0 for t89 model ;actual kp values can be found at: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/GEOMAG/kp_ap.html ttrace2iono,'trace_pts_north',trace_var_name = 'trace_n', $ external_model='t89',par=2.0D,in_coord='gsm',out_coord='gsm' ttrace2iono,'trace_pts_south',trace_var_name = 'trace_s',$ external_model='t89',par=2.0D,in_coord='gsm',out_coord='gsm', /south ;******************************************************************** ;This section generates a plot of XZ field lines with neutral ;sheet models over plotted ;******************************************************************** thm_init window,xsize=950,ysize=700 ;you may want to control the thickness of the generated plots ;to make the lines in the output more visible when exported ;you can do so with these variables axisthick = 1.0 charthick = 1.0 linethick = 2.0 charsize = 1.5 symsize = 1.0 landscape=1 ; set landscape = 1 if you want to make any postscripts generated in landscape encapsulated=1 ; set encapsulated = 1 if you want any postscripts generated to be eps xmargin = [.1,.1] ymargin = [.3,.1] xrange = [-21,10] ;x range of the xz plot zrange = [-11,11] ;z range of the xz plot ;generate the plot of field lines tplotxy,'trace_n',versus='xrz',xrange=xrange,yrange=zrange,charsize=charsize,title="XZ field line/neutral sheet plot (gsm)",subtitle='[Y at 0.0 re]',xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,background=255,charthick=charthick,ymargin=ymargin,xmargin=xmargin tplotxy,'trace_s',versus='xrz',xrange=xrange,yrange=zrange,/over,xthick=axisthick,ythick=axisthick,thick=linethick,charthick=charthick ;overplot the neutral sheet models oplot, gsm_pos[*,0], dz2NS_aen, color = 220, thick = 1.8 oplot, gsm_pos[*,0], dz2NS_sm, color = 60, thick = 2.5 oplot, gsm_pos[*,0], dz2NS_den, color = 90, thick = 1.8 oplot, gsm_pos[*,0], dz2NS_fm, color = 30, thick = 2.5 oplot, gsm_pos[*,0], dz2NS_thm, color = 150, thick = 1.8, linestyle=2 oplot, gsm_pos[*,0], dz2NS_lm, color = 200, thick = 1.8 oplot, gsm_pos[*,0], dz2NS_den_fm, color = 250, thick = 1.8, linestyle=2 ;display legend xyouts, .1, .22, 'AEN = Orange', color = 220, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .19, 'SM = Blue', color = 60, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .16, 'DEN = Light Blue', color = 90, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .13, 'FM = Purple', color = 30, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .10, 'THM = Dashed Green', color = 150, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .07, 'LM = Yellow', color = 200, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .04, 'DEN_FM = Dashed Red', color = 250, /normal, charsize=1.25 print, '.c to continue' print, 'This is a plot of field lines with the neutral sheet models overplotted.' stop ;***************************************************** ; This section calculates the neutral sheet location ; at X = -21 Re in the tail and shows the neutral sheet ; profile in the YZ plane ;***************************************************** time = replicate(time_double(date),24) x = make_array(24, /double) y = findgen(24)-12 z = make_array(24, /double) gsm_pos = make_array(24,3,/double) gsm_pos[*,0] = x-21 gsm_pos[*,1] = y gsm_pos[*,2] = z ; note: we're not using the SM model here because it is not valid at X=-21 Re ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the THEMIS model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='themis', distance2NS=dz2NS_thm ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the AEN model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='aen', distance2NS=dz2NS_aen ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the den model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='den', distance2NS=dz2NS_den ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the fairfield model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='fairfield', distance2NS=dz2NS_fm ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the den-fairfield model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='den_fairfield', distance2NS=dz2NS_den_fm ; get distance from XY plane to the NS using the lopez model neutral_sheet, time, gsm_pos, model='lopez', distance2NS=dz2NS_lm window, xsize=750, ysize=750 xmargin = [17,17] ymargin = [25,5] ;overplot the neutral sheet models plot, gsm_pos[*,1], dz2NS_aen, color = 0, thick = 1.8, xtitle='Y', ytitle='Z', $ xmargin=xmargin, ymargin=ymargin, yrange=[-11,11], $ title='YZ Neutral sheet plot (gsm)', charsize=1.5, $ subtitle = '[X at -21.0 re]' oplot, gsm_pos[*,1], dz2NS_aen, color = 220, thick = 1.8 oplot, gsm_pos[*,1], dz2NS_sm, color = 60, thick = 2. oplot, gsm_pos[*,1], dz2NS_den, color = 90, thick = 1.8 oplot, gsm_pos[*,1], dz2NS_fm, color = 30, thick = 2.5 oplot, gsm_pos[*,1], dz2NS_thm, color = 150, thick = 1.8, linestyle=2 oplot, gsm_pos[*,1], dz2NS_lm, color = 200, thick = 1.8 oplot, gsm_pos[*,1], dz2NS_den_fm, color = 250, thick = 1.8, linestyle=2 ;display legend xyouts, .1, .22, 'AEN = Orange', color = 220, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .19, 'SM = Blue', color = 60, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .16, 'DEN = Light Blue', color = 90, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .13, 'FM = Purple', color = 30, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .10, 'THM = Dashed Green', color = 150, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .07, 'LM = Yellow', color = 200, /normal, charsize=1.25 xyouts, .1, .04, 'DEN_FM = Dashed Red', color = 250, /normal, charsize=1.25 ;times = replicate(time_double(date),31) bx = make_array(24, /double) by = make_array(24, /double) bz = make_array(24, /double) times=time gsm_pos[*,0] = x-21 gsm_pos[*,1] = y FOR i=0,n_elements(time)-1 DO BEGIN ;recalculate geomagnetic dipole tilt time=time_struct(times[i]) geopack_recalc, time.year, time.doy, time.hour, time.min, time.sec, tilt=tilt ;calculate internal contribution geopack_igrf_gsm, gsm_pos[i,0], gsm_pos[i,1], gsm_pos[i,2], igrf_bx, igrf_by, igrf_bz ;calculate external contribution, iopt = kp+1 geopack_t89, 2, gsm_pos[i,0], gsm_pos[i,1], gsm_pos[i,2], t89_bx,t89_by, t89_bz, tilt = tilt ;sum total contribution bx[i] = igrf_bx + t89_bx by[i] = igrf_by + t89_by bz[i] = igrf_bz + t89_bz ENDFOR print, 'Done' print, '.c to continue' stop END