;+ ;Procedure: ; thm_crib_gmag_locations ; ;Purpose: ; Example 1: ; ------------- ; Produce a plot showing the location of all gmag stations ; similar to the ones shown on the THEMIS website. ; ; Example 2: ; ------------- ; Find available data within a specified latitude/longitude. ; ; ;See also: ; thm_crib_gmag ; thm_crib_greenland_gmag ; thm_crib_maccs_gmag ; thm_crib_gmag_wavelet ; ;More info: ; http://themis.ssl.berkeley.edu/instrument_gmags.shtml ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-02-27 16:08:10 -0800 (Fri, 27 Feb 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 17056 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_gmag_locations.pro $ ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Example 1: Produce a plot showing the location of all gmag stations ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ thm_gmag_stations, label, location loadct,0 ; change this to plot in colour set_plot,'z' device,set_resolution=[750,500] chars=1.0 ; edit lat/long and scale to display map as you'd like it ; below multiple maps are overlayed to draw country and us borders map_set,58.5,-108,0.,/stereo,/conti,scale=2.8e7,$ color=250,title='GMAG Stations' borders=tvrd() erase map_set,58.5,-108,0.,/stereo,/conti,scale=2.8e7,$ /usa,e_continents={COUNTRIES:1},color=100 usaborders=tvrd() erase map_set,58.5,-108,0.,/stereo,/conti,scale=2.8e7,$ color=255,e_continents={FILL:1} color_map=tvrd() erase color_map[where(usaborders eq 100)]=150 color_map[where(color_map eq 0)]=200 color_map[where(borders eq 250)]=1 tv,color_map ; plot the actual station locations. Edit settings to get the display the way you want it. for i=0.1, 0.7, 0.1 do begin plots,location[1,*],location[0,*],color=0,psym=4,symsize=i endfor for i=0, n_elements(label)-1 do begin xyouts,location[1,i],location[0,i]+0.5,label[i],charsize=chars,charthick=2,color=0,alignment=0.5 endfor for i=5, 85, 5 do begin plots,findgen(361),fltarr(361)+i,line=1,color=1 endfor for i=0, 360, 30 do begin plots,fltarr(91)+i,findgen(91),line=1,color=1 endfor image=tvrd() device,/close case !version.os_family of 'Windows': os='win' 'unix': os='x' endcase set_plot,os window,5,xsize=750,ysize=500 tv,image print, ' Plot the locations of all gmag stations available through TDAS' ;end of example 1 stop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Example 2: Find available data within a specified latitude/longitude. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; set the time range trange = ['2012-05-10/11:00:00', '2012-05-10/15:00:00'] ; load data for all stations thm_load_gmag, trange = trange ; get a list of the ground mag tplot variables tnames_list = tnames('thg_mag*') ; set the latitude range latitude_range = [60, 65] ; set the longitude range longitude_range = [0, 180] ; loop through the tplot variables for tnum = 0, n_elements(tnames_list)-1 do begin get_data, tnames_list[tnum], dlimits=dl ; check that the 'cdf' tag exists if tag_exist(dl, 'cdf') then begin str_element, dl.cdf.vatt, 'station_latitude', latitude, SUCCESS=slat str_element, dl.cdf.vatt, 'station_longitude', longitude, SUCCESS=slong if (slat ne 0 and slong ne 0) then begin ; check the latitude range if (latitude ge latitude_range[0] and latitude le latitude_range[1]) then begin ; check the longitude range if (longitude ge longitude_range[0] and longitude le longitude_range[1]) then begin print, '' ;add line print, tnames_list[tnum], ' is at: ', string(latitude), ' deg latitude, ', string(longitude), ' deg longitude' endif endif endif endif endfor ;end of example 2 stop end