;+ ;Name: ; thm_crib_efi_cal ; ;Purpose: ; Allows comparison of calibrated, semi-calibrated and raw EFI data ; ;Calling Sequence: ; thm_crib_efi_cal [,probe=probe] [,datatype=datatype] ; [,date=date,] [,trange = trange] ; [/split_components] ; ;Input: ; probe: probe designation, e.g. 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ; datatype: efi datatype: 'eff', 'efp', 'efw' ; trange: two element time range ; date: date from which to load 1 day of data (alternative to trange) ; split_components: flag to split ouputs into separate tplot variables ; ;Output: ; No explicit output. ; Tplot variables are created for the given probe, date and datatype: ; th?_ef?_raw: Raw data ; th?_ef?_no_edc_offset: Data in physical units with no EDC offsets ; subtracted from the spin-plane components E12 and E34. ; th?_ef?_calfile_edc_offset: Data in physical units with EDC offsets ; obtained from the calibration file subtracted ; from the spin-plane components E12 and E34. ; th?_ef?_full: Data in physical units with spin-averaged EDC offsets ; from the spin-plane components E12 and E34. ; ;Notes: ; -Default inputs if not explicitly set: ; probe = 'a' ; date = '2010-01-01' ; datatype = 'eff' ; ;HISTORY: ; 20-sep-2010, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-05-13 18:00:26 -0700 (Wed, 13 May 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17598 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_efi_cal.pro $ ;- Pro thm_crib_efi_cal, date = date, probe = probe, datatype = datatype, $ split_components = split_components, trange = trange, $ _extra = _extra ;Check inputs ;--------------------------------------- ;time If(keyword_set(trange)) Then Begin tr = time_double(trange) Endif Else Begin If(keyword_set(date)) Then Begin tr = time_double(date)+[0.0d0, 86400.0d0] Endif Else tr = time_double('2010-01-01')+[0.0d0, 86400.0d0] Endelse ;probe If(keyword_set(probe)) Then sc = strlowcase(strcompress(/remove_all, probe[0])) $ Else sc = 'a' ok = where(sc Eq ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], nok) If(nok Eq 0) Then Begin message, /info, 'Bad probe: mut be one of a, b, c, d, e' Return Endif ;datatype If(keyword_set(datatype)) Then dt = strlowcase(strcompress(/remove_all, datatype[0])) $ Else dt = 'eff' ok = where(dt Eq ['eff', 'efp', 'efw'], nok) If(nok Eq 0) Then Begin message, /info, 'Bad Datatype: must be one of efs, eff, efw' Return Endif ;Load data ;--------------------------------------- ;Load data, use suffixes to denote the different stages of data: thm_load_efi, probe = sc[0], datatype = dt[0], trange = tr, type = 'raw', suffix = '_raw' thm_load_efi, probe = sc[0], datatype = dt[0], trange = tr, /no_edc_offset, suffix = '_no_edc_offset' thm_load_efi, probe = sc[0], datatype = dt[0], trange = tr, /calfile_edc_offset, suffix = '_calfile_edc_offset' ;For comparison sake, set the output coordinate system to 'spg' thm_load_efi, probe = sc[0], datatype = dt[0], trange = tr, coord = 'spg', suffix = '_full' ;print out an explanation thxv = 'th'+sc[0]+'_'+dt[0] print, ssl_newline() print, 'Outputs: ' print, 'Variable: '+thxv+'_raw contains raw data' print, 'Variable: '+thxv+'_no_edc_offset contains data in physical units with no EDC offsets subtracted from the spin-plane components E12 and E34.' print, 'Variable: '+thxv+'_calfile_edc_offset contains data in physical units with EDC offsets obtained from the calibration file subtracted from the spin-plane components E12 and E34.' print, 'Variable: '+thxv+'_full contains data in physical units with spin-averaged EDC offsets from the spin-plane components E12 and E34.' print, ssl_newline() If(keyword_set(split_components)) Then Begin split_vec, thxv+'_raw' split_vec, thxv+'_no_edc_offset' split_vec, thxv+'_calfile_edc_offset' split_vec, thxv+'_full' Endif Return End