;+ ;Purpose: ;Generates sst overview plots for a given date ;this includes one day long plot and 4 1/4 day plots ;It stores these plots in the current directory ; ;Arguments: ; date: the date for which the plots will be generated ; ; directory(optional): an optional output directory ; ; device(optional):switch to 'z' device for cron plotting ; ;Example: ; thm_sst_overviews,'2007-03-23',dir='~/out',device='z' ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-01-24 16:34:47 -0800 (Fri, 24 Jan 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 14018 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/common/thm_sst_overviews.pro $ ;- pro thm_sst_overviews, date, directory = directory, $ device = device, nopng = nopng, $ mode = mode ;only plot the given mode, 'reduced','full' ;only valid for the /nopng case probe_list = ['a','b','c','d','e'] ;clean slate del_data,'*' common data_cache_com, dcache ;really do this dcache = '' thm_init if not keyword_set(date) then begin dprint,'Date must be set to generate sst overview plots' return endif date2 = time_string(date) if keyword_set(directory) then dir=directory else dir='./' if keyword_set(device) then set_plot,device ;tplot_options,'lazy_ytitle',0 ; prevent auto formatting on ytitle (namely having carrage returns at underscores) timespan,date2,1,/day year=string(strmid(date2,0,4)) month=string(strmid(date2,5,2)) day=string(strmid(date2,8,2)) var_string_f1 = '' var_string_f2 = '' var_string_r1 = '' var_string_r2 = '' ;Load data first for all probes since thm_load_sst resets limits for ;all variables, as far as I can see, jmm, 26-nov-2007 for i = 0L,n_elements(probe_list)-1L do begin sc = probe_list[i] thx = 'th'+sc sample_rate_var = thm_sample_rate_bar(date, 1, sc, /outline) ;Load L2 data, and only use L1 data if L2 is not present thm_load_sst, probe = sc, level = 'l2' ;Full mode first -- If Level 2 data didn't show up, use L1 index_sst_e = where(thx+'_psef_en_eflux' eq tnames()) index_sst_i = where(thx+'_psif_en_eflux' eq tnames()) If(index_sst_e[0] eq -1 Or index_sst_i[0] Eq -1) Then Begin thm_load_sst2, probe = sc, level = 'l1' instr_do = ['psif', 'psef'] ss_do = bytarr(n_elements(instr_do)) For j = 0, n_elements(instr_do)-1 Do Begin index_sst = where(strjoin('th'+sc+'_'+instr_do[j]+'_data') eq tnames(), nokj) If(nokj Gt 0) Then ss_do[j] = 1b Endfor ok_instr = where(ss_do Eq 1, nok_instr) If(nok_instr Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'NO SST FULL Data for Probe: '+sc Endif Else Begin instr_do = instr_do[ok_instr] thm_part_moments, probe = sc, instrument = instr_do, $ moments = ['density', 'velocity', 't3'],method_clean='automatic' Endelse Endif ;You need L1 data for reduced mode thm_load_sst, probe = sc, level = 'l1' instr_do = ['psir', 'pser'] ss_do = bytarr(n_elements(instr_do)) For j = 0, n_elements(instr_do)-1 Do Begin index_sst = where(strjoin('th'+sc+'_'+instr_do[j]+'_tot') eq tnames(), nokj) If(nokj Gt 0) Then ss_do[j] = 1b Endfor ok_instr = where(ss_do Eq 1, nok_instr) If(nok_instr Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, 'NO SST REDUCED Data for Probe: '+sc Endif Else Begin instr_do = instr_do[ok_instr] thm_part_moments_old, probe = sc, instrument = instr_do, $ moments = ['density', 'velocity', 't3'],method_clean='automatic' Endelse endfor ;now with all data loaded, test for missing data, and reset limits, ;labels, etc... for i = 0L,n_elements(probe_list)-1L do begin sc = probe_list[i] ;kluge to prevent missing data from crashing things index_sst=where(strjoin('th'+sc+'_psef_en_eflux') eq tnames()) if index_sst eq -1 then begin filler=fltarr(2,16) filler(*,*)=float('NaN') store_data,strjoin('th'+sc+'_psef_en_eflux'),data={x:time_double(date)+findgen(2),y:filler,v:findgen(16)} name=strjoin('th'+sc+'_psef_en_eflux') options,name,'spec',1 ylim,name,1,1000,1 zlim,name,1,1000,1 options,name,'ytitle','th'+sc+'!Celec' options,name,'ztitle','Eflux' endif else begin name='th'+sc+'_psef_en_eflux' tdegap, name, /overwrite, dt = 600.0 ;jmm, 9-dec-2009 options,name,'spec',1 options,name,'ytitle','th'+sc+'!Celec' options,name,'ztitle','Eflux' options,name,'y_no_interp',1 options,name,'x_no_interp',1 thm_spec_lim4overplot, name, zlog = 1, ylog = 1, /overwrite endelse ;kluge to prevent missing data from crashing things index_sst=where(strjoin('th'+sc+'_psif_en_eflux') eq tnames()) if index_sst eq -1 then begin filler=fltarr(2,16) filler(*,*)=float('NaN') store_data,strjoin('th'+sc+'_psif_en_eflux'),data={x:time_double(date)+findgen(2)*86400.,y:filler,v:findgen(16)} name=strjoin('th'+sc+'_psif_en_eflux') options,name,'spec',1 ylim,name,1,1000,1 zlim,name,1,1000,1 options,name,'ytitle','th'+sc+'!Cions' options,name,'ztitle','Eflux' endif else begin ;SST ion panel name='th'+sc+'_psif_en_eflux' tdegap, name, /overwrite, dt = 600.0 ;jmm, 9-dec-2009 options,name,'spec',1 options,name,'ytitle','th'+sc+'!Cions' options,name,'ztitle','Eflux' options,name,'y_no_interp',1 options,name,'x_no_interp',1 thm_spec_lim4overplot, name, zlog = 1, ylog = 1, /overwrite endelse ;kluge to prevent missing data from crashing things index_sst=where(strjoin('th'+sc+'_psir_en_eflux') eq tnames()) if index_sst eq -1 then begin filler=fltarr(2,16) filler(*,*)=float('NaN') store_data,strjoin('th'+sc+'_psir_en_eflux'),data={x:time_double(date)+findgen(2),y:filler,v:findgen(16)} name=strjoin('th'+sc+'_psir_en_eflux') options,name,'spec',1 ylim,name,1,1000,1 zlim,name,1,1000,1 options,name,'ytitle','th'+sc+'!Cions' options,name,'ztitle','Eflux' endif else begin name='th'+sc+'_psir_en_eflux' tdegap, name, /overwrite, dt = 600.0 ;jmm, 9-dec-2009 options,name,'spec',1 options,name,'ytitle','th'+sc+'!Cions' options,name,'ztitle','Eflux' options,name,'y_no_interp',1 options,name,'x_no_interp',1 thm_spec_lim4overplot, name, zlog = 1, ylog = 1, /overwrite ;reset sst ylimit maxima to 3.0e6 get_data, name, data = d If(is_struct(d)) Then ylim, name, min(d.v), 3.0e6, 1 endelse ;kluge to prevent missing data from crashing things index_sst=where(strjoin('th'+sc+'_pser_en_eflux') eq tnames()) if index_sst eq -1 then begin filler=fltarr(2,16) filler(*,*)=float('NaN') store_data,strjoin('th'+sc+'_pser_en_eflux'),data={x:time_double(date)+findgen(2),y:filler,v:findgen(16)} name=strjoin('th'+sc+'_pser_en_eflux') options,name,'spec',1 ylim,name,1,1000,1 zlim,name,1,1000,1 options,name,'ytitle','th'+sc+'!Celec' options,name,'ztitle','Eflux' endif else begin name='th'+sc+'_pser_en_eflux' tdegap, name, /overwrite, dt = 600.0 ;jmm, 9-dec-2009 options,name,'spec',1 options,name,'ytitle','th'+sc+'!Celec' options,name,'ztitle','Eflux' options,name,'y_no_interp',1 options,name,'x_no_interp',1 thm_spec_lim4overplot, name, zlog = 1, ylog = 1, /overwrite ;reset sst ylimit maxima to 3.0e6 get_data, name, data = d If(is_struct(d)) Then ylim, name, min(d.v), 3.0e6, 1 endelse var_string_f1 += 'th'+sc+'_psef_en_eflux ' var_string_f2 += ' sample_rate_'+sc+ ' th'+sc+'_psif_en_eflux ' var_string_r1 += 'th'+sc+'_pser_en_eflux ' var_string_r2 += ' sample_rate_'+sc+ ' th'+sc+'_psir_en_eflux ' endfor var_string_f = var_string_f1 + ' ' + var_string_f2 var_string_r = var_string_r1 + ' ' + var_string_r2 ;set colors !p.background=255. !p.color=0. time_stamp,/off loadct2,43 !p.charsize=0.8 ;kill units in ytitles options, '*', 'ysubtitle', '' If(not keyword_set(nopng)) Then Begin title = 'P5, P1, P2, P3, P4 (TH-A,B,C,D,E) PSIF,PSEF EFlux eV/(eV*cm!U2!N*sec*sr)' tplot, var_string_f, title = title thm_gen_multipngplot, 'thm_tohban_sstfull', date2, directory = dir title = 'P5, P1, P2, P3, P4 (TH-A,B,C,D,E) PSIR,PSER EFlux eV/(eV*cm!U2!N*sec*sr)' tplot, var_string_r, title = title, trange = [time_double(date2), time_double(date2)+3600.*24.] thm_gen_multipngplot, 'thm_tohban_sstreduced', date2, directory = dir Endif Else Begin If(keyword_set(mode)) Then Begin xmode = strcompress(strlowcase(mode), /remove_all) case xmode of 'reduced':Begin var = var_string_r title = 'P5, P1, P2, P3, P4 (TH-A,B,C,D,E) PSIR,PSER EFlux eV/(eV*cm!U2!N*sec*sr)' End 'full':Begin var = var_string_f title = 'P5, P1, P2, P3, P4 (TH-A,B,C,D,E) PSIF,PSEF EFlux eV/(eV*cm!U2!N*sec*sr)' End else:Begin var = var_string_f title = 'P5, P1, P2, P3, P4 (TH-A,B,C,D,E) PSIF,PSEF EFlux eV/(eV*cm!U2!N*sec*sr)' End endcase tplot, var, title = title Endif Else Begin window, 1, xs = 560, ys = 660 title = 'P5, P1, P2, P3, P4 (TH-A,B,C,D,E) PSIF,PSEF EFlux eV/(eV*cm!U2!N*sec*sr)' tplot, var_string_f, title = title, window = 1 window, 2, xs = 560, ys = 660 title = 'P5, P1, P2, P3, P4 (TH-A,B,C,D,E) PSIR,PSER EFlux eV/(eV*cm!U2!N*sec*sr)' tplot, var_string_r, title = title, window = 2 Endelse Endelse end