;+ ;NAME: ; thm_sample_rate_bar ;PURPOSE: ; creates the sample rate bar for overview plots ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; p = thm_sample_rate_bar(date,duration,probe) ;INPUT: ; date = the date for the start of the timespan, ; duration = the duration of your bar in days ; probe = THEMIS probe Id ; ;KEYWORDS: ; outline: set this to 1 to generate a sample rate panel with ; a black outline rather than no outline ;OUTPUT: ; p = the variable name of the sample_rate_bar, set to '' if not ; sccessful ;HISTORY: ; 20-nov-2007, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-02-17 10:47:06 -0800 (Wed, 17 Feb 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 20029 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/common/thm_sample_rate_bar.pro $ ;- Function thm_sample_rate_bar, date, duration, probe,outline=outline, _extra = _extra compile_opt idl2 p = '' timespan, date, duration sc = strlowcase(strcompress(probe[0], /remove_all)) ; make tplot variable tracking the sample rate (0=SS,1=FS,2=PB,3=WB) ;------------------------------------------------------------------ thm_load_scmode, probe=sc ; default is slow survey, yellow bar get_data, strjoin('th'+sc+'_scmode_ufs'), data = dufs,dlimit=dl get_data, strjoin('th'+sc+'_scmode_fs'), data = dfs,dlimit=dl get_data, strjoin('th'+sc+'_scmode_ss'), data = dss,dlimit=dl if tnames('th'+sc+'_scmode_ufs') eq '' then begin ufs_time = [float('NaN')] ufs_data = [float('NaN')] endif else begin ind_ufs = where(dufs.y eq 1) ufs_time = float(dufs.x) ufs_data = float(dufs.y) ufs_data[*] = float('NaN') if (ind_ufs[0] ne -1) then ufs_data[ind_ufs] = 0.0 endelse if (size(dfs,/type) ne 8) then begin fs_time = float('NaN') fs_data = float('NaN') fs_data[*] = float('NaN') endif else begin ind_fs = where(dfs.y eq 1) fs_time = float(dfs.x) fs_data = float(dfs.y) fs_data[*] = float('NaN') if (ind_fs[0] ne -1) then fs_data[ind_fs] = 0.0 endelse if (size(dss,/type) ne 8) then begin ss_time = float('NaN') ss_data = float('NaN') ss_data[*] = float('NaN') endif else begin ind_ss = where(dss.y eq 1) ss_time = float(dss.x) ss_data = float(dss.y) ss_data[*] = float('NaN') if (ind_ss[0] ne -1) then ss_data[ind_ss] = 0.0 endelse str_element,dl,'labels',/delete str_element,dl,'ysubtitle',/delete str_element,dl,'colors',/delete str_element,dl,'labflag',/delete str_element,dl,'ytitle',/delete store_data, 'slow_survey_bar_'+sc, data = {x:ss_time, y:ss_data},dlimit=dl store_data, 'fast_survey_bar_'+sc, data = {x:fs_time, y:fs_data},dlimit=dl store_data, 'ultrafast_survey_bar_'+sc, data = {x:ufs_time, y:ufs_data},dlimit=dl store_data, 'aesthetic_bar_'+sc, data = {x:time_double(date), y:float('NaN')},dlimit=dl ;get particle burst data from fgh level 2 data, jmm, 27-aug-2007 thm_load_fgm, probe = sc[0], level = 'l2', datatype = 'fgh' ;if L2 data is not there, look for L1 data, jmm, 24-apr-2008 tn = tnames('th'+sc+'*fgh*') If(tn[0] eq '') then begin tns = tnames('th'+sc+'*state_spin*') If(tns[0] eq '') then thm_load_state, probe = sc[0], /get_support_data thm_load_fgm, probe = sc[0], level = 'l1', datatype = 'fgh' Endif tn = tnames('th'+sc+'*fgh*') if tn[0] eq '' then begin ;no data store_data, 'particle_burst_bar_'+sc, data = {x:time_double(date), y:float('NaN')} store_data, 'particle_burst_sym_'+sc, data = {x:time_double(date), y:float('NaN')} endif else begin tn = tn[0] ;assuming that all fgh's have the same time range get_data, tn, data = d,dlimit=dl If(size(d, /type) Eq 8) Then Begin ;on the off chance test_y = d.x pb_data = float(test_y) index_pb_fill = where(finite(test_y) Eq 0) index_pb = where(finite(test_y)) if (index_pb_fill[0] ne -1) then pb_data[index_pb_fill] = float('NaN') if (index_pb[0] ne -1) then pb_data[index_pb] = 0.0 pb_data2 = pb_data ; pb_data2 is for symbols below bar if (index_pb[0] ne -1) then pb_data2[index_pb] = -1.0 str_element,dl,'labels',/delete str_element,dl,'ysubtitle',/delete str_element,dl,'colors',/delete str_element,dl,'labflag',/delete str_element,dl,'ytitle',/delete store_data, 'particle_burst_bar_'+sc, data = {x:d.x, y:pb_data},dlimit=dl store_data, 'particle_burst_sym_'+sc, data = {x:d.x, y:pb_data2},dlimit=dl Endif Else Begin store_data, 'particle_burst_bar_'+sc, data = {x:time_double(date), y:float('NaN')} store_data, 'particle_burst_sym_'+sc, data = {x:time_double(date), y:float('NaN')} Endelse endelse ;wave bursts from level 1 ffw data thm_load_fft, probe = sc[0], level = 'l1', varformat = 'th'+sc+'*ffw*' tn = tnames('th'+sc+'*ffw*') if tn[0] eq '' then begin store_data, 'wave_burst_bar_'+sc, data = {x:time_double(date), y:float('NaN')} store_data, 'wave_burst_sym_'+sc, data = {x:time_double(date), y:float('NaN')} endif else begin tn = tn[0] ;making the assumption that all ffws will have the same time range? get_data, tn, data = d,dlimit=dl test_y = d.x ;use the times here If(size(d, /type) Eq 8) Then Begin ;on the off chance wb_data = float(test_y) index_wb_fill = where(finite(test_y) Eq 0) index_wb = where(finite(test_y)) if (index_wb_fill[0] ne -1) then wb_data[index_wb_fill] = float('NaN') if (index_wb[0] ne -1) then wb_data[index_wb] = 0.0 wb_data2 = wb_data ; wb_data2 is for symbols above bar if (index_wb[0] ne -1) then wb_data2[index_wb] = 1.0 str_element,dl,'spec',/delete str_element,dl,'ysubtitle',/delete str_element,dl,'log',/delete store_data, 'wave_burst_bar_'+sc, data = {x:d.x, y:wb_data},dlimit=dl store_data, 'wave_burst_sym_'+sc, data = {x:d.x, y:wb_data2},dlimit=dl Endif Else Begin store_data, 'wave_burst_bar_'+sc, data = {x:time_double(date), y:float('NaN')} store_data, 'wave_burst_sym_'+sc, data = {x:time_double(date), y:float('NaN')} Endelse endelse options, 'aesthetic_bar_'+sc, 'color', 255 options, 'slow_survey_bar_'+sc, 'color', 5 options, 'fast_survey_bar_'+sc, 'color', 6 ;red options, 'ultrafast_survey_bar_'+sc, 'color', 3 ;cyan options, 'particle_burst_bar_'+sc, 'color', 3 options, 'particle_burst_sym_'+sc, 'color', 0 options, 'wave_burst_bar_'+sc, 'color', 0 options, 'wave_burst_sym_'+sc, 'color', 0 options, 'slow_survey_bar_'+sc, 'thick', 5 options, 'fast_survey_bar_'+sc, 'thick', 5 options, 'ultrafast_survey_bar_'+sc, 'thick', 3 options, 'particle_burst_bar_'+sc, 'psym', 6 options, 'particle_burst_bar_'+sc, 'symsize', 0.1 options, 'particle_burst_sym_'+sc, 'psym', 6 options, 'particle_burst_sym_'+sc, 'symsize', 0.2 options, 'wave_burst_bar_'+sc, 'psym', 6 options, 'wave_burst_bar_'+sc, 'symsize', 0.1 options, 'wave_burst_sym_'+sc, 'psym', 6 options, 'wave_burst_sym_'+sc, 'symsize', 0.2 if keyword_set(outline) then begin options,'aesthetic_bar_'+sc,color=0,ticklen=0,$ yticks=1,ytickname=[' ',' '] endif store_data, 'sample_rate_'+sc, data = ['aesthetic_bar_'+sc, 'slow_survey_bar_'+sc, 'fast_survey_bar_'+sc, 'ultrafast_survey_bar_'+sc, 'particle_burst_sym_'+sc, 'wave_burst_sym_'+sc] ylim, 'sample_rate_'+sc, -1.1, 1.1, 0 options, 'sample_rate_'+sc, 'panel_size', 0.2 options,'sample_rate_'+sc, ytitle='' ;end mode bar code block ;---------------> p = 'sample_rate_'+sc Return, p End