;+ ;This program takes a variable and sets zero values to the minimum ;nonzero value not NaN's though. Hacked from ;thm_spec_lim4overplot.pro, to account for problems in solar wind mode ;for probes B and C where there are short intervals with much larger ;energy ranges, which make for ugly plotting. In this case, if the ;value for ymin or ymax are present for less than 1 hour total, ;(actually 1/24 of the total number of time intervals) then ignore ;those values. Pro thm_esa_lim4overplot, var, trange, zmin = zmin, zmax = zmax, zlog = zlog, $ ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, ylog = ylog, $ overwrite = overwrite, _extra = _extra ;Version: ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-05-01 15:47:29 -0700 (Mon, 01 May 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 23257 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/themis/common/thm_esa_lim4overplot.pro $ ;- If(keyword_set(zmin)) Then zmin0 = zmin Else zmin0 = 0 If(keyword_set(zmax)) Then zmax0 = zmax Else zmax0 = 0 If(keyword_set(zlog)) Then zlog0 = zlog Else zlog0 = 0 If(keyword_set(ymin)) Then ymin0 = ymin Else ymin0 = 0 If(keyword_set(ymax)) Then ymax0 = ymax Else ymax0 = 0 If(keyword_set(ylog)) Then ylog0 = ylog Else ylog0 = 0 zminv = zmin0 & zmaxv = zmax0 yminv = ymin0 & ymaxv = ymax0 ;First, ditch zero energy values, this has been moved from ;thm_gen_overplot.pro get_data, var, data = d, dlim = dl, lim = al tr = time_double(trange) If(is_struct(d)) Then Begin ;This needs to be done for data only in the original time interval ss = where(d.x Ge tr[0] And d.x lt tr[1], nss) If(nss Gt 0) Then Begin dvss = d.v[ss, *] minval = min(dvss) > 0.10 ;0 energy values will not plot correctly, so ;reset any energy = 0 points to 0.01 eV xxx = where(dvss lt 1.0, nxxx) If(nxxx Gt 0) Then Begin dvss[xxx] = 0.01 d.v[ss, *] = dvss store_data, var, data = d Endif ;Y min and max If(yminv Eq 0) Then Begin yminv = min(dvss, /nan) ;need /nan for IDL pre 8.5 ;test for not many times at these ;values, only do this once, but have ;some margin ymin_all = fltarr(nss) ; For j = 0, nss-1 Do ymin_all[j] = min(dvss[j, *]) ymin_all = min(dvss, dimension = 2, /nan) ss_yminv = where(ymin_all Le 2*yminv, nss_yminv) frac_ymin = float(nss_yminv)/nss If(frac_ymin Lt 1.0/24.0) Then Begin ss_not_yminv = where(ymin_all Gt 2.0*yminv, nss_not_yminv) If(nss_not_yminv Gt 0) Then yminv = min(ymin_all[ss_not_yminv]) Endif Endif If(ymaxv Eq 0) Then Begin ymaxv = max(dvss, /nan) ymax_all = fltarr(nss) ; For j = 0, nss-1 Do ymax_all[j] = max(dvss[j, *]) ymax_all = max(dvss, dimension = 2, /nan) ss_ymaxv = where(ymax_all Ge ymaxv/2.0, nss_ymaxv) frac_ymax = float(nss_ymaxv)/nss If(frac_ymax Lt 1.0/24.0) Then Begin ss_not_ymaxv = where(ymax_all Lt ymaxv/2.0, nss_not_ymaxv) If(nss_not_ymaxv Gt 0) Then ymaxv = max(ymax_all[ss_not_ymaxv]) Endif Endif Endif ;Z min and max vlv = where(finite(d.y) And (d.y Ne 0), nvlv) If(nvlv Gt 0) Then Begin If(zminv Eq 0) Then zminv = min(d.y[vlv], /nan) If(zmaxv Eq 0) Then zmaxv = max(d.y[vlv], /nan) y0 = where(d.y Eq 0, ny0) If(ny0 Gt 0) Then d.y[y0] = zminv Endif Endif If(keyword_set(overwrite)) Then varnew = var $ Else varnew = var+'_limited' store_data, varnew, data = d, dlim = dl, lim = al zlim, varnew, zminv, zmaxv, zlog0 ylim, varnew, yminv, ymaxv, ylog0 options, varnew, 'ystyle', 1 Return End