;+ ; NAME: ; eics_overlay_plots ; ; PURPOSE: ; This routine will create a plot of EICS and THEMIS ASI data which is overlaid onto a map of ; the northern hemisphere. See the SECS ASI mosaic overlay plot crib sheet for an explanation of the ; data and how to use this routine. You can find the crib sheet in spedas/projects/secs/examples/ ; ; KEYWORDS: ; trange: time range of interest ; createpng: set this flag to create a PNG file of the plot ; showgeo: set this flag to display geographic latitude and longitude lines ; showmag: set this flag to display magnetic latitude and longitude lines ; dynscale: set this flag to use dynamic scaling ; ; OUTPUT: ; none ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; eics_overlay_plots, trange=['2017-02-28/00:01:00','2017-02-28/00:02:00'], ; /showgeo, /showmag, /makepng, /dynscale ; See example crib sheets for additional examples ; ; NOTE: If no time range is specified the routine will use whatever was set previously by timespan or ; timerange. ; If no time has not been set the user will be queried for the time. ; ;$LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-11-03 16:31:55 -0700 (Fri, 03 Nov 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24261 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/secs/eics_overlay_plots.pro $ ;- ; VERSION: ; $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-11-03 16:31:55 -0700 (Fri, 03 Nov 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24261 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/secs/eics_overlay_plots.pro $ ;- function eics_coordtinate_convert, st, device=device, data=data if keyword_set(device) then begin to_device = 1 from_device = 0 to_data = 0 from_data = 1 endif if keyword_set(data) then begin to_device = 0 from_device = 1 to_data = 1 from_data = 0 endif if size(st,/type) eq 8 then begin xyz = convert_coord(st.x, st.y, DATA=from_data, TO_DATA=to_data, DEVICE=from_device, TO_DEVICE=to_device, /DOUBLE) ; vector start position on normal grid tmp = {x:reform(xyz[0,*]), y:reform(xyz[1,*])} endif else begin if size(st,/N_ELEMENTS) gt 2 then begin xyz = convert_coord(st[*,0], st[*,1], DATA=from_data, TO_DATA=to_data, DEVICE=from_device, TO_DEVICE=to_device, /DOUBLE) ; vector start position on normal grid tmp = TRANSPOSE(xyz[0:1,*],[1,0]) endif else begin xyz = convert_coord(st[0], st[1], DATA=from_data, TO_DATA=to_data, DEVICE=from_device, TO_DEVICE=to_device, /DOUBLE) ; vector start position on normal grid tmp = rotate(xyz[0:1],1) endelse endelse return, tmp end pro eics_coordtinate_processing, lonlat=ge_s, mag=ge_d, scale=scale_factor, leg_vector=leg_vector, new_mag=ge_vd ; conversion ge_e = ge_s + ge_d / scale_factor ge_m = sqrt(total(ge_d^2,2)) ge_m = [[ge_m], [ge_m]] xy_s = eics_coordtinate_convert(ge_s, /DEVICE) xy_e = eics_coordtinate_convert(ge_e, /DEVICE) xy_d = xy_e - xy_s xy_m = sqrt(total(xy_d^2,2)) xy_m = [[xy_m],[xy_m]] xy_i = xy_d / xy_m xy_v = xy_i * ge_m * 0.02 * !d.X_VSIZE / leg_vector xy_ve = xy_v + xy_s ge_ve = eics_coordtinate_convert(xy_ve, /DATA) ge_vd = ge_ve-ge_s end pro eics_overlay_plots, $ trange=trange, $ ; time range createpng=createpng, $ ; generate png from the figure showgeo=showgeo, $ ; show geographic grid showmag=showmag, $ ; show geomagnetic grid dynscale=dynscale ; use dynamic scaling ; initialize variables defsysv,'!secs',exists=exists if not(exists) then secs_init defsysv,'!themis',exists=exists if not(exists) then thm_init thm_config if (keyword_set(trange) && n_elements(trange) eq 2) $ then tr = timerange(trange) $ else tr = timerange() inten=6001; ; ------------ ; Get Data ; ------------ ; extract the EICS data from the tplot vars ; sort the data into parameters and rotate them for plotxyvec secs_load_data, trange=tr, datatype=['eics'], /get_stations get_data, 'secs_eics_latlong', data=latlon if ~is_struct(latlon) then begin dprint, 'There is no EICS data for date: '+time_string(tr[0]) return endif get_data, 'secs_eics_jxy', data=jxy if ~is_struct(jxy) then begin dprint, 'There is no EICS data for date: '+time_string(tr[0]) return endif get_data, 'secs_stations', data=stations if ~is_struct(stations) then begin dprint, 'There is no Station data for date: '+time_string(tr[0]) endif eics_pos = [[latlon.y[*,1]+360.], [latlon.y[*,0]]] eics_mag = [[jxy.y[*,1]], [jxy.y[*,0]]] ; grid conversion testing set ;ge_s1 = [[-154.44911],[63.563763]] ;ge_s2 = [[-65.179733],[42.226425]] ;ge_s3 = [[-96.],[51.]] ;eics_pos = [ge_s1, ge_s1, ge_s1, ge_s1,ge_s2, ge_s2, ge_s2, ge_s2,ge_s3,ge_s3,ge_s3,ge_s3] ;eics_mag = [[800.,0.,-800.,0.,800.,0.,-800.,0.,800.,0.,-800.,0.], [0.,800.,0.,-800.,0.,800.,0.,-800.,0.,800.,0.,-800.]] ; ----------------- ; Make the mosaic ; ----------------- thm_asi_create_mosaic,time_string(tr[0]),/verbose,$ ; removed /thumb ;thm_asi_create_mosaic,'0000-00-00',/force_map,/verbose,$ ; removed /thumb central_lon=264.0,central_lat=61.,scale=4.5e7,$ ; set lat to 64.5;set area scale=3.5or2.8e7 or scale=5.5e7, no_grid='no_grid', /no_midnight, $ show =['atha','fsmi','fykn','gako','gbay','gill','inuv','kapu','kian','kuuj','mcgr','nrsq','pgeo','pina','tpas','rank','snkq','talo','tpas','whit'] ,$ minval=[0l, 01, 01, 01, 0l, 0l, 01, 01, 01, 0l, 0l, 01, 01, 01, 0l, 0l, 01, 01, 01, 01],$ maxval=[inten, 12000, inten, inten, inten, inten, inten, 8000, inten, inten, inten, inten, inten, 8000, inten, 5000, 8000, inten, 8000, inten ]; ; Construct and plot the geographic and magnetic grid lines loadct2,34 aacgmidl thm_init geographic_lons=[0,30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270,300,330,360] geographic_lats=[0,20,30,40,50,60,70,80] ; ---------------- ; PLOT Latitudes ; ---------------- nmlats=round((max(geographic_lats)-min(geographic_lats))/float(10)+1) mlats=min(geographic_lats)+findgen(nmlats)*10 n2=150 v_lat=fltarr(nmlats,n2) v_lon=fltarr(nmlats,n2) height=100. ; construct geographic lats if keyword_set(showgeo) then begin for i=0,nmlats-1 do begin for j=0,n2-1 do begin v_lat[i,j]=mlats[i] v_lon[i,j]=j/float(n2-1)*360 endfor oplot,v_lon[i,*],v_lat[i,*],color=0,thick=contour_thick,linestyle=1 endfor endif ; construct magnetic lats if keyword_set(showmag) then begin for i=0,nmlats-1 do begin for j=0,n2-1 do begin cnv_aacgm,mlats[i],j/float(n2-1)*360,height,u,v,r,error,/geo v_lat[i,j]=u v_lon[i,j]=v endfor oplot,v_lon[i,*],v_lat[i,*],color=250,thick=contour_thick,linestyle=1 endfor endif ; ---------------- ; PLOT Longitudes ; ---------------- ;construct and plot geographic lons nmlons=n_elements(geographic_lons) n2=20 u_lat=fltarr(nmlons,n2) u_lon=fltarr(nmlons,n2) mlats=min(geographic_lats)+findgen(n2)/float(n2-1)*(max(geographic_lats)-min(geographic_lats)) for i=0,nmlons-1 do begin for j=0,n2-1 do begin u_lat[i,j]=mlats[j] u_lon[i,j]=geographic_lons[i] endfor if keyword_set(showgeo) then oplot,u_lon[i,*],u_lat[i,*],color=0,thick=contour_thick,linestyle=1 endfor ; construct and plot magnetic lons (need /geo keyword for plot) if keyword_set(showmag) then begin for i=0,nmlons-1 do begin for j=0,n2-1 do begin cnv_aacgm,mlats[j],geographic_lons[i],height,u,v,r,error,/geo u_lat[i,j]=u u_lon[i,j]=v endfor idx = where(u_lon[i,*] NE 0) oplot,u_lon[i,idx],u_lat[i,idx],color=250,thick=contour_thick,linestyle=1 endfor endif ; ---------------- ; PLOT Midnight ; ---------------- if keyword_set(showgeo) then begin ts=time_struct(tr[0]) midnight=(-15.*(ts.sod/3600.))+360. if midnight LT 0 then midnight=midnight+180 midnight=midnight mod 360. mlons=fltarr(n2)+midnight oplot,mlons,mlats,color=0, thick=1.5 endif ; -------------------- ; PLOT GMAG Stations ; -------------------- if is_struct(stations) then begin oplot, stations.v[*,1], stations.v[*,0], psym=2, color=150 endif ; set up plotting parameters for use by plotxyvec yrange = [30,80] xrange = [220,330] rows = 1 cols = 1 revrows = 0 revcols = 0 current = 0 pos = !p.position plotvec = ptr_new(csvector('start')) ; create or update the system variable !tplotxy defsysv,'!tplotxy',exists=exists if not keyword_set(exists) then begin tpxy = { rows:rows,$ revrows:revrows,$ cols:cols,$ revcols:revcols,$ current:current,$ pos:pos,$ xrange:xrange,$ yrange:yrange,$ panels:ptr_new(), $ plotvec:plotvec } defsysv, '!tplotxy', tpxy endif else begin !tplotxy.rows=rows !tplotxy.revrows=revrows !tplotxy.cols=cols !tplotxy.revcols=revcols !tplotxy.current=current !tplotxy.pos=pos !tplotxy.xrange=xrange !tplotxy.yrange=yrange !tplotxy.plotvec=plotvec endelse ; ------------------ ; Plot EICS data ; ------------------ eics_tmag = sqrt(total(eics_mag^2,2)) scale_factor=max(eics_tmag) ; ----------------- ; Scaling ; ----------------- leg_vector = 200. ; legend default vector if keyword_set(dynscale) then begin ; dynamic scaling max_factor = [1600., 800., 400., 200., 40., 4., 0.] ; GT limits idx = where(scale_factor gt max_factor) max_factor[-1]= 1. ; the last element leg_vector = max_factor(idx[0]) / 4 endif eics_coordtinate_processing, lonlat=eics_pos, mag=eics_mag, scale=scale_factor, new_mag=eics_nmag, leg_vector=leg_vector ;plotxyvec,eics_pos,eics_mag,/overplot,color='r', thick=1.475,hsize=0.5,arrowscale=0.02 ; unconverted plotxyvec,eics_pos,eics_nmag,/overplot,color='y', thick=1.475,hsize=0.5,uarrowside='none' oplot,eics_pos[*,0],eics_pos[*,1],color=5,psym=2,symsize=0.25,thick=3 ; -------------------- ; Display annotations ;--------------------- ; legend position for 4 entries ; in /normal coordinates legx = FLTARR(4) + 0.8 legy = FINDGEN(4, INCREMENT=0.05) + 0.01 legidx = 0 ; Text on the left side ; The location is consstent with thm_asi_create_mosaic xyouts, 0.005,0.102, 'SECS - EICS', /NORMAL, color=0, charsize=1.5 ; First legend record, xyouts, legx(legidx), legy(legidx), /NORMAL, string(leg_vector, FORMAT='(%"%d ma/V")'),charsize=1.125, charthick=1.25,color=5 ; and the arrow ; move the point to the left pos_norm = {x:legx(legidx)-0.01,y:legy(legidx)} ; Convert to the view xyz = convert_coord(pos_norm.x, pos_norm.y, /NORMAL, /TO_DATA, /DOUBLE) pos = rotate(xyz[0:1],1) xyz = convert_coord(pos_norm.x, pos_norm.y, /NORMAL, /TO_DEVICE, /DOUBLE) pos_dev = rotate(xyz[0:1],1) xy_v = [0., 1.] * 0.02 * !d.X_VSIZE xy_ve = xy_v + pos_dev nmag = eics_coordtinate_convert(xy_ve, /DATA)-pos plotxyvec,pos,nmag,/overplot,color='y', thick=1.475,hsize=0.5,uarrowside='none' oplot,pos[*,0],pos[*,1],color=5,psym=2,symsize=0.25,thick=3 ; Draw other legenr entries legidx += 1 if keyword_set(showmag) then begin xyouts, legx(legidx), legy(legidx), /NORMAL, 'Mag Red dot line', color=250, charthick=1.2, charsize=1.125 legidx += 1 endif if keyword_set(showgeo) then begin xyouts, legx(legidx), legy(legidx), /NORMAL, 'Geo Black dot line', color=0, charthick=1.25, charsize=1.125 legidx += 1 endif if is_struct(stations) then begin xyouts, legx(legidx), legy(legidx), /NORMAL, 'GMAG green star', color=150, charthick=1.2, charsize=1.125 legidx += 1 ; this is done so we can move the blocks around endif ; ------------------ ; Create PNG file ; ------------------ if keyword_set(createpng) then begin ; construct png file name tstruc = time_struct(tr[0]) yr = strmid(time_string(tr[0]),0,4) mo = strmid(time_string(tr[0]),5,2) da = strmid(time_string(tr[0]),8,2) hr = strmid(time_string(tr[0]),11,2) mi = strmid(time_string(tr[0]),14,2) sc = strmid(time_string(tr[0]),17,2) plotdir = !secs.local_data_dir + 'Mosaic/' + yr + '/' + mo + '/' + da + '/' plotfile = 'ThemisMosaicEICS' + yr + mo + da + '_' + hr + mi + sc makepng, plotdir+plotfile, /mkdir print, 'PNG file created: ' + plotdir + plotfile endif return end