;+ ;; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;; % ;; % USE: Reads NOAA-POES CDF files from: ;; % http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/satellite/poes/index.html ;; % ;; % ;; -----written by Wen Li based on Drew Turner's matlab code----- ;; % ;; % DATE: January 2011 ;; % ;; % INPUTS: filename : CDF file of data available on website above ;; % ;; % ;; % OUTPUT: D : Data structure containing file info and Matlab time ;; % array ;; % ;; % NOTES: The majority of this script is devoted to correcting for the ;; % proton contamination in the electron fluxes. The method uses that ;; % of Lam et al. [2010] and Horne et al. [2009] and is the accepted ;; % method used by NOAA and ViRBO. I have converted it directly from ;; % the original Fortran correction codes available at ViRBO. ;; % ;; % Output is converted to appropriate flux units for either integral ;; % flux [#/s/sr/cm^2] or differential flux [#/s/sr/cm^2/keV] depending ;; % on type of each instrument channel ;; % Original data (i.e. raw data from files) units of Counts [#/sec] ;; % ;; % ;; % ;; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;; % THIS SNIPPET SHOWS HOW TO DECONTAMINATE POES DATA USING THE LAM ET AL. METHOD: ;; % Correct for contaminated electron channels based on Lam et al. method, ;; % which is available on ViRBO in Fortran files: ;; % http://virbo.org/svn/virbo/poes/noaa15+/unpack_sem2.f ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-04-15 15:06:00 -0700 (Wed, 15 Apr 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 17331 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/poes/poes_contamination_removal.pro $ ;- pro poes_contamination_removal,tname_mep0P=tname_mep0P,tname_mep90P=tname_mep90P,tname_mep0E=tname_mep0E,tname_mep90E=tname_mep90E,sci=sci get_data,tname_mep0P,data=d0P get_data,tname_mep90P,data=d90P get_data,tname_mep0E,data=d0E get_data,tname_mep90E,data=d90E ;; % Bowtie energies for proton channels Ebt = [52.0, 138.0, 346.0, 926.0, 2628.0]; ;; % Energy channel boundaries Echannel = [30.0, 80.0, 240.0, 800.0, 2500.0]; ;; % Delta E initial values dE1 = 0.0; dE2 = 0.0; ProtCal=[49.3, 147.9, 345.5, 461.8, 474.7] E30keV0=dblarr(n_elements(d0P.x)) E100keV0=E30keV0 E300keV0=E30keV0 E30keV90=E30keV0 E100keV90=E30keV0 E300keV90=E30keV0 ;; % Electron correction: use exponential fits to the corrected proton data ;; % and use it to correct the eletron channels for i = 0,n_elements(d0P.x)-1 do begin E0fin=dblarr(2) corr0=dblarr(3) corr90=dblarr(3) ;; change counts (#/sec) to differential flux (#/s-str-cm^2-keV). Note that counts/sec * 100 = flux in units of #/cm2/sec/ster ptemp0 = [d0P.y[i,0]/ProtCal[0], d0P.y[i,1]/ProtCal[1], d0P.y[i,2]/ProtCal[2], d0P.y[i,3]/ProtCal[3], d0P.y[i,4]/ProtCal[4]]*100. ptemp90 = [d90P.y[i,0]/ProtCal[0], d90P.y[i,1]/ProtCal[1], d90P.y[i,2]/ProtCal[2],d90P.y[i,3]/ProtCal[3], d90P.y[i,4]/ProtCal[4]]*100. ;; % 0 degree data: ;; % First check that there is proton data in two adjacent channels for ind = 1, 2 do begin if (ptemp0[ind] gt 0.0 and ptemp0[ind+1] gt 0.0) then begin ;; % Calculate E0 assuming that flux = exp(E0*energy) E0 = (alog(ptemp0[ind])-alog(ptemp0[ind+1])) / (Ebt[ind] - Ebt[ind+1]); E0init = 0.0; n = 0; ;; % Now calculate a new dE based on this E0 and the bowtie ;; % approximation while (abs((E0-E0init)/E0init) gt 0.01 and n lt 500) do begin E0init = E0; ;; % Calculate new dE for the first energy channel using E0 dE1 = ((exp(-1.0*Ebt[ind]*E0init)) / E0init) * (exp(Echannel[ind+1]*E0init) - exp(Echannel[ind]*E0init)); ;; % Calculate new dE for the second energy channel using E0 dE2 = ((exp(-1.0*Ebt[ind+1]*E0init)) / E0init) * (exp(Echannel[ind+2]*E0init) - exp(Echannel[ind+1]*E0init)); ;; % Calculate a new flux for the first energy channel protemp1 = ptemp0[ind]*ProtCal[ind]/dE1; ;; % Calculate a new flux for the second energy channel protemp2 = ptemp0[ind+1]*ProtCal[ind+1]/dE2; ;; % Calculate a new E0 E0 = (alog(protemp1)-alog(protemp2)) / (Ebt[ind] - Ebt[ind+1]); n = n + 1; endwhile E0fin[ind-1] = E0; endif else begin E0fin[ind-1] = -9999.0; endelse endfor ;; % Now calculate the appropriate corrections using E0fin if E0fin[0] gt -9999.0 then begin corr0[0] = ptemp0[1]*ProtCal[1]*(exp(E0fin[0]*Echannel[2])-exp(E0fin[0]*210))/(exp(E0fin[0]*Echannel[2])-exp(E0fin[0]*Echannel[1]))$ + ptemp0[2]*ProtCal[2] + ptemp0[3]*ProtCal[3]; endif else begin corr0[0] = ptemp0[1]*ProtCal[1]*(Echannel[2]-210)/(Echannel[2]-Echannel[1]) + ptemp0[2]*ProtCal[2] + ptemp0[3]*ProtCal[3]; endelse if E0fin[1] gt -9999.0 then begin corr0[1] = ptemp0[2]*ProtCal[2]*(exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[3])-exp(E0fin[1]*280))/(exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[3])-exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[2]))$ + ptemp0[3]*ProtCal[3]; corr0[2] = ptemp0[2]*ProtCal[2]*(exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[3])-exp(E0fin[1]*440))/(exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[3])-exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[2]))$ + ptemp0[3]*ProtCal[3]; endif else begin corr0[1] = ptemp0[2]*ProtCal[2]*(Echannel[3]-280)/(Echannel[3]-Echannel[2]) + ptemp0[3]*ProtCal[3]; corr0[2] = ptemp0[2]*ProtCal[2]*(Echannel[3]-440)/(Echannel[3]-Echannel[2]) + ptemp0[3]*ProtCal[3]; endelse ;; % Correct appropriate channels: corr0 is in integra flux, so ;; devided by 100 to get counts E30keV0[i]=d0E.y[i,0]-corr0[0]/100. E100keV0[i]=d0E.y[i,1]-corr0[1]/100. E300keV0[i]=d0E.y[i,2]-corr0[2]/100. ;; E30keV0[i]=E30keV0[i]-E100keV0[i] ;; E100keV0[i]=E100keV0[i]-E300keV0[i] ;; % 90 degree data: ;; % First check that there is proton data in two adjacent channels for ind = 1, 2 do begin if (ptemp90[ind] gt 0.0 and ptemp90[ind+1] gt 0.0) then begin ;; % Calculate E0 assuming that flux = exp(E0*energy) E0 = (alog(ptemp90[ind])-alog(ptemp90[ind+1])) / (Ebt[ind] - Ebt[ind+1]); E0init = 0.0; n = 0; ;; % Now calculate a new dE based on this E0 and the bowtie ;; % approximation while (abs((E0-E0init)/E0init) gt 0.01 and n lt 500) do begin E0init = E0; ;; % Calculate new dE for the first energy channel using E0 dE1 = ((exp(-1.0*Ebt[ind]*E0init)) / E0init) * (exp(Echannel[ind+1]*E0init) - exp(Echannel[ind]*E0init)); ;; % Calculate new dE for the second energy channel using E0 dE2 = ((exp(-1.0*Ebt[ind+1]*E0init)) / E0init) * (exp(Echannel[ind+2]*E0init) - exp(Echannel[ind+1]*E0init)); ;; % Calculate a new flux for the first energy channel protemp1 = ptemp90[ind]*ProtCal[ind]/dE1; ;; % Calculate a new flux for the second energy channel protemp2 = ptemp90[ind+1]*ProtCal[ind+1]/dE2; ;; % Calculate a new E0 E0 = (alog(protemp1)-alog(protemp2)) / (Ebt[ind] - Ebt[ind+1]); n = n + 1; endwhile E0fin[ind-1] = E0; endif else begin E0fin[ind-1] = -9999.0; endelse endfor ;; % Now calculate the appropriate corrections using E0fin if E0fin[0] gt -9999.0 then begin corr90[0] = ptemp90[1]*ProtCal[1]*(exp(E0fin[0]*Echannel[2])-exp(E0fin[0]*210))/(exp(E0fin[0]*Echannel[2])-exp(E0fin[0]*Echannel[1]))$ + ptemp90[2]*ProtCal[2] + ptemp90[3]*ProtCal[3]; endif else begin corr90[0] = ptemp90[1]*ProtCal[1]*(Echannel[2]-210)/(Echannel[2]-Echannel[1]) + ptemp90[2]*ProtCal[2] + ptemp90[3]*ProtCal[3]; endelse if E0fin[1] gt -9999.0 then begin corr90[1] = ptemp90[2]*ProtCal[2]*(exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[3])-exp(E0fin[1]*280))/(exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[3])-exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[2]))$ + ptemp90[3]*ProtCal[3]; corr90[2] = ptemp90[2]*ProtCal[2]*(exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[3])-exp(E0fin[1]*440))/(exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[3])-exp(E0fin[1]*Echannel[2]))$ + ptemp90[3]*ProtCal[3]; endif else begin corr90[1] = ptemp90[2]*ProtCal[2]*(Echannel[3]-280)/(Echannel[3]-Echannel[2]) + ptemp90[3]*ProtCal[3]; corr90[2] = ptemp90[2]*ProtCal[2]*(Echannel[3]-440)/(Echannel[3]-Echannel[2]) + ptemp90[3]*ProtCal[3]; endelse ;; % Correct appropriate channels: corr90 are in integral flux ;; devided by 100 to get counts E30keV90[i]=d90E.y[i,0]-corr90[0]/100. E100keV90[i]=d90E.y[i,1]-corr90[1]/100. E300keV90[i]=d90E.y[i,2]-corr90[2]/100. ;; E30keV90[i]=E30keV90[i]-E100keV90[i] ;; E100keV90[i]=E100keV90[i]-E300keV90[i] endfor ind_30keV0=where(E30keV0 lt 0) ind_100keV0=where(E100keV0 lt 0) ind_300keV0=where(E300keV0 lt 0) ind_30keV90=where(E30keV90 lt 0) ind_100keV90=where(E100keV90 lt 0) ind_300keV90=where(E300keV90 lt 0) if ind_30keV0[0] ge 0 then E30keV0[ind_30keV0] = 0. if ind_100keV0[0] ge 0 then E100keV0[ind_100keV0] = 0. if ind_300keV0[0] ge 0 then E300keV0[ind_300keV0] = 0. if ind_30keV90[0] ge 0 then E30keV90[ind_30keV90] = 0. if ind_100keV90[0] ge 0 then E100keV90[ind_100keV90] = 0. if ind_300keV90[0] ge 0 then E300keV90[ind_300keV90] = 0. ;;'*mep*E_c' are in counts (#/sec) store_data,strjoin(sci+'_mep0E_c'),data={x:d0E.x,y:[[E30keV0],[E100keV0],[E300keV0]]},dlim={labels:['30keV0','100keV0','300keV0']} store_data,strjoin(sci+'_mep90E_c'),data={x:d90E.x,y:[[E30keV90],[E100keV90],[E300keV90]]},dlim={labels:['30keV90','100keV90','300keV90']} end