;+ ; NAME: mms_get_roi ; ; PURPOSE: ; To return the SROI timerange closest to the specified time "t". ; If "t" is a large enough time range, then all ROIs within the time range ; will be returned. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: roi = mms_get_roi( t [, num] ) ; ; INPUT: ; t (optional) Can be either string or double. ; Can be either a scalar or a 2-element array. ; If omitted, current time (UTC) will be used as the input. ; ; OUTPUT: ; (2 x N) array indicating matched ROI time ranges. ; N is the number of matched ROIs. ; ; OTHER OUTPUT: ; num : the number of matched ROIs ; ; KEYWORDS: ; NEXT: Returns the next ROI (does not overlap with the input timerange) ; PREVIOUS: Returns the previous ROI (does not overlap with the input timerange) ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; (1) Find all ROIs within a time range ; ; MMS> print, time_string(mms_get_roi(['2015-12-01/00:00','2015-12-07/24:00'])) ; ; (2) Find the ROI closest to time 2015-12-02/06:00 ; ; MMS> print, time_string(mms_get_roi('2015-12-02/06:00')) ; ; (3) Find the ROI just after 2015-12-02/06:00 ; ; MMS> print, time_string(mms_get_roi('2015-12-02/06:00',/next)) ; ; ; CREATED BY: moka in Oct 2015 ; UPDATED after introducing dynamic SITL window: May 2020 ; ; $LastChangedBy: moka $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-05-24 15:23:34 -0700 (Sun, 24 May 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28734 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/sitl/bss/mms_get_roi.pro $ ;- FUNCTION mms_get_roi_distance, roi_time, tc, distance=distance compile_opt idl2 distance0 = min(roi_time[0,*]-tc,n0,/abs) distance1 = min(roi_time[1,*]-tc,n1,/abs) if abs(distance0) lt abs(distance1) then begin distance = abs(distance0) nc = n0 endif else begin distance = abs(distance1) nc = n1 endelse return, nc END FUNCTION mms_get_roi, t, num, next=next, previous=previous, login_info=login_info, sc_id=sc_id compile_opt idl2 ;------------ ; TRANGE ;------------ if undefined(t) then t = systime(/utc,/seconds) else t = time_double(t) mode = n_elements(t) pad = 3.0d0*86400.d0; ROI can be up to 3.0(?) days away case mode of 1: tr = [t-pad, t+pad]; force the timerange to be a 2-element array 2: tr = t else: message, '"time" should be either a scalar or a 2-element array.' endcase tc = 0.5d0*total(tr); center time num = 1 ;------------ ; SC_ID ;------------ if undefined(sc_id) then sc_id = 'mms1' ;------------ ; LOAD ;------------ start_time = time_string(tr[0]) end_time = time_string(tr[1]) srois = get_mms_srois(start_time=start_time,$ end_time=end_time, sc_id=sc_id) ;---------- ; ANALYZE ;---------- nmax = n_elements(srois) roi_time = dblarr(2,nmax) roi_time[0,0:nmax-1] = time_double(srois.START_TIME) roi_time[1,0:nmax-1] = time_double(srois.END_TIME) case mode of 1: begin nc = mms_get_roi_distance(roi_time, tc, distance=d) if keyword_set(next) then nc += 1 if keyword_set(previous) then nc -= 1 return, reform(roi_time[0:1, nc]) end 2: begin ; Check if overlapped ;----------------------------- idx = -1 for n=0,nmax-1 do begin lensum = (tr[1]-tr[0]) + (roi_time[1,n]-roi_time[0,n]) lenrng = max([tr[1],roi_time[1,n]]) - min([tr[0],roi_time[0,n]]) if (lensum gt lenrng) then idx = [idx,n]; if overlap ;print, time_String(roi_time[0,n])+' - '+time_string(roi_time[1,n]),' overlap=',(lensum gt lenrng) endfor ; If not overlapped, find closest ;------------------------------------------ if (n_elements(idx) eq 1) then begin nc0 = mms_get_roi_distance(roi_time, tr[0], distance=d0) nc1 = mms_get_roi_distance(roi_time, tr[1], distance=d1) nc = (d0 lt d1) ? nc0 : nc1 idx = [idx,nc] endif ; Return ;--------------- if n_elements(idx) gt 1 then begin idx = idx[1:*] num = n_elements(idx) return, roi_time[0:1,idx] endif else begin return, 0 endelse end endcase END