;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; spd_slice1d_plot with FPI modifications by Simon Wellenzohn ; ; PURPOSE: ; Create 1D plot from a 2D particle slice ; This version allows you to plot the integral over a certain angle section (white lines in the plot) of the 2D distribution. ; The X axis of the plot created is a histogram with the width of the columns representing the energy channels of FPI. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; MMS> mms_slice1d_plot_fpi, slice, alpha=[0,0], width=[30,30], xrange=[-2500, 2500], yrange=[1e-25, 1d-22], export=export_dir ; ; ; INPUT: ; slice: slice returned by spd_slice2d ; alpha: angle in degrees to the x axis marking the center of the circle sector given for both the - and + x side ; width: angle in degrees which sets the width of the circle sector given for both - and + x side ; xrange: sets the xrange in km/s ; yrange: sets y range in integrated flux ; export: export path as string ; ; NOTES: ; minor modifications by egrimes, Jan 2020 ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-01-28 17:59:08 -0800 (Tue, 28 Jan 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28247 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/particles/mms_slice1d_plot_fpi.pro $ ;- pro mms_slice1d_plot_fpi, slice, species=species, alpha=alpha, width=width, xrange=xrange, yrange=plot1d, export=export compile_opt idl2 if undefined(species) then species = 'i' if species ne 'i' and species ne 'e' then begin dprint, dlevel=0, "Error, invalid species specified; valid options are: 'i' (for ions) and 'e' (for electrons)" return endif if undefined(export) then export = '' ;set parameters for both circle sectors l_alpha_width=width[0]/2.d r_alpha_width=width[1]/2.d l_alpha=alpha[0] r_alpha=alpha[1] xgrid=slice.xgrid ygrid=slice.ygrid data=slice.data ;select data according to given angle alpha for the positive x side x=xgrid[where(xgrid[*] GT 0)] r_data=data[where(xgrid[*] GT 0),*] r_ylim_segment=make_array(n_elements(x), 2, /double) r_ylim_segment[*,0]=abs(x) * tan((r_alpha+r_alpha_width) / !RADEG) r_ylim_segment[*,1]=abs(x) * tan((r_alpha-r_alpha_width) / !RADEG) ;overplot 2 white lines marking the circle sector in the 2D plot oplot, x, r_ylim_segment[*,0], color=fsc_color('white'), thick=4.d, linestyle=0 oplot, x, r_ylim_segment[*,1], color=fsc_color('white'), thick=4.d, linestyle=0 r_segment=make_array(n_elements(x), /double) FOR i=0, n_elements(x)-1 DO BEGIN IF r_ylim_segment[0,0] GT r_ylim_segment[0,1] THEN pixel_inside=where(ygrid[*] LT r_ylim_segment[i,0] AND ygrid[*] GT r_ylim_segment[i,1]) IF r_ylim_segment[0,0] LT r_ylim_segment[0,1] THEN pixel_inside=where(ygrid[*] GT r_ylim_segment[i,0] AND ygrid[*] LT r_ylim_segment[i,1]) r_segment[i]=total(r_data[i,pixel_inside]) IF pixel_inside[0] EQ -1 THEN r_segment[i]=0 ENDFOR ;select data according to given angle alpha for the negative x side x=xgrid[where(xgrid[*] LT 0)] l_data=data[where(xgrid[*] LT 0),*] l_ylim_segment=make_array(n_elements(x), 2, /double) l_ylim_segment[*,0]=abs(x) * tan((l_alpha+l_alpha_width) / !RADEG) l_ylim_segment[*,1]=abs(x) * tan((l_alpha-l_alpha_width) / !RADEG) ;overplot 2 white lines marking the circle sector in the 2D plot oplot, x, l_ylim_segment[*,0], color=fsc_color('white'), thick=4.d, linestyle=0 oplot, x, l_ylim_segment[*,1], color=fsc_color('white'), thick=4.d, linestyle=0 l_segment=make_array(n_elements(x), /double) FOR i=0, n_elements(x)-1 DO BEGIN IF l_ylim_segment[0,0] GT l_ylim_segment[0,1] THEN pixel_inside=where(ygrid[*] LT l_ylim_segment[i,0] AND ygrid[*] GT l_ylim_segment[i,1]) IF l_ylim_segment[0,0] LT l_ylim_segment[0,1] THEN pixel_inside=where(ygrid[*] GT l_ylim_segment[i,0] AND ygrid[*] LT l_ylim_segment[i,1]) l_segment[i]=total(l_data[i,pixel_inside]) IF pixel_inside[0] EQ -1 THEN l_segment[i]=0 ENDFOR ;final result of X and Y for the 1d plot x_1d=xgrid y_1d=[l_segment, r_segment] ;sum X to real measured FPI channels ;omni burst should be already loaded from main scripts tplot_names, '*d'+species+'s_energyspectr_omni_brst*', names=t_names get_data, t_names[0], data=mms_data v_bins=reform(mms_data.v[0,*]) ;calculate velocity bins from energy bins m_i=1.672621898d-27 m_e=9.10938356d-31 eVtoJ=1.6021766208d-19 Re=6.3781E6 c=299792458.d if species eq 'i' then begin vel_bins=c*sqrt(1.d - ((v_bins*evtoJ)/(m_i*c^2.d)+1.d)^(-2.d))/1d3 endif else begin vel_bins=c*sqrt(1.d - ((v_bins*evtoJ)/(m_e*c^2.d)+1.d)^(-2.d))/1d3 endelse ; ;sum up all data from X to the real FPI bins l_segm=make_array(n_elements(vel_bins), /double) r_segm=make_array(n_elements(vel_bins), /double) ;x_pos=x_1d[250:-1] x_pos=x_1d[n_elements(x_1d)/2:-1] ; changed by egrimes, jan 2020 FOR index_fpi=0, n_elements(vel_bins)-2 DO BEGIN index_2d=where(x_pos[*] GE vel_bins[index_fpi] AND x_pos[*] LT vel_bins[index_fpi+1]) IF index_2d[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN r_segm[index_fpi]=mean(r_segment[index_2d]) ENDIF ENDFOR x_pos=x_1d[0:n_elements(x_1d)/2-1] ; changed by egrimes, jan 2020 l_vel_bins=-reverse(vel_bins) FOR index_fpi=0, n_elements(vel_bins)-2 DO BEGIN index_2d=where(x_pos[*] GE l_vel_bins[index_fpi] AND x_pos[*] LT l_vel_bins[index_fpi+1]) IF index_2d[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN l_segm[index_fpi]=mean(l_segment[index_2d]) ENDIF ENDFOR x_1d_fpi=[l_vel_bins, vel_bins] y_1d_fpi=[l_segm, r_segm] ; ; set zero values to 1d-26 so plot on the log scale is possible y_1d_fpi[where(y_1d_fpi[*] EQ 0)]=1d-26 ;set values outside 2d slice X ranges to 1d-26 y_1d_fpi[where(abs(x_1d_fpi[*]) LT slice.rrange[0])]=1d-26 ;make 1 D plot p1=plot(x_1d_fpi, y_1d_fpi, histogram=1, STAIRSTEP=1, $ yrange=plot1d, ylog=1, xrange=[-slice.rrange[1], slice.rrange[1]],$ font_size=14, DIMENSIONS=[500, 500]) p1.Save, export+'_1d.png', BORDER=10, RESOLUTION=500 end