;+ ;Procedure: ; mms_pgs_make_tplot ; ;Purpose: ; Create tplot variable with standard spectrogram settings. ; ; ;Input: ; name: name of new tplot variable to create ; x: x axis (time) ; v1: first dimension ; v2: second dimension ; z: z axis (data) ; _extra: Any other keywords used will be passed to tplot and ; set in the dlimits of the new variable. ; (e.g. ylog=1 to set logarithmic y axis) ; ; ;Output: ; Creates a tplot variable. ; tplotnames=tplotnames : Concatenates the name of the new variable onto tnames argument ; ;Notes: ; Forked from spd_pgs_make_tplot, on 3/13/2018, to support creating multi-dimensional tplot variables ; in mms_part_products_new ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-03-20 10:00:31 -0700 (Tue, 20 Mar 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24910 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/particles/mms_pgs_make_tplot.pro $ ;- pro mms_pgs_make_tplot, name, x=x, v1=v1, v2=v2, z=z, units=units, tplotnames=tplotnames, _extra=ex compile_opt idl2, hidden ; if ~keyword_set(units) then begin ; units = 'f (s!U3!N/cm!U6!N)' ; endif if ~keyword_set(units) then begin units = '' endif ; idx = where(y gt 0,c) ; if c gt 0 then begin ; zrange = minmax(z[idx]) ; zrange[0] = floor(zrange[0]) ; zrange[1] = ceil(Zrange[1]) ; endif else begin ; zrange = [1,1] ; endelse ;general settings for all spectrograms dlimits = {ylog:0, zlog:1, spec:1, ystyle:1, zstyle:1,$ extend_y_edges:1,$ ;if this option is set, tplot only plots to bin center on the top and bottom of the specplot x_no_interp:1,y_no_interp:1,$ ;copied from original thm_part_getspec, don't think this is strictly necessary, since specplot interpolation is disabled by default ztitle:spd_units_string(units,/units_only),minzlog:1,data_att:{units:units}$ ; ,zrange:zrange $ } ;add/modify settings through extra keyword extract_tags, dlimits, ex ;spectrograms are built with time along dimension 2, ;tplot assumes time along dimension 1 ;if dimen2(y) gt 1 then y = transpose(temporary(y)) ;store the data store_data, name, $ data = {x:x, y:temporary(z), v1:v1, v2:v2}, $ dlimits = dlimits ;,verbose=0 ;limit default z range based on units ;thm_pgs_set_spec_zlimits, name, units_lc tplotnames=array_concat(name,tplotnames) end