;+ ;PROCEDURE: mms_pgs_make_fac ;PURPOSE: ; Generate the field aligned coordinate transformation matrix ; Specifically ; #1 guarantee mag_data is in dsl and pos data is in gei ; #2 guarantee that time grid matches particle data ; ;Inputs(required): ; ;Outputs: ; ;Keywords: ; ;Notes: ; Needs to be vectorized because mms_cotrans is waaaay too slow if fed single vectors at a time ; If an error occurs fac_output will be undefined on return ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-07-02 15:28:15 -0700 (Mon, 02 Jul 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 25430 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/particles/mms_pgs_make_fac.pro $ ;- ;so we don't have one long routine of doom, all transforms should be separate helper functions pro mms_pgs_xgse,mag_temp,pos_temp,x_basis,y_basis,z_basis,probe=probe compile_opt idl2,hidden get_data,mag_temp,data=d ;xaxis of this system is X of the gse system. Z is mag field x_axis = transpose(rebin([1D,0D,0D],3,n_elements(d.x))) store_data,'xgse_pgs_temp',data={x:d.x,y:x_axis},dl={data_att:{coord_sys:'gse'}} mms_cotrans,'xgse_pgs_temp','xgse_pgs_temp',out_coord='gse',probe=probe ;create orthonormal basis set tnormalize,mag_temp,out=z_basis tcrossp,z_basis,'xgse_pgs_temp',out=y_basis tnormalize,y_basis,out=y_basis tcrossp,y_basis,z_basis,out=x_basis ;create orthonormal basis set ; z_basis = mag/norm(mag) ; x_basis = crossp(z_basis,pos_basis) ; x_basis = x_basis/norm(x_basis) ; y_basis = crossp(z_basis,x_basis) end ;so we don't have one long routine of doom, all transforms should be separate helper functions pro mms_pgs_phigeo,mag_temp,pos_temp,x_basis,y_basis,z_basis,probe=probe compile_opt idl2,hidden get_data,pos_temp,data=pos_data ;transformation to generate other_dim dim for phigeo from thm_fac_matrix_make ;All the conversions to polar and trig simplifies to this. ;But the reason the conversion is why this is the conversion that is done, is lost on me. ;The conversion swaps the x & y components of position, reflects over x=0,z=0 then projects into the xy plane store_data,pos_temp[0],data={x:pos_data.x,y:[[-pos_data.y[*,1]],[pos_data.y[*,0]],[replicate(0.,n_elements(pos_data.x))]]} ;transform into GSE because particles are in GSE mms_cotrans,pos_temp,pos_temp,out_coord='gse',probe=probe ;create orthonormal basis set tnormalize,mag_temp,out=z_basis tcrossp,pos_temp,z_basis,out=x_basis tnormalize,x_basis,out=x_basis tcrossp,z_basis,x_basis,out=y_basis ;create orthonormal basis set ; z_basis = mag/norm(mag) ; x_basis = crossp(z_basis,pos_basis) ; x_basis = x_basis/norm(x_basis) ; y_basis = crossp(z_basis,x_basis) end ;so we don't have one long routine of doom, all transforms should be separate helper functions pro mms_pgs_mphigeo,mag_temp,pos_temp,x_basis,y_basis,z_basis,probe=probe compile_opt idl2,hidden get_data,pos_temp,data=pos_data ;transformation to generate other_dim dim for mphigeo from thm_fac_matrix_make ;All the conversions to polar and trig simplifies to this. ;But the reason the conversion is why this is the conversion that is done, is lost on me. ;The conversion swaps the x & y components of position, reflects over x=0,z=0 then projects into the xy plane store_data,pos_temp[0],data={x:pos_data.x,y:[[-pos_data.y[*,1]],[pos_data.y[*,0]],[replicate(0.,n_elements(pos_data.x))]]} ;transform into GSE because particles are in GSE mms_cotrans,pos_temp,pos_temp,out_coord='gse',probe=probe ;create orthonormal basis set tnormalize,mag_temp,out=z_basis tcrossp,z_basis,pos_temp,out=x_basis tnormalize,x_basis,out=x_basis tcrossp,z_basis,x_basis,out=y_basis ;create orthonormal basis set ; z_basis = mag/norm(mag) ; x_basis = crossp(z_basis,pos_basis) ; x_basis = x_basis/norm(x_basis) ; y_basis = crossp(z_basis,x_basis) end pro mms_pgs_make_fac,times,$ ;the time grid of the particle data mag_tvar_in,$ ;tplot variable containing the mag data pos_tvar_in,$ ;position variable containing the position data fac_output=fac_output,$ ; output time series field aligned coordinate transform matrix fac_type=fac_type, $ ;field aligned coordinate transform type (only mphigeo, atm) display_object=display_object,$ ;(optional) dprint display object probe=probe ;string designating the probe being transformed compile_opt idl2, hidden valid_types = ['mphigeo','phigeo','xgse'] if ~undefined(fac_type) && ~in_set(fac_type,valid_types) then begin ;ensure the user knows that the requested FAC variant is not being used dprint, 'Transform: ' + fac_type + ' not yet implemented. ' + $ 'Let us know you want it and we can add it ASAP. ', $ dlevel=0, display_object=display_object return endif if undefined(mag_tvar_in) || undefined(pos_tvar_in) then begin dprint, 'Magnetic field and/or spacecraft position data not specified. '+ $ 'Please use MAG_NAME and POS_NAME keywords.', $ dlevel=0, display_object=display_object return endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;sanitize ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Note this logic could probably be rolled into thm_pgs_clean_support in the future if (tnames(mag_tvar_in))[0] ne '' then begin mag_temp = mag_tvar_in + '_pgs_temp' ; magnetic field must be in GSE coordinates mms_cotrans,mag_tvar_in,mag_temp,out_coord='gse',probe=probe tinterpol_mxn,mag_temp,times,newname=mag_temp,/nan_extrapolate endif else begin dprint, 'Magnetic field variable not found: "' + mag_tvar_in + $ '"; skipping field-aligned outputs', $ dlevel=1, display_object=display_object return endelse if (tnames(pos_tvar_in))[0] ne '' then begin pos_temp = pos_tvar_in + '_pgs_temp' mms_cotrans,pos_tvar_in,pos_temp,out_coord='gei',probe=probe tinterpol_mxn,pos_temp,times,newname=pos_temp,/nan_extrapolate endif else begin dprint, 'Position variable not found: "' + pos_tvar_in + $ '"; skipping field-aligned outputs', $ dlevel=1, display_object=display_object return endelse if fac_type eq 'mphigeo' then begin ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;mphigeo ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- mms_pgs_mphigeo,mag_temp,pos_temp,x_basis,y_basis,z_basis,probe=probe endif else if fac_type eq 'phigeo' then begin ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;phigeo ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- mms_pgs_phigeo,mag_temp,pos_temp,x_basis,y_basis,z_basis,probe=probe endif else if fac_type eq 'xgse' then begin ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;xgse ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;position isn't necessary for this one, but uniformity of interface and requirements trumps here mms_pgs_xgse,mag_temp,pos_temp,x_basis,y_basis,z_basis,probe=probe endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;create rotation matrix ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- fac_output = dindgen(n_elements(times),3,3) fac_output[*,0,*] = x_basis fac_output[*,1,*] = y_basis fac_output[*,2,*] = z_basis ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;cleanup ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- del_data,pos_temp del_data,mag_temp end