;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_load_state ; ; PURPOSE: ; Load MMS state (position, attitude) data ; NOTE: MEC data may also be loaded if the date is current date-4days ; AND the level is not set to 'pred' ; ; KEYWORDS: ; trange: time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format ; ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or for more specifi times ; ['YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss','YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss'] see examples below ; probes: list of probes, valid values for MMS probes are ['*','1','2','3','4'] ; where '*' specifies all probes. If no probe is specified the default ; is all probes ; level: ['def', 'pred'] for predicted or definitive attitude or position data. ; the default is to search for definitive data first and if not found ; search for predicted data. To turn this feature off use the keyword ; pred_or_def (see below) ; datatypes: ephemeris and attitude data types include ['*','pos', 'vel', 'spinras', 'spindec']. ; If no value is given the default is '*' where all types will be loaded ; (all MEC values might also be loaded - see NOTE in 'PURPOSE' (above)) ; local_data_dir: local directory to store the CDF files; should be set if ; you're on *nix or OSX, the default currently assumes Windows ; (c:\data\mms\) ; source: specifies a different system variable. By default the MMS mission ; system variable is !mms ; remote_data_dir: This is the URL of the server that can provide the data files. ; if the software does not find a needed file in LOCAL_DATA_DIR, then it will ; attempt to download the data from the URL and REMOTE_DATA_DIR is defined, ; the software will attempt to download the file from REMOTE_DATA_DIR, place it ; in LOCAL_DATA_DIR with the same relative pathname, and then continue ; processing. ; attitude_only: flag to only load L-right ascension and L-declination attitude data, this ; is only true for predicted data ; ephemeris_only: flag to only load position and velocity data, this is only true for predicted data ; no_download: set flag to use local data only (no download) ; login_info: string containing name of a sav file containing a structure named "auth_info", ; with "username" and "password" tags that include your SDC login information ; tplotnames: names for tplot variables ; pred_or_def: set this flag to turn off looking for predicted data if definitive not found ; (pred_or_def=0 will return only the level that was requested). The default is ; to load predicted data if definitive data is not found ; no_color_setup: don't setup graphics configuration; use this keyword when you're using this ; load routine from a terminal without an X server running ; suffix: appends a suffix to the end of the tplot variable name. this is useful for ; preserving original tplot variable. ; ascii: force loading the state data from the ASCII files (will not use the MEC files) ; ; OUTPUT: tplot variables ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; MMS> tr=['2015-07-21','2015-07-22'] ; MMS> mms_load_state, probe='1', trange=tr ; MMS> mms_load_state, probe='*', level='def', trange=tr ; MMS> mms_load_state, probe=['1','3'], datatypes='pos', trange=tr ; MMS> mms_load_state, probe=['1','3'], datatypes=['pos', 'spinras'], trange=tr ; MMS> mms_load_state, probe=['1','2','3'], datatypes='*', level='pred', trange=tr ; MMS> mms_load_state, probe='1', /attitude_only, trange=tr ; MMS> mms_load_state, probe='*', /ephemeris_only, level='pred', trange=tr ; ; NOTES: ; The MMS plug-in in SPEDAS requires IDL 8.4 to access data at the LASP SDC ; ; 1) See the following regarding rules for the use of MMS data: ; https://lasp.colorado.edu/galaxy/display/mms/MMS+Data+Rights+and+Rules+for+Data+Use ; ; 2) CDF version 3.6.3+ is required to correctly handle leap seconds. ; ; 3) If no level ('pred' or 'def') is specified the routine defaults to 'def'. When 'def' data is ; retrieved and the start time requested is the same as the time of the last available definitive ; file or near the current date it's possible that only partial definitive data is available or that ; no data is available. Partial data is due to the fact that MMS files don't go from 0-24hrs but ; rather start at ~midday. Whenever partial data is available a warning message is displayed in the ; console window and the partial data is loaded. ; ; When no data is available the user is notified and no further action is taken. The user can re-request ; the data by adding or changing the keyword level to 'pred' or in the GUI by clicking on 'pred' in the ; level text box. ; ; Time frames can span several days or weeks. If long time spans start in the definitive range and ; end in the predicted time range the user will get either partial 'def' or 'pred' depending on ; what the level keyword is set to. ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-02-21 14:47:40 -0800 (Wed, 21 Feb 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 24756 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/mec_ascii/mms_load_state.pro $ ;- pro mms_load_state, trange = trange_in, probes = probes, datatypes = datatypes, $ level = level, local_data_dir = local_data_dir, source = source, $ remote_data_dir = remote_data_dir, attitude_only=attitude_only, $ ephemeris_only = ephemeris_only, no_download=no_download, login_info=login_info, $ tplotnames = tplotnames, pred_or_def=pred_or_def, no_color_setup = no_color_setup, $ suffix = suffix, ascii = ascii, spdf=spdf ; define probe, product, type, coordinate, and unit names p_names = ['1', '2', '3', '4'] t_names = ['pos', 'vel', 'spinras', 'spindec'] l_names = ['def', 'pred'] ; if undefined(trange) then begin ; dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error loading MMS attitude data - no time range given.' ; return ; endif mec_flag= 0 public = 0 ; set up system variable for MMS if not already set defsysv, '!mms', exists=exists if not(exists) then mms_init, no_color_setup = no_color_setup ;response_code = spd_check_internet_connection() response_code = 200 ;combine these flags for now, if we're not downloading files then there is ;no reason to contact the server unless mms_get_local_files is unreliable if undefined(no_download) then no_download = !mms.no_download or !mms.no_server or (response_code ne 200) ; only prompt the user if they're going to download data if no_download eq 0 then begin status = mms_login_lasp(login_info = login_info, username=username) if status ne 1 then no_download = 1 if username eq '' || username eq 'public' then public=1 endif ; define cutoff date for retrieving attitude files from mec mec_cutoff_date = systime(/seconds)-60.*60.*24.*4. ; initialize undefined values if ~undefined(trange_in) && n_elements(trange_in) eq 2 $ then trange_in = timerange(trange_in) $ else trange_in = timerange() if undefined(probes) then probes = p_names else probes = strcompress(string(probes), /rem) if undefined(level) then level = 'def' else level = strlowcase(level) if undefined(datatypes) then datatypes = '*' else datatypes = strlowcase(datatypes) if undefined(local_data_dir) then local_data_dir = !mms.local_data_dir if undefined(remote_data_dir) then remote_data_dir = !mms.remote_data_dir if undefined(pred_or_def) then pred_or_def=1 else pred_or_def=pred_or_def if not keyword_set(source) then source = !mms ; check for wild cards if probes[0] EQ '*' then probes = p_names if datatypes[0] EQ '*' then datatypes = t_names if keyword_set(ephemeris_only) then begin datatypes = ['pos', 'vel'] mec_varformat = '*_v_* *_r_*' endif if keyword_set(attitude_only) then begin datatypes = ['spinras', 'spindec'] mec_varformat = '*_ang_mom_* *_mec_L_vec' endif if keyword_set(attitude_only) && keyword_set(ephemeris_only) then begin dprint, 'mms_load_state error, cannot set both attitude_only and ephemeris_only keywords' return endif ; allow users to pass probes as a list of ints probes = strcompress(string(probes), /rem) ; check for valid names for i = 0, n_elements(datatypes)-1 do begin idx = where(t_names eq datatypes[i], ncnt) if ncnt EQ 0 then begin dprint, 'mms_load_state error, found unrecognized datatypes: ' + datatypes[i] return endif endfor for i = 0, n_elements(level)-1 do begin idx = where(l_names eq level[i], ncnt) if ncnt EQ 0 then begin dprint, 'mms_load_state error, found unrecognized level: ' + level[i] return endif endfor for i = 0, n_elements(probes)-1 do begin idx = where(p_names eq probes[i], ncnt) if ncnt EQ 0 then begin dprint, 'mms_load_state error, found unrecognized probes: ' + probes[i] return endif endfor ; check for attitude data type mec cut off date att_idx = where(strpos(datatypes, 'spin') GE 0, natt) def_idx = where(strpos(level, 'def') GE 0, nlev) ; cutoff date is now defined to be if trange_in[1] le mec_cutoff_date then begin mec_flag = 1 eph_idx = where(strpos(datatypes, 'spin') EQ -1, neph) endif if keyword_set(ascii) then mec_flag = 0 ; user requested ASCII files ; get state data for each probe and data type (def or pred) for i = 0, n_elements(probes)-1 do begin for j = 0, n_elements(level)-1 do begin if mec_flag EQ 1 && level[j] NE 'pred' then begin mms_load_mec, probe = probes[i], trange = trange_in, cdf_filenames=cdf_files, $ varformat=mec_varformat, suffix=suffix, /time_clip, spdf=spdf if ~keyword_set(attitude_only) then begin copy_data, 'mms'+probes[i]+'_mec_r_eci'+suffix, 'mms'+probes[i]+'_defeph_pos'+suffix copy_data, 'mms'+probes[i]+'_mec_v_eci'+suffix, 'mms'+probes[i]+'_defeph_vel'+suffix endif endif else begin mms_get_state_data, probe = probes[i], trange = trange_in, tplotnames = tplotnames, $ login_info = login_info, datatypes = datatypes, level = level[j], $ local_data_dir=local_data_dir, remote_data_dir=remote_data_dir, $ no_download=no_download, pred_or_def=pred_or_def, suffix = suffix, $ public=public endelse endfor endfor ; time clip the data if ~undefined(tplotnames) then begin if (tplotnames[0] ne '') then begin time_clip, tplotnames, time_double(trange_in[0]), time_double(trange_in[1]), replace=1, error=error endif endif end