;+ ;Procedure: ; mms_get_local_state_files ; ;Purpose: ; Search for local state MMS files in case a list cannot be retrieved from the ; remote server. Returns a sorted list of file paths. ; ;Calling Sequence: ; ; files = mms_get_local_state_files( probe=probe, instrument=instrument, $ ; data_rate=data_rate, level=level, datatype=datatype, trange=trange) ; ;Input: ; probe: (string) Full spacecraft designation, e.g. 'mms1' ; filetype: (string) Instrument designation, e.g. 'hpca' ; trange: (string/double) Two element time range, e.g. ['2015-06-22','2015-06-23'] ; ;Output: ; return value: Sorted string array of file paths, if successful; 0 otherwise ; ;Notes: ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-05-25 14:40:54 -0700 (Wed, 25 May 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21203 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/mec_ascii/mms_get_local_state_files.pro $ ;- function mms_get_local_state_files, $ probe = probe, $ level = level, $ filetype = filetype, $ trange=trange_in compile_opt idl2, hidden ;return value in case of error error = 0 ;verify all inputs are present if undefined(probe) || $ undefined(level) || $ undefined(filetype) || $ undefined(trange_in) then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Missing required input to search for local files' return, error endif trange = time_double(trange_in) instrument = 'state' ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;Get list of files by probe and type of data ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;path & filename separators s = path_sep() f = '_' ;inputs common to all file paths and folder names basic_inputs = [probe, instrument, level, filetype] ;directory and file name search patterns ; For now ; -all ancillary data is in one directory: ; mms\ancillary ; -assume file names are of the form: ; SPACECRAFT_FILETYPE_startDate_endDate.version ; where SPACECRAFT is [MMS1, MMS2, MMS3, MMS4] in uppercase ; and FILETYPE is either DEFATT, PREDATT, DEFEPH, PREDEPH in uppercase ; and start/endDate is YYYYDOY ; and version is Vnn (.V00, .V01, etc..) dir_pattern = strjoin( basic_inputs, s)+s file_pattern = strupcase(probe)+f+strupcase(level)+strupcase(filetype)+f+'[0-9]{7}'+f+'[0-9]{7}' ;escape backslash in case of Windows ;search_pattern = escape_string(dir_pattern + file_pattern, list='\') ;get list of all state files in local directory instr_data_dir = filepath('', ROOT_DIR=!mms.local_data_dir, $ SUBDIRECTORY=['ancillary', probe, level+filetype]) all_files = file_search(instr_data_dir,'*.V*') ;perform search idx = where( stregex( all_files, file_pattern, /bool), n_files) if n_files eq 0 then begin dprint, dlevel=2, 'No local files found for: '+strjoin(basic_inputs,' ') return, error endif files = all_files[idx] ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;Restrict list to files within the time range ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;extract file info from file names ; [file name sans version, data type, time] file_strings = stregex( files, file_pattern, /subexpr, /extract) ; extract the start and end times from the file names date_pattern = '([0-9]{7})_([0-9]{7})' date_strings = stregex( files, date_pattern, /subexpr, /extract) tformat = 'YYYYDOY' start_times = time_double(date_strings[1,*], tformat=tformat) end_times = time_double(date_strings[2,*], tformat=tformat) ;determine which files are within the requested time range ; TODO: This check is inadequate as it cannot determine if ; files whose (start) times precede the time range will ; intersect it. Possible solutions: ; -ascertain time range of each file by type (unlikely) ; -guess file cadence based on file times within requested ; time range (inconsistent/untrustworthy) ; -sort files by time and always load the file preceding the ; first in-range file, then allow time_clip to remove ; unwanted data (kludgy) time_idx = where(start_times lt trange[1] and end_times gt trange[0] , n_times) ;time_idx = where((start_times ge trange[0] and start_times lt trange[1]) $ ; OR (end_times ge trange[0] and end_times lt trange[1]) $ ; OR (start_times lt trange[1] and end_times gt trange[0]) , n_times) if n_times eq 0 then begin dprint, dlevel=2, 'No local files found between '+time_string(trange[0])+' and '+time_string(trange[1]) return, error endif ;restrict list of files to those in the time range files = files[time_idx] file_strings = file_strings[time_idx] ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;Extract the latest version of each file ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;get file versions versions = stregex(files, '.V([0-9]{2})', /subexpr, /extract) ; Solution to duplicate files ; - Loop over unique file times, not all file times. ;iuniq = uniq(file_strings[2,*], sort(file_strings[2,*])) ;uniq_strings = file_strings[*,iuniq] iuniq = uniq(file_strings, sort(file_strings)) uniq_strings = file_strings[iuniq] ;loop over file names to find files with multiple versions for i=0, n_elements(iuniq)-1 do begin ;find files with identical names (excluding version) vidx = where(uniq_strings[i] eq file_strings[*], n_versions) ;sort results by ascending version and use last in list highest_version = ( (files[vidx])[sort(versions[vidx])] )[n_versions-1] ;add to output list files_out = array_concat(highest_version,files_out) endfor return, files_out end