;+ ; Function: ; mms_hpca_mode ; ; Input: ; brst_in: hpca burst data tplot variable ; srvy_in: hpca survey data tplot variable ; ; Output: ; mode_out: creates a tplot variable with the name data_in + _mode ; (with brst or srvy stripped off, containing flags ; for each mode (e.q. data.x=brst_srvy time and ; data.y:[brst_flag, srvy_flag]. ; Returns the name of the tplot variable it created. ; ; NOTE: This only handles burst and survey type hpca data. ; When fast data becomes available this will need ; to be modified to handle that mode as well. ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-04-27 12:47:46 -0700 (Wed, 27 Apr 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 20937 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/hpca/mms_hpca_mode.pro $ ;- function mms_hpca_mode, brst_in, srvy_in get_data, brst_in, data=brst_data, dlimits=brst_dl, limits=brst_l get_data, srvy_in, data=srvy_data, dlimits=srvy_dl, limits=srvy_l ; setup d.x and d.y nbrst=n_elements(brst_data.x) nsrvy=n_elements(srvy_data.x) mode_x=[srvy_data.x, brst_data.x] mode_y=dblarr(nsrvy+nbrst, 2) mode_y[0:nsrvy-1,0]=1.0 mode_y[nsrvy:(nsrvy+nbrst)-1,1]=2.0 mode_out=strmid(brst_in, 0, strlen(brst_in)-4) + 'mode' mode_data = { x:mode_x, y:mode_y } ; modify the dlimits and limits structure for this new data this_l = {ylog:0, ytitle:'HPCA Modes', ysubtitle:'', yrange:[.5,2.5]} this_dl=brst_dl this_dl.spec=0 this_dl = create_struct(this_dl, 'colors', ['r','b'], 'labels', ['Survey','Burst'], 'labflag', 1, $ 'psym', 6, 'ticklen', 0, 'symsize', .25, 'ytickname', [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '] ) store_data, mode_out, data=mode_data, dlimits=this_dl, limits=this_l return, mode_out end