;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_load_fpi_calc_pad ; ; PURPOSE: ; Calculates the omni-directional pitch angle distribution (summed and averaged) ; from the individual tplot variables ; ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-08-26 11:40:59 -0700 (Fri, 26 Aug 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21736 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/fpi/mms_load_fpi_calc_pad.pro $ ;- pro mms_load_fpi_calc_pad, probe, autoscale = autoscale, level = level, datatype = datatype, $ data_rate = data_rate, suffix = suffix if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' if undefined(datatype) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, must provide a datatype to mms_load_fpi_calc_pad' return endif if undefined(autoscale) then autoscale = 1 if undefined(level) then level = 'sitl' if undefined(data_rate) then data_rate = '' ; in case the user passes datatype = '*' if (datatype[0] eq '*' || datatype[0] eq '') && level eq 'ql' then datatype=['des', 'dis'] if (datatype[0] eq '*' || datatype[0] eq '') && level ne 'ql' then datatype=['des-dist', 'dis-dist'] species = strmid(datatype, 1, 1) for sidx=0, n_elements(species)-1 do begin spec_str_format = level eq 'sitl' ? 'PitchAngDist' : 'pitchAngDist' obs_str_format = level eq 'sitl' ? '_fpi_'+species[sidx] : '_d'+species[sidx]+'s_' spec_str_format = level eq 'l2' ? 'pitchangdist' : spec_str_format obsstr='mms'+STRING(probe,FORMAT='(I1)')+obs_str_format ; now concatenate the full variable names, based on the level pad_vars = level eq 'l2' ? obsstr+spec_str_format+'_'+['low', 'mid', 'high']+'en_'+data_rate+suffix : obsstr+spec_str_format+'_'+['low', 'mid', 'high']+'En'+suffix ; get the PAD from the tplot variables get_data, pad_vars[0], data=lowEn, dlimits=dl get_data, pad_vars[1], data=midEn, dlimits=dl get_data, pad_vars[2], data=highEn, dlimits=dl ; skip avg/sum when we can't find the tplot names if ~is_struct(lowEn) || ~is_struct(midEn) || ~is_struct(highEn) then begin ; kludge to create the PAD for v3 of the CDFs; once the older versions are ; removed from the SDC, these variable names will need to be moved up ^ v3_pad_vars = tnames(strlowcase(pad_vars)+'_'+data_rate) if ~is_array(v3_pad_vars) then continue get_data, v3_pad_vars[0], data=lowEn, dlimits=dl get_data, v3_pad_vars[1], data=midEn, dlimits=dl get_data, v3_pad_vars[2], data=highEn, dlimits=dl endif e_PAD_sum=(lowEn.Y+midEn.Y+highEn.Y) e_PAD_avg=e_PAD_sum/3.0 if is_array(e_PAD_sum) then begin pad_avg_name = obsstr+'PitchAngDist_avg'+suffix if level eq 'l2' || defined(v3_pad_vars) then pad_avg_name = strlowcase(pad_avg_name) if level eq 'ql' then store_data, obsstr+'PitchAngDist_sum'+suffix, data = {x:lowEn.X, y:e_PAD_sum, v:lowEn.V}, dlimits=dl store_data, pad_avg_name, data = {x:lowEn.X, y:e_PAD_avg, v:lowEn.V}, dlimits=dl endif species_str = species[sidx] eq 'e' ? 'electron' : 'ion' ; set the metadata for the PADs options, pad_avg_name, ytitle='MMS'+STRING(probe,FORMAT='(I1)')+'!C'+species_str+'!CPAD!Cavg' options, pad_avg_name, ysubtitle='[deg]' options, pad_avg_name, ztitle='eV/(cm!U2!N s sr eV)' if level eq 'ql' then begin options, obsstr+'PitchAngDist_sum'+suffix, ytitle='MMS'+STRING(probe,FORMAT='(I1)')+'!C'+species_str+'!CPAD!Csum' options, obsstr+'PitchAngDist_sum'+suffix, ysubtitle='[deg]' if autoscale then zlim, obsstr+'PitchAngDist_sum'+suffix, 0, 0, 1 else $ zlim, obsstr+'PitchAngDist_sum'+suffix, min(e_PAD_sum), max(e_PAD_sum), 1 ylim, obsstr+'PitchAngDist_sum'+suffix, 0, 180, 0 endif if autoscale then zlim, pad_avg_name, 0, 0, 1 else $ zlim, pad_avg_name, min(e_PAD_avg), max(e_PAD_avg), 1 ylim, pad_avg_name, 0, 180, 0 if ~autoscale then zlim, obsstr+'PitchAngDist_'+['lowEn', 'midEn', 'highEn']+suffix, min(e_PAD_avg), max(e_PAD_avg), 1 endfor end