;+ ;Purpose: ; Returns structure containing supplementary information ; for analysis of FPI data. ; ;Return value: ; Info structure containing tables to be indexed by energy table ; and energy/angle bin index. ; { ; electron_energy: 3 x 32 array of electron energy tables ; ion_energy: 3 x 32 array of ion energy tables ; azimuth: Azimuth of instrument look direction ; elevation: Colatitude of instrument look direction ; } ; ;Notes: ; These values are approximate and should only be used in the absense of official support data! ; Energies are in eV from stepper tables. ; The first two columns of energies correspond to stepperTableParity = 0,1 for burst data (may be indexed). ; The last energy row is a geometric average of first two and is applicable to fast survey data. ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-09-02 17:52:09 -0700 (Fri, 02 Sep 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21796 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/fpi/mms_get_fpi_info.pro $ ;- function mms_get_fpi_info compile_opt idl2, hidden ;ion energies ion_energy = [ $ [10.638297872340400, 12.056918488861300, 11.32541789], $ [13.664712644022300, 15.486906693132800, 14.54730661], $ [17.552090934508100, 19.892668192405900, 18.68576787], $ [22.545362218649400, 25.551793889778200, 24.00155096], $ [28.959134240284600, 32.820844578051800, 30.82958391], $ [37.197515294436700, 42.157816529960400, 39.60007608], $ [47.779575611589700, 54.150998166644300, 50.86562406], $ [61.372052072656600, 69.556035957412300, 65.33602881], $ [78.831356859001700, 89.343544937440200, 83.92301755], $ [101.257536848764000, 114.760263607831000, 107.7976884], $ [130.063583543506000, 147.407606364406000, 138.4642969], $ [167.064460489937000, 189.342562756200000, 177.8550339], $ [214.591457488620000, 243.207300866546000, 228.4517655], $ [275.639076629728000, 312.395640651345000, 293.4424065], $ [354.053704907234000, 401.266886110113000, 376.9217793], $ [454.775960982230000, 515.420489072094000, 484.1496135], $ [584.151985477739000, 662.048850157091000, 621.8819424], $ [750.333288066910000, 850.390485607990000, 798.7967759], $ [963.790344255800000, 1092.312112378110000, 1026.04087], $ [1237.972301713850000, 1403.056326523800000, 1317.932043], $ [1590.154361832790000, 1802.201983380580000, 1692.861289], $ [2042.526226923880000, 2314.897789561970000, 2174.451528], $ [2623.590192126620000, 2973.446830896790000, 2793.045997], $ [3369.956970682050000, 3819.341871609440000, 3587.62007], $ [4328.652400946460000, 4905.879661493580000, 4608.236949], $ [5560.080372310320000, 6301.518969003540000, 5919.201968], $ [7141.828653137180000, 8094.193917635170000, 7603.114233], $ [9173.557412008650000, 10396.854393130900000, 9766.070893], $ [11783.278440102700000, 13354.582602284200000, 12544.35193], $ [15135.420705519600000, 17153.734171660900000, 16113.00665], $ [19441.190420607200000, 22033.679733403100000, 20696.88294], $ [24971.878372199800000, 28301.886792452900000, 26584.79405] ] ;electron energies electron_energy = [ $ [10.95890411, 12.40937936, 11.66161217], $ [14.05183351, 15.91167611, 14.95286673], $ [18.01767978, 20.4024254, 19.17301144], $ [23.10280608, 26.16059799, 24.58420677], $ [29.6231066, 33.54389854, 31.52260272], $ [37.98363029, 43.01098657, 40.41922083], $ [48.70374296, 55.14996905, 51.82672975], $ [62.44939098, 70.71493421, 66.45377773], $ [80.07447059, 90.67279651, 85.20901465], $ [102.673873, 116.2633624, 109.2575384], $ [131.6515005, 149.0763489, 140.0932726], $ [168.8074782, 191.1501382, 179.63177], $ [216.4499803, 245.0984049, 230.3292099], $ [277.5386166, 314.2724806, 295.3349785], $ [355.868287, 402.9695424, 378.6873127], $ [456.3049253, 516.6995589, 485.5641602], $ [585.0877766, 662.5275761, 622.6048397], $ [750.2169874, 849.5126066, 798.322484], $ [961.9505835, 1089.270386, 1023.632885], $ [1233.441712, 1396.694958, 1312.532598], $ [1581.555729, 1790.883908, 1682.968421], $ [2027.917899, 2296.324729, 2157.952275], $ [2600.256777, 2944.416016, 2766.99073], $ [3334.126748, 3775.417982, 3547.917992], $ [4275.116699, 4840.953473, 4549.246205], $ [5481.682063, 6207.214841, 5833.179086], $ [7028.776138, 7959.075893, 7479.476099], $ [9012.506277, 10205.36435, 9590.4072], $ [11556.10419, 13085.62237, 12297.10598], $ [14817.58126, 16778.77506, 15767.71584], $ [18999.54437, 21514.24552, 20217.83525], $ [24361.78212, 27586.2069, 25923.91101] ] ;elevation grid in latitude by index ;(0th index see particles moving towards -z) elevation = findgen(16) * 11.25 + 5.625 ;azimuth grid by index ;(0th index see particles moving towards -x) ;(8th index see particles moving towards -y) azimuth = findgen(32) * 11.25 + 5.625 azimuth = azimuth mod 360 s = { $ electron_energy: electron_energy, $ ion_energy: ion_energy, $ azimuth: azimuth, $ elevation: elevation $ } return, s end