;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_fpi_make_compressionlossbars ; ; PURPOSE: ; Make compressionloss flag bars ; ; KEYWORDS: ; tname: tplot variable name of dis or des compressionloss ; lossy: the value for lossy compression (use this keyword only for special case) ; ; EXAMPLES: ; MMS> mms_fpi_make_compressionlossbars,'mms1_des_compressionloss_brst' ; MMS> mms_fpi_make_compressionlossbars,'mms1_dis_compressionloss_brst' ; ; FLAG: ; 0: Lossless compression ; 1: Lossy compression ; In old files (v2.1.0 or older until the end of Phase 1A) ; 1: Lossless compression ; 3: Lossy compression ; ; In cases when data had been lossy compressed, some artifacts may appear in the data due to the compression. ; Since all of fast survey data are lossy compressed, it is not nesessary to make this bar for fast survey data. ; ; Original by Naritoshi Kitamura ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-08-30 07:29:09 -0700 (Tue, 30 Aug 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21768 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/fpi/mms_fpi_make_compressionlossbars.pro $ ;- PRO mms_fpi_make_compressionlossbars,tname,lossy=lossy if strmatch(tname,'mms?_dis*') eq 1 then inst='DIS' else if strmatch(tname,'mms?_des*') eq 1 then inst='DES' else return if inst eq 'DES' then col=6 else col=2 if strmatch(tname,'*_fast*') eq 1 then rate='Fast' else if strmatch(tname,'*_brst*') eq 1 then rate='Brst' else return if rate eq 'Fast' then gap=4.6d else if inst eq 'DIS' then gap=0.16d else gap=0.032d get_data,tname,data=d,dlimit=dl ; check for valid data before continuing on if ~is_struct(dl) then return if ~is_struct(d) then return else flags=d.y flagline=fltarr(n_elements(d.x)) if rate eq 'Brst' then begin if undefined(lossy) then begin fpi_ver=stregex(dl.cdf.gatt.logical_file_id,'v([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9])',/subexpr,/extract) if fix(fpi_ver[1]) eq 2 then begin if fix(fpi_ver[2]) eq 1 then begin if d.x[0] lt time_double('2016-04-01') then lossy=3 else lossy=1 endif else begin if fix(fpi_ver[2]) gt 1 then lossy=1 else lossy=3 endelse endif else begin if fix(fpi_ver[1]) gt 2 then lossy=1 else lossy=3 endelse endif for j=0l,n_elements(d.x)-1l do if d.y[j] ne lossy then flagline[j]=!values.f_nan else flagline[j]=0.5 store_data,tname+'_flagbars',data={x:d.x,y:flagline} ylim,tname+'_flagbars',0.0,1.0,0 options,tname+'_flagbars',colors=col,labels=inst+' '+rate+'!C Lossy',xstyle=4,ystyle=4,ticklen=0,thick=4,panel_size=0.2,labflag=-1,psym=-6,symsize=0.2,datagap=gap endif else begin for j=0l,n_elements(d.x)-1l do if flags eq 0 then flagline[j]=!values.f_nan else flagline[j]=0.5 store_data,tname+'_flagbars',data={x:d.x,y:flagline} ylim,tname+'_flagbars',0.0,1.0,0 options,tname+'_flagbars',colors=col,labels=inst+' '+rate+'!C Lossy',xstyle=4,ystyle=4,ticklen=0,thick=4,panel_size=0.2,labflag=-1,psym=-6,symsize=0.2,datagap=gap endelse END