;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_split_fgm_eph_data ; ; PURPOSE: ; Helper routine for splitting 4-vector position data (X, Y, Z, R) ; into 2 tplot variables, one for the vector (X, Y, Z), and one for ; the magnitude ; ; DFG QL position variables: ; mms1_ql_pos_gse ; mms1_ql_pos_gsm ; FGM L2 position variables: ; mms1_fgm_r_gse_srvy_l2 ; mms1_fgm_r_gsm_srvy_l2 ; DFG/L2pre: ; mms1_pos_gse ; mms1_pos_gsm ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-05-03 09:57:57 -0700 (Tue, 03 May 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21004 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/fgm/mms_split_fgm_eph_data.pro $ ;- pro mms_split_fgm_eph_data, probe=probe, level = level, suffix = suffix, data_rate=data_rate, $ instrument=instrument, tplotnames = tplotnames if undefined(instrument) then instrument = 'fgm' if undefined(probe) then probe = 'mms1' if undefined(level) then level = 'l2' if undefined(data_rate) then data_rate = 'srvy' if level eq 'ql' then vars = probe + ['_ql_pos_gse', '_ql_pos_gsm']+suffix if level eq 'l2pre' then vars = probe + ['_pos_gse', '_pos_gsm', '_'+instrument+'_r_gse_'+data_rate+'_l2pre', '_'+instrument+'_r_gsm_'+data_rate+'_l2pre']+suffix if level eq 'l2' then vars = probe + ['_'+instrument+'_r_gse_'+data_rate+'_l2', '_'+instrument+'_r_gsm_'+data_rate+'_l2']+suffix for tvar_idx = 0, n_elements(vars)-1 do begin tplot_name = vars[tvar_idx] get_data, tplot_name, data=pos_data, dlimits=pos_dlimits if is_struct(pos_data) && is_struct(pos_dlimits) then begin store_data, tplot_name + '_vec'+suffix, data={x: pos_data.X, y: [[pos_data.Y[*, 0]], [pos_data.Y[*, 1]], [pos_data.Y[*, 2]]]}, dlimits=pos_dlimits store_data, tplot_name + '_mag'+suffix, data={x: pos_data.X, y: pos_data.Y[*, 3]}, dlimits=pos_dlimits options, tplot_name + '_mag'+suffix, labels='R' options, tplot_name + '_mag'+suffix, ytitle=probe ; need to add the newly created variables from the previous procedure to the list of tplot names append_array, tplotnames, tplot_name + '_vec'+suffix append_array, tplotnames, tplot_name + '_mag'+suffix endif else begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, couldn''t split the position variable: ' + vars[tvar_idx] endelse endfor end