;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_split_fgm_data ; ; PURPOSE: ; Helper routine for splitting 4-vector FGM data (Bx, By, Bz, b_total) ; into 2 tplot variables, one for the vector (Bx, By, Bz), and one for the total ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-01-05 10:01:55 -0800 (Thu, 05 Jan 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22497 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/fgm/mms_split_fgm_data.pro $ ;- pro mms_split_fgm_data, probe, tplotnames = tplotnames, suffix = suffix, level = level, data_rate = data_rate, instrument = instrument if undefined(level) then level = '' if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' if level eq 'l2pre' then data_rate_mod = data_rate + '_l2pre' else data_rate_mod = data_rate coords = ['dmpa', 'gse', 'gsm', 'bcs'] for c_idx = 0, n_elements(coords)-1 do begin ; assumption here: tplot names loaded from FGM CDFs are in lower case tplot_name = strlowcase(probe + '_'+instrument+'_'+data_rate_mod+'_'+coords[c_idx])+suffix get_data, tplot_name, data=fgm_data, dlimits=fgm_dlimits if is_struct(fgm_data) && is_struct(fgm_dlimits) then begin ; strip suffix off tplot_name. this prevents suffix from occurring twice in tplot variable name if suffix NE '' then tplot_name=strmid(tplot_name, 0, strpos(tplot_name, suffix)) store_data, tplot_name + '_bvec'+suffix, data={x: fgm_data.X, y: [[fgm_data.Y[*, 0]], [fgm_data.Y[*, 1]], [fgm_data.Y[*, 2]]]}, dlimits=fgm_dlimits store_data, tplot_name + '_btot'+suffix, data={x: fgm_data.X, y: fgm_data.Y[*, 3]}, dlimits=fgm_dlimits options, tplot_name + '_btot'+suffix, labels='Bmag' options, tplot_name + '_btot'+suffix, ytitle=probe+'!CFGM' ; need to add the newly created variables from the previous procedure to the list of tplot names append_array, tplotnames, tplot_name + '_bvec'+suffix append_array, tplotnames, tplot_name + '_btot'+suffix ; uncomment the following to remove the old variable ; del_data, tplot_name+suffix ; tplotnames = ssl_set_complement([tplot_name+suffix], tplotnames) endif endfor ;;;; kludge to support different variable names for different versions of CDFs ; this works on L2, and new (v4+) L2pre data for c_idx = 0, n_elements(coords)-1 do begin ; assumption here: tplot names loaded from FGM CDFs are in lower case tplot_name = strlowcase(probe + '_'+instrument+'_b_'+coords[c_idx])+'_'+data_rate+'_'+level+suffix get_data, tplot_name, data=fgm_data, dlimits=fgm_dlimits if is_struct(fgm_data) && is_struct(fgm_dlimits) then begin ; strip suffix off tplot_name. this prevents suffix from occurring twice in tplot variable name if suffix NE '' then tplot_name=strmid(tplot_name, 0, strpos(tplot_name, suffix)) store_data, tplot_name + '_bvec'+suffix, data={x: fgm_data.X, y: [[fgm_data.Y[*, 0]], [fgm_data.Y[*, 1]], [fgm_data.Y[*, 2]]]}, dlimits=fgm_dlimits store_data, tplot_name + '_btot'+suffix, data={x: fgm_data.X, y: fgm_data.Y[*, 3]}, dlimits=fgm_dlimits options, tplot_name + '_btot'+suffix, labels='Bmag' options, tplot_name + '_btot'+suffix, ytitle=probe+'!CFGM' ; need to add the newly created variables from the previous procedure to the list of tplot names append_array, tplotnames, tplot_name + '_bvec'+suffix append_array, tplotnames, tplot_name + '_btot'+suffix ; uncomment the following to remove the old variable ; del_data, tplot_name+suffix ; tplotnames = ssl_set_complement([tplot_name+suffix], tplotnames) endif endfor end