;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_feeps_pitch_angles ; ; PURPOSE: ; Generates a tplot variable containing the FEEPS pitch angles for each telescope ; from magnetic field data. ; ; ; NOTES: ; Updated to find active telescopes via mms_feeps_active_eyes, 9/8/2017, egrimes ; ; Most of this routine was copy+pasted from routines provided by Drew Turner ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2018-10-08 18:47:47 -0700 (Mon, 08 Oct 2018) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 25935 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/feeps/mms_feeps_pitch_angles.pro $ ;- pro mms_feeps_pitch_angles, trange=trange, probe=probe, level=level, data_rate=data_rate, datatype=datatype, suffix=suffix, idx_maps=idx_maps if undefined(suffix) then suffix = '' if undefined(datatype) then datatype = 'electron' else datatype = strlowcase(datatype) if undefined(probe) then probe = '1' else probe = strcompress(string(probe), /rem) if undefined(data_rate) then data_rate = 'srvy' if undefined(level) then level = 'l2' ; get the times from the currently loaded FEEPS data get_data, 'mms'+probe+'_epd_feeps_'+data_rate+'_'+level+'_'+datatype+'_pitch_angle'+suffix, data=pad_data, dlimits=pad_dl if ~is_struct(pad_data) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error, could not find current pitch angles for calculating PAD; if you specified a suffix when loading FEEPS data, be sure to specify the same suffix to mms_feeps_pad' return endif if undefined(trange) && size(pad_data.X, /type) eq 14 then trange=timerange(minmax(time_double(pad_data.X, /tt2000))) if undefined(trange) && size(pad_data.X, /type) ne 14 then trange=timerange(minmax(time_double(pad_data.X))) eyes = mms_feeps_active_eyes(trange, probe, data_rate, datatype, level) ; load the B-field data if not already loaded if ~spd_data_exists('mms'+probe+'_fgm_b_bcs_srvy_l2_bvec', trange[0], trange[1]) then mms_load_fgm, trange=trange, probe=probe, tt2000=size(pad_data.X, /type) eq 14 get_data, 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_b_bcs_srvy_l2_bvec', data=b_field_data if ~is_struct(b_field_data) then begin ; couldn't find the L2 FGM data, try the L2pre DFG data instead: if ~spd_data_exists('mms'+probe+'_dfg_b_bcs_srvy_l2pre_bvec', trange[0], trange[1]) then mms_load_fgm, trange=trange, probe=probe, level='l2pre', instrument='dfg', tt2000=size(pad_data.X, /type) eq 14 get_data, 'mms'+probe+'_dfg_b_bcs_srvy_l2pre_bvec', data=b_field_data if ~is_struct(b_field_data) then begin ; one more fallback - L1b if ~spd_data_exists('mms'+probe+'_dfg_srvy_bcs_bvec', trange[0], trange[1]) then mms_load_fgm, trange=trange, probe=probe, level='l1b', instrument='dfg', tt2000=size(pad_data.X, /type) eq 14 get_data, 'mms'+probe+'_dfg_srvy_bcs_bvec', data=b_field_data if ~is_struct(b_field_data) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, "Error, couldn't load B-field data for calculating FEEPS pitch angles" return endif endif endif Bbcs = b_field_data.Y nbins = 13; number of pitch angle bins; 10 deg = 17 bins, 15 deg = 13 bins dpa = 180.0/nbins ; delta-pitch angle for each bin ; Rotation matrices for FEEPS coord system (FCS) into body coordinate system (BCS): Ttop = [[1./sqrt(2.), -1./sqrt(2.), 0], [1./sqrt(2.), 1./sqrt(2.), 0], [0, 0, 1]] Tbot = [[-1./sqrt(2.), -1./sqrt(2.), 0], [-1./sqrt(2.), 1./sqrt(2.), 0], [0, 0, -1]] ; Telescope vectors in FCS: V1fcs = [0.347, -0.837, 0.423] V2fcs = [0.347, -0.837, -0.423] V3fcs = [0.837, -0.347, 0.423] V4fcs = [0.837, -0.347, -0.423] V5fcs = [-0.087, 0.000, 0.996] V6fcs = [0.104, 0.180, 0.978] V7fcs = [0.654, -0.377, 0.656] V8fcs = [0.654, -0.377, -0.656] V9fcs = [0.837, 0.347, 0.423] V10fcs = [0.837, 0.347, -0.423] V11fcs = [0.347, 0.837, 0.423] V12fcs = [0.347, 0.837, -0.423] if datatype eq 'electron' then begin pas = dblarr(n_elements(b_field_data.X), 18) ; pitch angles for each eye at each time ; Telescope vectors in Body Coordinate System: ; Factors of -1 account for 180 deg shift between particle velocity and telescope normal direction: ; Top: Vt1bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V1fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V1fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V1fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V1fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V1fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V1fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V1fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V1fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V1fcs[2])] Vt2bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V2fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V2fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V2fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V2fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V2fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V2fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V2fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V2fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V2fcs[2])] Vt3bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V3fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V3fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V3fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V3fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V3fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V3fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V3fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V3fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V3fcs[2])] Vt4bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V4fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V4fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V4fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V4fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V4fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V4fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V4fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V4fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V4fcs[2])] Vt5bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V5fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V5fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V5fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V5fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V5fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V5fcs[2]), $ -1.*( Ttop[0,2]*V5fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V5fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V5fcs[2])] Vt9bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V9fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V9fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V9fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V9fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V9fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V9fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V9fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V9fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V9fcs[2])] Vt10bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V10fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V10fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V10fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V10fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V10fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V10fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V10fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V10fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V10fcs[2])] Vt11bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V11fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V11fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V11fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V11fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V11fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V11fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V11fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V11fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V11fcs[2])] Vt12bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V12fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V12fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V12fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V12fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V12fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V12fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V12fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V12fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V12fcs[2])] ; Bottom: Vb1bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V1fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V1fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V1fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V1fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V1fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V1fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V1fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V1fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V1fcs[2])] Vb2bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V2fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V2fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V2fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V2fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V2fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V2fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V2fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V2fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V2fcs[2])] Vb3bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V3fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V3fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V3fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V3fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V3fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V3fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V3fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V3fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V3fcs[2])] Vb4bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V4fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V4fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V4fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V4fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V4fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V4fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V4fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V4fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V4fcs[2])] Vb5bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V5fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V5fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V5fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V5fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V5fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V5fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V5fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V5fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V5fcs[2])] Vb9bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V9fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V9fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V9fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V9fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V9fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V9fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V9fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V9fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V9fcs[2])] Vb10bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V10fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V10fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V10fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V10fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V10fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V10fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V10fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V10fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V10fcs[2])] Vb11bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V11fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V11fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V11fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V11fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V11fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V11fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V11fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V11fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V11fcs[2])] Vb12bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V12fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V12fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V12fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V12fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V12fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V12fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V12fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V12fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V12fcs[2])] for i = 0,17 do begin if i eq 0 then begin Vbcs = Vt1bcs endif if i eq 1 then begin Vbcs = Vt2bcs endif if i eq 2 then begin Vbcs = Vt3bcs endif if i eq 3 then begin Vbcs = Vt4bcs endif if i eq 4 then begin Vbcs = Vt5bcs endif if i eq 5 then begin Vbcs = Vt9bcs endif if i eq 6 then begin Vbcs = Vt10bcs endif if i eq 7 then begin Vbcs = Vt11bcs endif if i eq 8 then begin Vbcs = Vt12bcs endif if i eq 9 then begin Vbcs = Vb1bcs endif if i eq 10 then begin Vbcs = Vb2bcs endif if i eq 11 then begin Vbcs = Vb3bcs endif if i eq 12 then begin Vbcs = Vb4bcs endif if i eq 13 then begin Vbcs = Vb5bcs endif if i eq 14 then begin Vbcs = Vb9bcs endif if i eq 15 then begin Vbcs = Vb10bcs endif if i eq 16 then begin Vbcs = Vb11bcs endif if i eq 17 then begin Vbcs = Vb12bcs endif pas[*, i] = 180.0/!dpi * acos((Vbcs[0]*Bbcs[*,0] + Vbcs[1]*Bbcs[*,1] + Vbcs[2]*Bbcs[*,2])/(sqrt(Vbcs[0]^2+Vbcs[1]^2+Vbcs[2]^2) * sqrt(Bbcs[*,0]^2+Bbcs[*,1]^2+Bbcs[*,2]^2))) endfor if data_rate eq 'srvy' then begin ; the following 2 hash tables map TOP/BOTTOM telescope # to index of the PA array created above top_tele_idx_map = hash() bot_tele_idx_map = hash() top_tele_idx_map[1] = 0 top_tele_idx_map[2] = 1 top_tele_idx_map[3] = 2 top_tele_idx_map[4] = 3 top_tele_idx_map[5] = 4 top_tele_idx_map[9] = 5 top_tele_idx_map[10] = 6 top_tele_idx_map[11] = 7 top_tele_idx_map[12] = 8 bot_tele_idx_map[1] = 9 bot_tele_idx_map[2] = 10 bot_tele_idx_map[3] = 11 bot_tele_idx_map[4] = 12 bot_tele_idx_map[5] = 13 bot_tele_idx_map[9] = 14 bot_tele_idx_map[10] = 15 bot_tele_idx_map[11] = 16 bot_tele_idx_map[12] = 17 new_pas = dblarr(n_elements(b_field_data.X), n_elements(eyes['top'])+n_elements(eyes['bottom'])) for top_idx = 0, n_elements(eyes['top'])-1 do begin new_pas[*, top_idx] = pas[*, top_tele_idx_map[(eyes['top'])[top_idx]]] append_array, top_idxs, top_idx endfor for bot_idx = 0, n_elements(eyes['bottom'])-1 do begin new_pas[*, bot_idx+n_elements(eyes['top'])] = pas[*, bot_tele_idx_map[(eyes['bottom'])[bot_idx]]] append_array, bot_idxs, bot_idx+n_elements(eyes['top']) endfor idx_maps = [hash('electron-top', top_idxs), hash('electron-bottom', bot_idxs)] ; old way below, prior to updating the active telescopes, 9/8/2017, egrimes ; srvy data only loads the sensor IDs: ['3', '4', '5', '11', '12'] ; new_pas = dblarr(n_elements(b_field_data.X), 10) ; ; top first ; new_pas[*, 0] = pas[*, 2] ; new_pas[*, 1] = pas[*, 3] ; new_pas[*, 2] = pas[*, 4] ; new_pas[*, 3] = pas[*, 7] ; new_pas[*, 4] = pas[*, 8] ; ; now bottom ; new_pas[*, 5] = pas[*, 11] ; new_pas[*, 6] = pas[*, 12] ; new_pas[*, 7] = pas[*, 13] ; new_pas[*, 8] = pas[*, 16] ; new_pas[*, 9] = pas[*, 17] endif else new_pas = pas endif else if datatype eq 'ion' then begin pas = dblarr(n_elements(b_field_data.X), 6) ; pitch angles at each time ; Telescope vectors in Body Coordinate System: ; Factors of -1 account for 180 deg shift between particle velocity and telescope normal direction: ; Top: Vt6bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V6fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V6fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V6fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V6fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V6fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V6fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V6fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V6fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V6fcs[2])] Vt7bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V7fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V7fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V7fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,1]*V7fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V7fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V7fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V7fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V7fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V7fcs[2])] Vt8bcs = [-1.*(Ttop[0,0]*V8fcs[0] + Ttop[1,0]*V8fcs[1] + Ttop[2,0]*V8fcs[2]), $ -1.*( Ttop[0,1]*V8fcs[0] + Ttop[1,1]*V8fcs[1] + Ttop[2,1]*V8fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Ttop[0,2]*V8fcs[0] + Ttop[1,2]*V8fcs[1] + Ttop[2,2]*V8fcs[2])] ; Bottom: Vb6bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V6fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V6fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V6fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V6fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V6fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V6fcs[2]), $ -1.*( Tbot[0,2]*V6fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V6fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V6fcs[2])] Vb7bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V7fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V7fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V7fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V7fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V7fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V7fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V7fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V7fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V7fcs[2])] Vb8bcs = [-1.*(Tbot[0,0]*V8fcs[0] + Tbot[1,0]*V8fcs[1] + Tbot[2,0]*V8fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,1]*V8fcs[0] + Tbot[1,1]*V8fcs[1] + Tbot[2,1]*V8fcs[2]), $ -1.*(Tbot[0,2]*V8fcs[0] + Tbot[1,2]*V8fcs[1] + Tbot[2,2]*V8fcs[2])] for i = 0,5 do begin if i eq 0 then begin Vbcs = Vt6bcs endif if i eq 1 then begin Vbcs = Vt7bcs endif if i eq 2 then begin Vbcs = Vt8bcs endif if i eq 3 then begin Vbcs = Vb6bcs endif if i eq 4 then begin Vbcs = Vb7bcs endif if i eq 5 then begin Vbcs = Vb8bcs endif pas[*, i] = 180.0/!dpi * acos((Vbcs[0]*Bbcs[*,0] + Vbcs[1]*Bbcs[*,1] + Vbcs[2]*Bbcs[*,2])/(sqrt(Vbcs[0]^2+Vbcs[1]^2+Vbcs[2]^2) * sqrt(Bbcs[*,0]^2+Bbcs[*,1]^2+Bbcs[*,2]^2))) endfor ;new_pas = pas top_tele_idx_map = hash() bot_tele_idx_map = hash() top_tele_idx_map[6] = 0 top_tele_idx_map[7] = 1 top_tele_idx_map[8] = 2 bot_tele_idx_map[6] = 3 bot_tele_idx_map[7] = 4 bot_tele_idx_map[8] = 5 new_pas = dblarr(n_elements(b_field_data.X), n_elements(eyes['top'])+n_elements(eyes['bottom'])) for top_idx = 0, n_elements(eyes['top'])-1 do begin new_pas[*, top_idx] = pas[*, top_tele_idx_map[(eyes['top'])[top_idx]]] append_array, top_idxs, top_idx endfor for bot_idx = 0, n_elements(eyes['bottom'])-1 do begin new_pas[*, bot_idx+n_elements(eyes['top'])] = pas[*, bot_tele_idx_map[(eyes['bottom'])[bot_idx]]] append_array, bot_idxs, bot_idx+n_elements(eyes['top']) endfor idx_maps = [hash('ion-top', top_idxs), hash('ion-bottom', bot_idxs)] endif outvar = 'mms'+probe+'_epd_feeps_'+data_rate+'_'+level+'_'+datatype+'_pa'+suffix store_data, outvar, data={x: b_field_data.X, y: new_pas}, dlimits=pad_dl ; interpolate onto the FEEPS timestamps tinterpol, outvar, 'mms'+probe+'_epd_feeps_'+data_rate+'_'+level+'_'+datatype+'_pitch_angle'+suffix, /overwrite end