;+ ; MMS HPCA summary QL plots crib sheet ; ; H+ spectra ; He++ spectra ; O+ spectra ; density (H+, O+) ; H+ velocity ; O+ velocity ; temperature (H+, O+) ; ; do you have suggestions for this crib sheet? ; please send them to egrimes@igpp.ucla.edu ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-08-09 15:13:07 -0700 (Tue, 09 Aug 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21627 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/examples/quicklook/mms_load_hpca_summary_qlplots.pro $ ;- probe=1 probe = strcompress(string(probe), /rem) date = '2015-10-16' timespan, date, 1 ; options for send_plots_to: ; ps: postscript files ; png: png files ; win: creates/opens all of the tplot windows send_plots_to = 'win' plot_directory = 'hpca_summary/'+time_string(date, tformat='YYYY/MM/DD/') tplot_options,'xmargin',[15,15] ; Set left/right margins to 10 characters tplot_options,'ymargin',[4,5] ; Set top/bottom margins to 4/2 lines postscript = send_plots_to eq 'ps' ? 1 : 0 ; handle any errors that occur in this script gracefully catch, errstats if errstats ne 0 then begin error = 1 dprint, dlevel=1, 'Error: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG catch, /cancel endif mms_load_fgm, instrument='dfg', probe=probe, data_rate='srvy', level='ql' mms_load_hpca, datatype='moments', probe=probe, level='l1b', data_rate='srvy' mms_load_hpca, datatype='flux', probe=probe, level='l1b', data_rate='srvy' mms_hpca_calc_anodes, fov=[0, 360] spd_mms_load_bss, /include_labels, datatype=['fast', 'burst'] ; let's put the ephemeris data at the bottom eph_variable = 'mms'+strcompress(string(probe), /rem)+'_ql_pos_gse' suffix_kludge = ['0', '1', '2'] ; because the suffix is different depending on the level... ; eph_variable = 'mms'+strcompress(string(i), /rem)+'_dfg_srvy_gsm_dmpa' calc,'"'+eph_variable+'_re" = "'+eph_variable+'"/6371.2' ; split the position into its components split_vec, eph_variable+'_re' ; set the label to show along the bottom of the tplot options, eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[0],ytitle='X (Re, GSE)' options, eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[1],ytitle='Y (Re, GSE)' options, eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[2],ytitle='Z (Re, GSE)' options, eph_variable+'_re_3', ytitle='R (Re)' ; magnitude position_vars = [eph_variable+'_re_3', eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[2], eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[1], eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[0]] store_data, 'mms'+probe+'_hpca_number_density', data='mms'+probe+['_hpca_hplus_number_density', '_hpca_oplus_number_density'] store_data, 'mms'+probe+'_hpca_scalar_temperature', data='mms'+probe+['_hpca_hplus_scalar_temperature', '_hpca_oplus_scalar_temperature'] options, 'mms'+probe+'_hpca_number_density', labflag=1, colors=[0, 2], ytitle='HPCA!CDensity' options, 'mms'+probe+'_hpca_scalar_temperature', labflag=1, colors=[0, 2], ytitle='HPCA!CTemp' panels = 'mms'+probe+['_hpca_hplus_flux_elev_0-360', $ '_hpca_heplus_flux_elev_0-360', $ '_hpca_oplus_flux_elev_0-360', $ '_hpca_number_density', $ '_hpca_hplus_ion_bulk_velocity', $ '_hpca_oplus_ion_bulk_velocity', $ '_hpca_scalar_temperature'] mms_tplot_quicklook, panels, title='MMS'+probe+' HPCA Summary', var_label=position_vars, $ burst_bar = 'mms_bss_burst', fast_bar = 'mms_bss_fast' if postscript then tprint, plot_directory + 'mms'+probe+"_hpca_hplus_ql" if send_plots_to eq 'png' then begin mms_gen_multipngplot, 'mms'+probe+'_hpca_'+ $ time_string(date, tformat='YYYYMMDD_hhmmss.fff'), date, directory = plot_directory, /mkdir, $ vars24 = panels, vars06 = panels, vars02 = panels, vars12=panels, $ burst_bar = 'mms_bss_burst', $ fast_bar = 'mms_bss_fast' endif stop end