;+ ;Procedure: ; mms_qcotrans_crib ; ;Purpose: ; Demonstrate usage of mms_qcotrans. ; ;Notes: ; See also: mms_cotrans_crib ; ; Supported coordinate systems: ; -BCS ; -DBCS ; -DMPA ; -SMPA ; -DSL ; -SSL ; -GSE ; -GSE2000 ; -GSM ; -SM ; -GEO ; -ECI ; -J2000 (identical to ECI) ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2019-02-12 09:22:39 -0800 (Tue, 12 Feb 2019) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 26608 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/examples/basic/mms_qcotrans_crib.pro $ ;- ;------------------------------------------------------ ; Load data & setup tplot variables ;------------------------------------------------------ probe = '1' level = 'l2' timespan, '2015-10-16/12', 2, /hour trange = timerange() ; load quaternions; note: if the default datatype of epht04d isn't available for your date ; try the epht89d datatype; these files contain the same ephemeris data as the epht04d files ; (only difference are the data products that rely on the Tsyganenko field model) mms_load_mec, probe=probe, trange=trange, varformat='*_quat_*', datatype='epht89d' ; load data to be transformed mms_load_fgm, probe=probe, trange=trange, level=level, varformat='*_b_*' mms_load_fpi, probe=probe, trange=trange, level=level, datatype=['dis-moms'], varformat='*_bulk?_*' ; example variables to be transformed v_name = 'mms'+probe+'_dis_bulkv_dbcs_fast' b_name = 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_b_dmpa_srvy_l2_bvec' ;------------------------------------------------------ ; Implicit transformations ; -Input/output coordinates can be specified with IN/OUT_SUFFIX keywords ; -Input coordinates can be omitted when metadata is present ;------------------------------------------------------ ; transform to GSE mms_qcotrans, [v_name, b_name], out_suffix='_gse' tplot, [v_name, v_name, b_name, b_name] + ['','_gse','','_gse'] stop ;------------------------------------------------------ ; Specify input suffix ; -Replaces current suffix with that of new coordinates ; -If any inputs' metadata do not match explicit input coordinates ; then the transformation will be skipped ;------------------------------------------------------ ; transform both _GSE variables to _SM ; note that input names do not include the _gse suffix mms_qcotrans, [v_name, b_name], in_suffix='_gse', out_suffix='_sm' tplot, [v_name, v_name, b_name, b_name] + ['_gse','_sm','_gse','_sm'] stop ;------------------------------------------------------ ; Explicit transformations ; -input/output coordinates can be specified independent of suffixes ; -if metadata is incorrect or not present then use /IGNORE_DLIMITS to ignore ;------------------------------------------------------ ; transform both original variables as though they are both in DMPA coordinates ; use /ignore_dlimits to ignore metadata for dbcs velocity mms_qcotrans, [v_name,b_name], in_coord='dmpa', out_coord='gse', $ out_suffix='_pseudo_gse', /ignore_dlimits ; plot against real GSE ; b field will be identical, velocity should be nearly identical tplot, [v_name, v_name, b_name, b_name] + ['_gse','_pseudo_gse','_gse','_pseudo_gse'] stop ;------------------------------------------------------ ; Specify full output name ; -a second argument can be used to specify a full name for the output variable ;------------------------------------------------------ mms_qcotrans, v_name, 'v_gse2k', out_coord='gse2000' mms_qcotrans, b_name, 'b_gse2k', out_coord='gse2000' tplot, [v_name,'v_gse2k',b_name,'b_gse2k'] end