;+ ; MMS SCM crib sheet ; ; do you have suggestions for this crib sheet? ; please send them to egrimes@igpp.ucla.edu ; ; Note: ; 1) Due to calibration processing L2 SCM data are set to 0 at the edges of each continuous period of waveform ; 2) In srvy mode, onboard SCM calibration sequences have been removed from L2 SCM srvy data and appear as data gap ; 3) For more information about SCM data, please contact olivier.lecontel@lpp.polytechnique.fr ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-05-27 17:11:06 -0700 (Wed, 27 May 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28743 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/examples/basic/mms_load_scm_crib.pro $ ;- ;; ============================ ;; 1) Select date and time interval ;; ============================ date = '2015-10-16/00:00:00' timespan,date,1,/day ;; ===================== ;; 2) Select probe and mode ;; ===================== ;; Select SATNAME ('1','2','3', or '4') satname = '4' ;; Select data rate ('srvy' or 'burst') scm_data_rate = 'srvy';'brst';'srvy' ;; Select mode ('scsrvy' for survey data rate (both slow and fast have 32 S/s), ; 'scb' (8192 S/s) or 'schb' (16384 S/s) for burst data rate) scm_datatype = 'scsrvy';'scb';'scsrvy' scm_name = 'mms'+satname+'_scm_acb_gse_'+scm_datatype+'_'+scm_data_rate+'_l2' ;; To impose by hand t1 and t2 : starting_date =strmid(date,0,10) ;scsrvy starting_time='00:00:00.0' ending_time ='24:00:00.0' ;scb ;starting_time='13:00:00.0' ;ending_time ='13:10:00.0' trange = [starting_date+'/'+starting_time, $ starting_date+'/'+ending_time] mms_load_scm, trange=trange, probes=satname, level='l2', data_rate=scm_data_rate, datatype=scm_datatype, tplotnames=tplotnames options, scm_name, colors=[2, 4, 6] options, scm_name, labels=['X', 'Y', 'Z'] options, scm_name, labflag=-1 window, 0, ysize=650 tplot_options, 'xmargin', [15, 15] tplot_options,title= 'MMS'+satname+' '+ scm_data_rate+' period, '+scm_datatype +' SCM data in GSE frame' ; plot the SCM data tplot, scm_name tlimit,trange ;; zoom into a time in the afternoon ;;tlimit, ['2015-08-02/16:00', '2015-08-02/18:00'] ; calculate the dynamic power spectra without overlapping nshiftpoints=nboxpoints if scm_datatype eq 'scb' then nboxpoints_input = 8192 else nboxpoints_input = 512 tdpwrspc, scm_name, nboxpoints=nboxpoints_input,nshiftpoints=nboxpoints_input,bin=1 stop if scm_datatype eq 'scsrvy' then Fmin = 0.5 if scm_datatype eq 'scsrvy' then Fmax = 16. if scm_datatype eq 'scb' then Fmin = 1. if scm_datatype eq 'scb' then Fmax = 4096. if scm_datatype eq 'schb' then Fmin = 32. if scm_datatype eq 'schb' then Fmax = 8192. options, scm_name+'_?_dpwrspc', 'ytitle', 'MMS'+satname+' '+scm_datatype options, scm_name+'_x_dpwrspc', 'ysubtitle', 'dynamic power!CX!C[Hz]' options, scm_name+'_y_dpwrspc', 'ysubtitle', 'dynamic power!CY!C[Hz]' options, scm_name+'_z_dpwrspc', 'ysubtitle', 'dynamic power!CZ!C[Hz]' options, scm_name+'_?_dpwrspc', 'ztitle', '[nT!U2!N/Hz] ylim, scm_name+'_?_dpwrspc',Fmin,Fmax,1 tplot, [scm_name, scm_name+'_?_dpwrspc'] end