;+ ; ; This crib sheet shows how to modify the global and variable attributes in CDFs saved with tplot2cdf ; ; See also: mms/examples/advanced/mms_tplot2cdf_crib.pro ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-01-30 13:25:23 -0800 (Wed, 30 Jan 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26518 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/examples/advanced/mms_tplot2cdf_adv_crib.pro $ ;- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; CDF global attributes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; the following example shows how to create a custom global attributes structure for your CDF file ; note: by default, tplot2cdf uses the global attributes structure from the first tplot variable ; in the list of tvars trange=['2015-12-15', '2015-12-16'] mms_load_feeps, trange=trange, /tt2000 mms_feeps_pad ; define the tplot variables to save tvars = ['mms1_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_omni', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_omni_spin', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_70-600keV_pad', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_70-600keV_pad_spin'] ; define some global attributes; example taken from current FEEPS data global_attrs = {DATA_TYPE: 'Survey_Level 2', $ DATA_VERSION: '6.0', $ DESCRIPTOR: 'FEEPS', $ DISCIPLINE: 'Space Physics>Magnetospheric Science', $ GENERATION_DATE: time_string(systime(/seconds), tformat='YYYYMMDD'), $ INSTRUMENT_TYPE: 'Particles (space)', $ LOGICAL_FILE_ID: 'mms1_survey_level 2_feeps_20151215_v6.0.1', $ LOGICAL_SOURCE: 'mms1_feeps_srvy_l1B', $ LOGICAL_SOURCE_DESCRIPTION: 'Level 2 Flys Eye Energetic Particle Sensor Survey Data', $ MISSION_GROUP: 'MMS', $ PI_AFFILIATION: 'LASP', $ PI_NAME: 'STP', $ SOURCE_NAME: 'mms1', $ TEXT: 'http://www.lasp.colorado.edu', $ LINK_TEXT: 'FEEPS data', $ LINK_TITLE: 'http://www.lasp.colorado.edu', $ MODS: 'Generated by SPEDAS'} ; define the tplot variables to save tvars = ['mms1_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_omni', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_omni_spin', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_70-600keV_pad', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_70-600keV_pad_spin'] ; use the g_attributes keyword to set your custom global attributes tplot2cdf, tvars=tvars, filename='mms1_survey_level2_feeps_20151215_v6.0.1', g_attributes=global_attrs, /tt2000 stop ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; CDF variable attributes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; the following example shows how to modify the variable attributes for the vars in your CDF file; ; the CDF variable attributes come from the tplot metadata structure (dlimits.cdf.vatt), e.g., get_data, 'mms1_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_omni_spin', data=d, dlimits=dl help, dl.cdf.vatt stop ; modify an attribute directly dl.cdf.vatt.catdesc = 'MMS1 FEEPS spin averaged omni-directional electron intensity' help, dl.cdf.vatt stop ; add a new attribute to the metadata str_element, dl, 'cdf.vatt.data_rate', 'SRVY', /add help, dl.cdf.vatt stop ; save the updated metadata structure store_data, 'mms1_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_omni_spin', data=d, dlimits=dl stop ; save the CDF with the updated tplot variable tplot2cdf, tvars=tvars, filename='mms1_survey_level2_feeps_20151215_v6.0.1', /tt2000 stop end