;+ ; script for basic dayside science (from EVA, first plot) ; ; This version is meant to work with v3.0.0+ of the FPI CDFs ; ; Plots on the figure include: ; 1: FGM, srvy, GSM ; 2. FGM magnitude ; 3. FPI ion spectra ; 4. FPI electron spectra ; 5. FPI Ni (ion density) ; 6. EDP, -log(scpot) ; 7. FPI Vi (ion velocity, 3 components) ; 8. (ExB)z, vperp(z) ; 9. HPCA H+ ; 10. HPCA O+ ; 11. EDP fast ; 12. EDP srvy, EPSD spectra (x) mms*_edp_hfesp_srvy_l2 ; 13. DSP, fast, bpsd omni ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-07-13 17:23:19 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25476 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/examples/advanced/mms_basic_dayside.pro $ ;- start_time = systime(/sec) date = '2015-10-16/00:00:00 timespan, date, 1, /day probe = '1' ; options for send_plots_to: ; ps: postscript files ; png: png files ; win: creates/opens all of the tplot windows send_plots_to = 'win' plot_directory = '' postscript = send_plots_to eq 'ps' ? 1 : 0 ; load the data mms_load_fgm, probe=probe, data_rate='srvy', level='l2', versions=fgm_versions mms_load_mec, probe=probe, data_rate='srvy', level='l2', versions=mec_versions mms_load_fpi, probe=probe, data_rate='fast', level='l2', datatype=['des-moms', 'dis-moms'], min_version='2.2.0', versions=fpi_versions mms_load_edp, probe=probe, datatype='scpot', level='l2', versions=scpot_versions mms_load_edp, probe=probe, data_rate='fast', level='l2', datatype='dce', versions=dce_versions mms_load_edp, probe=probe, data_rate='srvy', level='l2', datatype=['dce', 'hfesp'], versions=hfesp_versions mms_load_dsp, probe=probe, data_rate='fast', level='l2', datatype='bpsd', versions=dsp_versions mms_load_hpca, probe=probe, data_rate='srvy', level='l2', datatype='ion', versions=hpca_versions ; sum the HPCA spectra over the full field of view mms_hpca_calc_anodes, fov=[0, 360], probe=probe ; For the s/c potential, we plot -ln(scpot), to match the plot in EVA calc, '"mms'+probe+'_edp_fast_scpot_ln" = -ln("mms'+probe+'_edp_scpot_fast_l2")' ; update the Y-axis title options, 'mms'+probe+'_edp_fast_scpot_ln', ytitle='EDP!CFAST!C-ln(scpot)' ;;;;; The following ExB calculations were taken from EVA, 12/10/2015 ; ExB ;------------ sc = 'mms'+strcompress(string(probe), /rem) vthres = 500. get_data,sc+'_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2',data=B get_data,sc+'_edp_dce_gse_fast_l2',data=E,dl=dl,lim=lim tnB = tnames(sc+'_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2',ctB) tnE = tnames(sc+'_edp_dce_gse_fast_l2',ctE) if ctB eq 1 and ctE eq 1 then begin ; E has a higher time resolution than B ; Here, we interpolate B so that its timestamps will match with those of E. Bip = fltarr(n_elements(E.x),3) wBx = interpol(B.y[*,0], B.x, E.x,/spline) wBy = interpol(B.y[*,1], B.x, E.x,/spline) wBz = interpol(B.y[*,2], B.x, E.x,/spline) iwB2 = 1000./(wBx^2 + wBy^2 + wBz^2) EXB = fltarr(n_elements(E.x),3) EXB[*,0] = ((E.y[*,1]*wBz - E.y[*,2]*wBy)*iwB2 > (-1)*vthres) < vthres EXB[*,1] = ((E.y[*,2]*wBx - E.y[*,0]*wBz)*iwB2 > (-1)*vthres) < vthres EXB[*,2] = ((E.y[*,0]*wBy - E.y[*,1]*wBx)*iwB2 > (-1)*vthres) < vthres str_element,/delete,'lim','yrange' store_data,sc+'_exb_dsl',data={x:E.x,y:EXB},dl=dl options,sc+'_exb_dsl',labels=['(ExB)x','(ExB)y','(ExB)z'],labflag=-1,colors=[2,4,6],$ ytitle=sc+'!CExB',ysubtitle='[km/s]',constant=0,ystyle=1 ; extract ExB to be compared with FPI comp = ['x','y','z'] clrs = [2,4,6] cmax = n_elements(comp) for c=0,cmax-1 do begin store_data,sc+'_exb_gse_'+comp[c],data={x:E.x,y:EXB[*,c]} options,sc+'_exb_gse_'+comp[c],labels='(ExB)'+comp[c],labflag=-1,colors=clrs[c],$ ytitle=sc+'!C(ExB)'+comp[c],ysubtitle='[km/s]',constant=0,ystyle=1 endfor endif ; Compare with FPI ;------------------------- ; extract Vperp tn = tnames(sc+'_dis_bulkv_gse_fast',ct) if ct eq 1 then begin comp = ['x','y','z'] clrs = [2,4,6] cmax = n_elements(comp) ; V has a much lower time resolution than B ; Here, we keep the lower time resolution by interpolating B. get_data,sc+'_dis_bulkv_gse_fast',data=F wBx = interpol(B.y[*,0], B.x, F.x) wBy = interpol(B.y[*,1], B.x, F.x) wBz = interpol(B.y[*,2], B.x, F.x) iwB2 = 1./(wBx^2 + wBy^2 + wBz^2) BdotV = iwB2*(wBx*F.y[*,0]+wBy*F.y[*,1]+wBz*F.y[*,2]) Vperp = fltarr(n_elements(F.x),3) Vperp[*,0] = F.y[*,0] - BdotV*wBx Vperp[*,1] = F.y[*,1] - BdotV*wBy Vperp[*,2] = F.y[*,2] - BdotV*wBz for c=0,cmax-1 do begin store_data,sc+'_fpi_iBulkVperp_'+comp[c],data={x:F.x,y:Vperp[*,c]} options,sc+'_fpi_iBulkVperp_'+comp[c],labels='Vperp,'+comp[c],labflag=-1,colors=clrs[c],$ ytitle=sc+'!CFPI!CVperp,'+comp[c],ysubtitle='[km/s]',constant=0,ystyle=1 endfor ; combine for c=0,cmax-1 do begin store_data,sc+'_exb_vperp_'+comp[c],data=sc+['_exb_gse_','_fpi_iBulkVperp_']+comp[c] options,sc+'_exb_vperp_'+comp[c],colors=[clrs[c],0],labflag=-1,$ labels=['(ExB)'+comp[c],'Vperp,'+comp[c]] endfor endif ; let's put the ephemeris data at the bottom eph_variable = 'mms'+strcompress(string(probe), /rem)+'_mec_r_gsm' b_variable = '_fgm_b_gsm_srvy_l2' suffix_kludge = ['x', 'y', 'z'] ; because the suffix is different depending on the level... calc,'"'+eph_variable+'_re" = "'+eph_variable+'"/6371.2' ; split the position into its components split_vec, eph_variable+'_re' ; set the label to show along the bottom of the tplot options, eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[0],ytitle='X-GSM (Re)' options, eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[1],ytitle='Y-GSM (Re)' options, eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[2],ytitle='Z-GSM (Re)' ;position_vars = [eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[0], eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[1], eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[2]] position_vars = [eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[2], eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[1], eph_variable+'_re_'+suffix_kludge[0]] ; set some plot options ylim, 'mms'+probe+'_dsp_bpsd_omni_fast_l2', 0, 0, 1 zlim, 'mms'+probe+'_dsp_bpsd_omni_fast_l2', 0, 0, 1 ylim, 'mms'+probe+'_edp_hfesp_srvy_l2', 0, 0, 1 zlim, 'mms'+probe+'_edp_hfesp_srvy_l2', 0, 0, 1 ;options, 'mms'+probe+'_fpi_ibulkv', colors=[2, 4, 6] ;options, 'mms'+probe+'_fpi_ibulkv', labels=['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz'] ;options, 'mms'+probe+'_fpi_ibulkv', labflag=-1 options, 'mms'+probe+'_edp_dce_gse_fast_l2', colors=[2, 4, 6] options, 'mms'+probe+'_edp_dce_gse_fast_l2', labels=['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez'] options, 'mms'+probe+'_edp_dce_gse_fast_l2', labflag=-1 options,'mms'+probe+'_fpi_DISnumberDensity', ytitle='FPI!CDIS!CDensity' ; clip the field data, so the data at perigee doesn't dominate the figure split_vec, 'mms'+probe+b_variable+'_bvec' tclip, 'mms'+probe+b_variable+'_bvec_?', -150, 150, /overwrite tclip, 'mms'+probe+b_variable+'_btot', -150, 150, /overwrite store_data, 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_gsm_srvy', data='mms'+probe+b_variable+'_bvec'+['_x', '_y', '_z'] options, 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_gsm_srvy', labflag=-1 options, 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_gsm_srvy', labels=['Bx', 'By', 'Bz'] options, 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_gsm_srvy', colors=[2, 4, 6] options, 'mms'+probe+b_variable+'_btot', labels='Bmag' options, 'mms'+probe+b_variable+'_btot', ytitle='mms'+probe+'!CFGM' options, 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_gsm_srvy', ytitle='mms'+probe+'!CFGM!CGSM' ; degap the FPI spectra tdegap, 'mms'+probe+'_dis_energyspectr_omni_fast', /overwrite tdegap, 'mms'+probe+'_des_energyspectr_omni_fast', /overwrite ; degap the BPSD tdegap, 'mms'+probe+'_dsp_bpsd_omni_fast_l2', /overwrite window, ysize=800 ; plot the data tplot, 'mms'+probe+['_fgm_gsm_srvy', $ '_fgm_b_gsm_srvy_l2_btot', $ '_dis_energyspectr_omni_fast', $ '_des_energyspectr_omni_fast', $ '_dis_numberdensity_fast', $ '_edp_fast_scpot_ln', $ '_dis_bulkv_gse_fast', $ '_exb_vperp_z', $ '_hpca_hplus_flux_elev_0-360', $ '_hpca_oplus_flux_elev_0-360', $ '_edp_dce_gse_fast_l2', $ '_edp_hfesp_srvy_l2', $ '_dsp_bpsd_omni_fast_l2' $ ], var_label=position_vars ; add CDF version numbers to the bottom right of the figure mms_add_cdf_versions, 'fgm', fgm_versions, charsize=0.7, /right mms_add_cdf_versions, 'mec', mec_versions, charsize=0.7, /right mms_add_cdf_versions, 'fpi', fpi_versions, charsize=0.7, /right mms_add_cdf_versions, 'EDP SCPOT', scpot_versions, charsize=0.7, /right mms_add_cdf_versions, 'EDP DCE', dce_versions, data_rate='fast', charsize=0.7, /right mms_add_cdf_versions, 'EDP HFESP', hfesp_versions, charsize=0.7, /right mms_add_cdf_versions, 'DSP', dsp_versions, charsize=0.7, /right mms_add_cdf_versions, 'HPCA', hpca_versions, charsize=0.7, /right if postscript then tprint, plot_directory + 'mms'+probe + '_basic_dayside' if send_plots_to eq 'png' then begin makepng, plot_directory + 'mms'+probe + '_basic_dayside_'+ $ time_string(date, tformat='YYYYMMDD_hhmmss.fff'), $ /mkdir endif print, 'took ' + string(systime(/sec)-start_time) + ' seconds to run' end