;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_team_kibana ; ; PURPOSE: ; Opens the MMS Kibana page using your web browser; allows you to see which ; data files are available at the SDC, and when they're available ; ; KEYWORDS: ; only one keyword allowed specifying the instrument you're interested in, e.g., ; /fgm for FGM data, /fpi for FPI data, etc. ; ; ; NOTES: ; The webpage is restricted to MMS team-members only ; ; EXAMPLE: ; to open the Kibana page for FPI CDF files: ; MMS> mms_team_kibana, /fpi ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-02-21 09:06:31 -0800 (Wed, 21 Feb 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24755 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/common/util/mms_team_kibana.pro $ ;- pro mms_team_kibana, fgm=fgm, fpi=fpi, hpca=hpca, mec=mec, scm=scm, eis=eis, feeps=feeps, edi=edi, dsp=dsp, edp=edp, aspoc=aspoc instrument = 'volume' if keyword_set(fgm) then instrument='fgm' if keyword_set(fpi) then instrument='fpi' if keyword_set(hpca) then instrument='hpca' if keyword_set(mec) then instrument='mec' if keyword_set(scm) then instrument='scm' if keyword_set(feeps) then instrument='feeps' if keyword_set(eis) then instrument='eis' if keyword_set(edi) then instrument='edi' if keyword_set(dsp) then instrument='dsp' if keyword_set(edp) then instrument='edp' if keyword_set(aspoc) then instrument='asp' spd_ui_open_url, 'https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc/team/visualizations/app/kibana#/dashboard/mms_'+instrument end