;+ ; ; These are regression tests for bugs in mms_part_products ; ; To run: ; IDL> mgunit, 'mms_pgs_regressions_ut' ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-09-20 15:35:27 -0700 (Thu, 20 Sep 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25842 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/common/tests/mms_pgs_regressions_ut__define.pro $ ;- ; the following calculates the energy spectra of ions in the solar wind ; with and without bulk velocity subtraction, and checks that the maximum ; flux shifts down to the lowest energies when the ion bulk velocity was subtracted ; this test includes a pitch angle range, forcing FAC calculations function mms_pgs_regressions_ut::test_bulk_vel_subtract_pa_range start_time = '2016-12-07/14:42:45' ; Tplot time range stop_time = '2016-12-07/14:43:15' time = '2016-12-07/14:42:45' timespan, [start_time, stop_time] trange = timerange() support_trange = trange + [-60,60] probe = '3' rate = 'brst' species = 'i' mms_load_fpi, datatype=['d'+species+'s-dist', 'd'+species+'s-moms'], data_rate=rate, probe=probe, /time_clip mms_load_state, probes=probe, trange=support_trange mms_load_fgm, probe=probe, trange=support_trange, level='l2' name = 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_dist_'+rate bname = 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2_bvec' pos_name = 'mms' + probe+ '_defeph_pos' vel_name = 'mms' + probe+ '_d'+species+'s_bulkv_gse_brst' outputs = ['energy', 'theta', 'phi', 'pa', 'moments'] pitch_angles = [1, 179] ; no bulk velocity subtraction mms_part_products, name, output=outputs, /silent, suffix='_Xgse', pitch=pitch_angles, mag_name=bname, pos_name=pos_name, vel_name=vel_name;, fac_type='Xgse' ; and now with bulk velocity subtraction mms_part_products, name, output=outputs, /silent, /subtract_bulk, suffix='_Xgse_bulk', pitch=pitch_angles, mag_name=bname, pos_name=pos_name, vel_name=vel_name;, fac_type='Xgse' get_data, 'mms3_dis_dist_brst_energy_Xgse', data=d max_data = max(d.Y[0, *], maxidx) assert, maxidx ne (where(finite(d.Y[0, *])))[0], 'Problem with mms_part_products regression test with bulk velocity subtraction' get_data, 'mms3_dis_dist_brst_energy_Xgse_bulk', data=d max_data = max(d.Y[0, *], maxidx) assert, maxidx eq (where(finite(d.Y[0, *])))[0], 'Problem with mms_part_products regression test with bulk velocity subtraction' return, 1 end ; the following calculates the energy spectra of ions in the solar wind ; with and without bulk velocity subtraction, and checks that the maximum ; flux shifts down to the lowest energies when the ion bulk velocity was subtracted function mms_pgs_regressions_ut::test_bulk_vel_subtract start_time = '2016-12-07/14:42:45' ; Tplot time range stop_time = '2016-12-07/14:43:15' time = '2016-12-07/14:42:45' timespan, [start_time, stop_time] trange = timerange() support_trange = trange + [-60,60] probe = '3' rate = 'brst' species = 'i' mms_load_fpi, datatype=['d'+species+'s-dist', 'd'+species+'s-moms'], data_rate=rate, probe=probe, /time_clip mms_load_state, probes=probe, trange=support_trange mms_load_fgm, probe=probe, trange=support_trange, level='l2' name = 'mms'+probe+'_d'+species+'s_dist_'+rate bname = 'mms'+probe+'_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2_bvec' pos_name = 'mms' + probe+ '_defeph_pos' vel_name = 'mms' + probe+ '_d'+species+'s_bulkv_gse_brst' outputs = ['energy', 'theta', 'phi'] ; no bulk velocity subtraction mms_part_products, name, output=outputs, /silent, suffix='_Xgse', pitch=pitch_angles, mag_name=bname, pos_name=pos_name, vel_name=vel_name, fac_type='Xgse' ; and now with bulk velocity subtraction mms_part_products, name, output=outputs, /silent, /subtract_bulk, suffix='_Xgse_bulk', pitch=pitch_angles, mag_name=bname, pos_name=pos_name, vel_name=vel_name, fac_type='Xgse' get_data, 'mms3_dis_dist_brst_energy_Xgse', data=d max_data = max(d.Y[0, *], maxidx) assert, maxidx ne (where(finite(d.Y[0, *])))[0], 'Problem with mms_part_products regression test with bulk velocity subtraction' get_data, 'mms3_dis_dist_brst_energy_Xgse_bulk', data=d max_data = max(d.Y[0, *], maxidx) assert, maxidx eq (where(finite(d.Y[0, *])))[0], 'Problem with mms_part_products regression test with bulk velocity subtraction' return, 1 end pro mms_pgs_regressions_ut::setup del_data, '*' timespan, '2015-12-15', 1, /day ; create a connection to the LASP SDC with team member access mms_load_data, login_info='test_auth_info_team.sav', instrument='fgm' end function mms_pgs_regressions_ut::init, _extra=e if (~self->MGutTestCase::init(_extra=e)) then return, 0 ; the following adds code coverage % to the output self->addTestingRoutine, ['mms_part_products', $ 'spd_pgs_moments', $ 'spd_pgs_make_theta_spec', $ 'spd_pgs_make_phi_spec', $ 'spd_pgs_make_e_spec', $ 'spd_pgs_v_shift', $ 'spd_pgs_regrid', $ 'spd_pgs_do_fac', $ 'mms_pgs_split_hpca', $ 'spd_pgs_limit_range'] self->addTestingRoutine, ['mms_get_dist', $ 'mms_get_fpi_dist', $ 'mms_get_hpca_dist'], /is_function return, 1 end pro mms_pgs_regressions_ut__define define = { mms_pgs_regressions_ut, inherits MGutTestCase } end