;+ ;File: ; mms_local_data_cltestscript ; ;Purpose: ; A test script to verify the software's ability to find local ; files in case the server is not accessible. ; ;Notes: ; -initial tests copied from mms crib sheets ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-12-10 14:24:15 -0800 (Thu, 10 Dec 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 19590 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/common/tests/mms_local_data_cltestscript.pro $ ;- ;================================================== ; Instructions: ; ; Run and verify no errors were thrown in console output. ; ; Check that remote and local plots are identical. ; - Each test is run twice: first normally to ensure ; that data is loaded, then with no_server set. ; ;================================================== spd_init_tests mms_init window, xs=1100, ys=950 p = 'mms-local-data-test ' tests = ['remote','local'] for i=0, n_elements(tests)-1 do begin if tests[i] eq 'local' then begin !mms.no_server = 1 endif ;use same test # for both iterations t_num = 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- t_name = 'dsp epsd - '+tests[i] catch, err if err eq 0 then begin del_data, '*' mms_load_data, instrument='dsp', trange=['2015-06-22', '2015-06-23'], $ probes=[1, 2, 3, 4], datatype='epsd', level='l2', data_rate='fast' options, 'mms?_dsp_epsd_*', spec=1, zlog=1, ylog=1 options, 'mms?_dsp_epsd_omni', zrange=[1e-14, 1e-4], yrange=[30, 1e5] tplot, 'mms?_dsp_epsd_omni' makepng, p + ' '+strtrim(t_num,2)+' ' + t_name endif catch, /cancel spd_handle_error, err, t_name, t_num++ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- t_name = 'dsp bpsd - '+tests[i] catch, err if err eq 0 then begin del_data, '*' mms_load_data, instrument='dsp', trange=['2015-06-22', '2015-06-23'], $ probes=[1, 2, 3, 4], datatype='bpsd', level='l2', data_rate='fast' options, 'mms?_dsp_bpsd_*', spec=1, zlog=1, ylog=1 options, 'mms?_dsp_bpsd_omni', zrange=[1e-14, 10], yrange=[10, 1e4] tplot, 'mms?_dsp_bpsd_omni' makepng, p + ' '+strtrim(t_num,2)+' ' + t_name endif catch, /cancel spd_handle_error, err, t_name, t_num++ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- t_name = 'eis e energy - '+tests[i] catch, err if err eq 0 then begin del_data, '*' mms_load_eis, probes='1', trange=['2015-06-22', '2015-06-23'], datatype='electronenergy' tplot, ['mms1_epd_eis_electronenergy_electron_omni', $ 'mms1_epd_eis_electron_pad'] makepng, p + ' '+strtrim(t_num,2)+' ' + t_name endif catch, /cancel spd_handle_error, err, t_name, t_num++ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- t_name = 'eis part energy - '+tests[i] catch, err if err eq 0 then begin del_data, '*' mms_load_eis, probes='1', trange=['2015-07-08', '2015-07-09'], datatype='partenergy' options, 'mms1_epd_eis_partenergy_nonparticle_cps_t?', spec=1, ylog=1, zlog=1 tplot, 'mms1_epd_eis_partenergy_nonparticle_cps_t?' makepng, p + ' '+strtrim(t_num,2)+' ' + t_name endif catch, /cancel spd_handle_error, err, t_name, t_num++ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- t_name = 'feeps - '+tests[i] catch, err if err eq 0 then begin del_data, '*' mms_load_feeps, probes='1', trange=['2015-07-22', '2015-07-23'], datatype='electron' top_cpa = ['mms1_epd_feeps_TOP_counts_per_accumulation_sensorID_3', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_TOP_counts_per_accumulation_sensorID_4', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_TOP_counts_per_accumulation_sensorID_5', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_TOP_counts_per_accumulation_sensorID_11', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_TOP_counts_per_accumulation_sensorID_12'] bottom_cpa = ['mms1_epd_feeps_BOTTOM_counts_per_accumulation_sensorID_3', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_BOTTOM_counts_per_accumulation_sensorID_4', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_BOTTOM_counts_per_accumulation_sensorID_5', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_BOTTOM_counts_per_accumulation_sensorID_11', $ 'mms1_epd_feeps_BOTTOM_counts_per_accumulation_sensorID_12'] options, top_cpa, spec=1, zlog=1, yrange=[1, 10] options, bottom_cpa, spec=1, zlog=1, yrange=[1, 10] tplot, top_cpa, title='Top sensors' makepng, p + ' '+strtrim(t_num,2)+' ' + t_name endif catch, /cancel spd_handle_error, err, t_name, t_num++ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- t_name = 'dfg - '+tests[i] catch, err if err eq 0 then begin del_data, '*' mms_load_fgm, probes=[1, 2], trange=['2015-06-22', '2015-06-24'], instrument='dfg', level='ql' tplot, ['mms1_dfg_srvy_dmpa', 'mms2_dfg_srvy_dmpa'] makepng, p + ' '+strtrim(t_num,2)+' ' + t_name endif catch, /cancel spd_handle_error, err, t_name, t_num++ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- t_name = 'afg - '+tests[i] catch, err if err eq 0 then begin del_data, '*' mms_load_fgm, probes=['1', '2'], trange=['2015-06-22', '2015-06-24'], instrument='afg', level='ql' tplot, ['mms1_afg_srvy_dmpa', 'mms2_afg_srvy_dmpa'] makepng, p + ' '+strtrim(t_num,2)+' ' + t_name endif catch, /cancel spd_handle_error, err, t_name, t_num++ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- t_name = 'hpca mom - '+tests[i] catch, err if err eq 0 then begin del_data, '*' mms_load_hpca, probes='1', trange=['2015-07-22', '2015-07-23'], datatype='moments' tplot, ['mms1_hpca_hplus_number_density', $ 'mms1_hpca_oplus_number_density', $ 'mms1_hpca_heplus_number_density'] makepng, p + ' '+strtrim(t_num,2)+' ' + t_name endif catch, /cancel spd_handle_error, err, t_name, t_num++ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- t_name = 'hcpa ion - '+tests[i] catch, err if err eq 0 then begin del_data, '*' mms_load_hpca, probes='1', trange=['2015-06-22', '2015-06-23'], datatype='ion', varformat='*_RF_corrected' rf_corrected = ['mms1_hpca_hplus_RF_corrected', $ 'mms1_hpca_oplus_RF_corrected', $ 'mms1_hpca_heplus_RF_corrected'] options, rf_corrected, 'spec', 1 options, rf_corrected, 'no_interp', 1 ylim, rf_corrected, 1, 40.,1 zlim, rf_corrected, .1, 10000.,1 tplot, rf_corrected makepng, p + ' '+strtrim(t_num,2)+' ' + t_name endif catch, /cancel spd_handle_error, err, t_name, t_num++ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- t_name = 'scm - '+tests[i] catch, err if err eq 0 then begin del_data, '*' mms_load_scm, trange=['2015-06-15', '2015-06-15/4:00'], probes='1', level='l2' options, 'mms1_scm_sc128_gse', colors=[2, 4, 6] options, 'mms1_scm_sc128_gse', labels=['X', 'Y', 'Z'] options, 'mms1_scm_sc128_gse', labflag=-1 tplot, 'mms1_scm_sc128_gse' makepng, p + ' '+strtrim(t_num,2)+' ' + t_name endif catch, /cancel spd_handle_error, err, t_name, t_num++ endfor mms_init, /reset spd_end_tests end