;+ ;NAME: ; mms_gen_multipng_plot ;PURPOSE: ; Creates full day, 6 hour and 2 hour png files for data for a given ; day. ; ; IMPORTANT NOTE: unlike the THEMIS version, this routine ; will probably not work properly if called without arguments; ; please set the vars24, vars06 and vars02 keywords to the tvars ; to include in the plot ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mms_gen_multipng_plot, filename_proto, date, directory=directory ;INPUT: ; filename_proto = the first part of the eventual filename, e.g., ; 'tha_l2_overview', dates and times are appended to ; make up the full filename ; date = the date for the data ;OUTPUT: ; png files, with names directory+filename_proto+yyddmm_hshf.png, ; where hshf refers to start and end hours for the plot. ;KEYWORDS: ; directory = the output directory, remember the trailing slash.... ; vars24 = the variable names to plot for the full 24hr plot ; ; vars12 = the variable names to plot for the 12hr plots ; ; vars06 = the variable names to plot for the 6hr plots ; ; vars02 = the variable names to plot for the 2hr plots ; ;HISTORY: ; 14-july-2016, egrimes, forked for MMS QL plots ; 21-may-2008, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-07-26 15:49:12 -0700 (Tue, 26 Jul 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21547 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/common/quicklook/mms_gen_multipngplot.pro $ ;- Pro mms_gen_multipngplot, filename_proto, date0, directory = directory, $ vars24 = vars24, vars06 = vars06, vars02 = vars02, vars12 = vars12, $ burst_bar=burst_bar, fast_bar=fast_bar, window=win_idx, $ _extra = _extra ;No Error checking, Let this crash... date = time_string(date0) year = strmid(date, 0, 4) month = strmid(date, 5, 2) day = strmid(date, 8, 2) ymd = year+month+day date_double = time_double(date[0]) if keyword_set(directory) then begin dir = directory[0] dir = strtrim(dir, 2) ll = strmid(dir, strlen(dir)-1, 1) If(ll Ne '/' And ll Ne '\') Then dir = dir+'/' endif else dir = './' ;Full day plot tr24 = date_double+3600.0d0*[0, 24] If(keyword_set(vars24)) Then mms_tplot_quicklook, vars24, trange=tr24, burst_bar=burst_bar, fast_bar=fast_bar, window=win_idx $ Else mms_tplot_quicklook,trange=tr24, burst_bar=burst_bar, fast_bar=fast_bar, window=win_idx makepng,dir+filename_proto+'_'+ymd+'_0024',/no_expose,_extra = _extra ;twelve-hour plots For j = 0, 1 Do Begin hrs0 = 12*j hrs1 = 12*j+12 tr0 = date_double+3600.0d0*[hrs0, hrs1] If(keyword_set(vars12)) Then mms_tplot_quicklook, vars12, trange = tr0, burst_bar=burst_bar, fast_bar=fast_bar, window=win_idx $ Else mms_tplot_quicklook, trange = tr0, burst_bar=burst_bar, fast_bar=fast_bar, window=win_idx hshf = string(hrs0, format = '(i2.2)')+string(hrs1, format = '(i2.2)') makepng, dir+filename_proto+'_'+ymd+'_'+hshf, /no_expose, _extra = _extra Endfor ;six-hour plots For j = 0, 3 Do Begin hrs0 = 6*j hrs1 = 6*j+6 tr0 = date_double+3600.0d0*[hrs0, hrs1] If(keyword_set(vars06)) Then mms_tplot_quicklook, vars06, trange = tr0, burst_bar=burst_bar, fast_bar=fast_bar, window=win_idx $ Else mms_tplot_quicklook, trange = tr0, burst_bar=burst_bar, fast_bar=fast_bar, window=win_idx hshf = string(hrs0, format = '(i2.2)')+string(hrs1, format = '(i2.2)') makepng, dir+filename_proto+'_'+ymd+'_'+hshf, /no_expose, _extra = _extra Endfor ;two-hour plots For j = 0, 11 Do Begin hrs0 = 2*j hrs1 = 2*j+2 tr0 = date_double+3600.0d0*[hrs0, hrs1] If(keyword_set(vars02)) Then mms_tplot_quicklook, vars02, trange = tr0, burst_bar=burst_bar, fast_bar=fast_bar, window=win_idx $ Else mms_tplot_quicklook, trange = tr0, burst_bar=burst_bar, fast_bar=fast_bar, window=win_idx hshf = string(hrs0, format = '(i2.2)')+string(hrs1, format = '(i2.2)') makepng, dir+filename_proto+'_'+ymd+'_'+hshf, /no_expose, _extra = _extra Endfor ;reset the time range to the full day tlimit, 0, 0 Return End