;+ ;NAME: mms_init ; ;PURPOSE: ; Initializes system variables for MMS. Can be called from idl_startup to set ; custom locations. ; ;NOTE: ; The system variable !MMS is defined here, just like !THEMIS. ; The elements of this structure are explained below: ; ; !MMS.LOCAL_DATA_DIR This is the root location for all MMS data files. ; The MMS software expects all data files to reside in specific subdirectories relative ; to this root directory.; ; ; !MMS.REMOTE_DATA_DIR (warning: SPDF ONLY) - This is the URL of the server that can provide the data files. ; (default is: "https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/mms/") ; if the software does not find a needed file in LOCAL_DATA_DIR, ; then it will attempt to download the data from the URL and REMOTE_DATA_DIR is defined, ; the software will attempt to download the file from REMOTE_DATA_DIR, place it in LOCAL_DATA_DIR ; with the same relative pathname, and then continue processing. ; ; !MMS.MIRROR_DATA_DIR - this is a mirror directory (typically over the local network); setting this ; will cause the load routines to check this for files after checking your local data directory. ; If files are found here, they're copied to your local data directory, and the copied files ; are loaded ; ; Regarding data directory environment variables: it is highly advised to use the mission specific environment variables ; (e.g., MMS_DATA_DIR) rather than ROOT_DATA_DIR to avoid conflicts with other missions/projects ; ; *** please note that setting REMOTE_DATA_DIR will have no effect when loading data from the LASP SDC, due to the ; custom web services at the SDC; this still allows you override the remote path to the data at SPDF, though *** ; ;KEYWORDS: ; RESET: Reset !mms to values in environment (or values in keywords). ; LOCAL_DATA_DIR: use given value for local_data_dir, rather than environment. Only works on ; initial call or reset. ; REMOTE_DATA_DIR: Use given value for remote_data_dir, rather than env. Only works on inital ; call or reset. ; MIRROR_DATA_DIR: network mirror directory - for loading data from the local network; note that this ; will copy files to your local data directory if they're found on the mirror, and this is ; only checked if the files do not currently exist in the LOCAL_DATA_DIR. Only works on inital ; call or reset. ; NO_COLOR_SETUP do not set colors if already taken care of ; DEBUGGING_GUI: set this keyword if you intend to put 'stop's in any GUI widget code, i.e., if you're debugging ; any code that involves widget events (EVA or the SPEDAS GUI) ; ; ; ;HISTORY: ; 2015-04-10, moka, Created based on 'thm_init' ; 2015-02-15, egrimes, commented out dialog_message in CDF version error due to a bug on MacOS X 10.11.6/IDL 8.5 ; 2018-04-05, egrimes, added MIRROR_DATA_DIR functionality ; 2019-08-28, egrimes, made debugging fix (!debug_process_events=0) dependent on a keyword (DEBUGGING_GUI) ; this debugging fix is known to cause problems with widgets on some machines ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-08-06 11:36:42 -0700 (Thu, 06 Aug 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 29000 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/common/mms_init.pro $ ;- pro mms_init, reset=reset, local_data_dir=local_data_dir, remote_data_dir=remote_data_dir,$ no_color_setup=no_color_setup, mirror_data_dir=mirror_data_dir, debugging_gui=debugging_gui def_struct = file_retrieve(/structure_format) str_element, def_struct, 'mirror_data_dir', '', /add defsysv,'!mms',exists=exists if not keyword_set(exists) then begin; if !mms does not exist defsysv,'!mms', def_struct endif if keyword_set(reset) then !mms.init=0 if !mms.init ne 0 then begin ;Assure that trailing slashes exist on data directories !mms.local_data_dir = spd_addslash(!mms.local_data_dir) !mms.remote_data_dir = spd_addslash(!mms.remote_data_dir) str_element, !mms, 'mirror_data_dir', success=mirror_available if mirror_available && !mms.mirror_data_dir ne '' then !mms.mirror_data_dir = spd_addslash(!mms.mirror_data_dir) return endif ;####################################################### ; On initial call or reset ;####################################################### !mms = def_struct; force setting of all elements to default values. !mms.preserve_mtime = 0 mms_config,no_color_setup=no_color_setup; override the defaults by local config file mms_set_verbose ;propagate verbose setting into tplot_vars ; keywords on first call to mms_init (or /reset) override environment and ; mms_config if keyword_set(local_data_dir) then begin !mms.local_data_dir = spd_addslash(local_data_dir) endif if keyword_set(remote_data_dir) then begin !mms.remote_data_dir = spd_addslash(remote_data_dir) endif if keyword_set(mirror_data_dir) then begin !mms.mirror_data_dir = spd_addslash(mirror_data_dir) endif cdf_lib_info,version=v,subincrement=si,release=r,increment=i,copyright=c cdf_version = string(format="(i0,'.',i0,'.',i0,a)",v,r,i,si) printdat,cdf_version cdf_version_readmin = '3.1.0' cdf_version_writemin = '3.1.1' cdf_version_mms = '3.6.30';'3.6' if cdf_version lt cdf_version_readmin then begin print,'Your version of the CDF library ('+cdf_version+') is unable to read THEMIS and MMS data files.' print,'Please go to the following url to learn how to patch your system:' print,'http://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/idl62_or_earlier_and_cdf3_problems.html' message,"You can have your data. You just can't read it! Sorry!" endif if cdf_version lt cdf_version_writemin then begin print,ptrace() print,'Your version of the CDF library ('+cdf_version+') is unable to correctly write THEMIS/MMS CDF data files.' print,'If you ever need to create CDF files then go to the following URL to learn how to patch your system:' print,'http://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/idl62_or_earlier_and_cdf3_problems.html' endif if cdf_version lt cdf_version_mms then begin msg = ['A leap second was inserted on December 31, 2016.'] msg = [msg,' '] msg = [msg,'For correct interpretation of time tags for MMS data taken after this date,'] msg = [msg,'please upgrade your CDF software to its latest version at'] msg = [msg,' '] msg = [msg,'http://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/cdf_patch_for_idl.html'] ; dialog_message commented out, 2/15/17, due to a bug on MacOS X 10.11.6/IDL 8.5 ; -> this call was causing the IDL session to close unexpectedly ;result = dialog_message(msg,/center) print,'##########################' print,' WARNING ' print,'##########################' print,' ' print, msg print,' ' print,'##########################' stop endif cdf_leap_second_init ;---------------- !mms.init = 1 ;---------------- dt = - (time_double('2015-3-12/22:44') - systime(1)) / 3600/24 days = floor(dt) dt = (dt - days) * 24 hours = floor(dt) dt = (dt - hours) * 60 mins = floor(dt) dt = (dt - mins) * 60 secs = floor(dt) print,ptrace() print,days,hours,mins,secs,format= '("MMS countdown:",i4," Days, ",i02," Hours, ",i02," Minutes, ",i02," Seconds since launch")' ;debugging fix? if keyword_set(debugging_gui) && !version.release ge '8.3' then begin !debug_process_events = 0 endif return END