;+ ; Procedure: ; mms_overview_plot ; ; Purpose: ; Generates overview plots for MMS data ; ; Keywords: ; date: start date for the overview plot ; duration: duration of the overview plot, in days; defaults to 1-day ; directory: local directory to save the overview plots to (should end with '/' or '\') ; device: change the plot device for cron plotting (for cron use device = 'z') ; geopack_lshell: calculate L-shell by tracing field lines ; to the equator instead of using the dipole assumption ; skip_ae_idx: set this keyword to skip downloading/plotting AE data ; error: 1 indicates an error, 0 for no error ; ; * Keywords specific to creating overview plots in the GUI: ; gui_overplot: overview plot was created in the GUI ; oplot_calls: pointer to an int for tracking calls to overview plots - for ; avoiding overwriting tplot data already loaded during this session ; import_only: Used to make this routine import the data into the gui, but not plot it. ; ; Notes: ; ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-09-28 09:06:52 -0700 (Thu, 28 Sep 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24047 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mms/common/gui/mms_overview_plot.pro $ ;- pro mms_overview_plot, date = date, probe = probe_in, directory = directory, device = device, $ geopack_lshell = geopack_lshell, duration = duration, gui_overplot = gui_overplot, $ oplot_calls = oplot_calls, error = error, skip_ae_idx = skip_ae_idx, import_only=import_only, $ _extra=_extra compile_opt idl2 error = 0 ; Catch errors and return catch, errstats if errstats ne 0 then begin error = 1 dprint, dlevel=1, 'Error: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG catch, /cancel return endif ; delete any tplot variables sitting around ;store_data, '*', /delete if undefined(probe_in) then probe = '1' else probe=probe_in[0] if undefined(date) then overviewdate = '2015-10-16' else overviewdate = time_string(date) if undefined(duration) then duration = 1 ; days if undefined(oplot_calls) then suffix = '' else suffix = strcompress('_op'+string(oplot_calls[0]), /rem) timespan, overviewdate, duration, /day time = time_struct(overviewdate) earth_radius = 6371. window_xsize = 750 window_ysize = 800 if undefined(directory) then dir = 'mms'+probe+path_sep() else dir = directory if ~undefined(device) then begin set_plot, device device, set_resolution = [window_xsize, window_ysize] endif if undefined(skip_ae_idx) then begin ;;============================================================================= ;; Panel 1: Kyoto and THEMIS AE kyoto_load_ae, datatype = 'ae' thm_make_AE get_data, 'thmAE', data=thm_ae_data, dlimits=thm_ae_dlimits get_data, 'kyoto_ae', data=kyoto_ae_data, dlimits=kyoto_ae_dlimits if is_struct(kyoto_ae_data) && is_struct(thm_ae_data) then begin combined_ae = fltarr(n_elements(kyoto_ae_data.X), 2) ; combine them into a single AE tplot variable for i=0l, n_elements(kyoto_ae_data.X)-1 do begin ae_nearest_neighbor = find_nearest_neighbor(thm_ae_data.X, kyoto_ae_data.X[i]) if ae_nearest_neighbor ne -1 then begin combined_ae[i,0] = thm_ae_data.Y[where(thm_ae_data.X eq ae_nearest_neighbor)] combined_ae[i,1] = kyoto_ae_data.Y[i] endif else begin combined_ae[i,0] = !values.f_nan combined_ae[i,1] = !values.f_nan endelse endfor str_element, thm_ae_dlimits, 'labels', ['THEMIS AE', 'Kyoto AE'], /add str_element, thm_ae_dlimits, 'colors', [2,0], /add str_element, thm_ae_dlimits, 'ytitle', 'AE index', /add str_element, thm_ae_dlimits, 'ysubtitle', '[nT]', /add str_element, thm_ae_dlimits, 'labflag', 1, /add store_data, 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix, data={x: kyoto_ae_data.X, y: combined_ae}, dlimits=thm_ae_dlimits endif else if is_struct(thm_ae_data) then begin ; only THEMIS AE available copy_data, 'thmAE', 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix options, 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix, 'ytitle', 'AE index' options, 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix, 'labels', 'THEMIS AE' options, 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix, 'labflag', 1 options, 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix, 'ysubtitle', '[nT]' endif else if is_struct(kyoto_ae_data) then begin ; only Kyoto AE available copy_data, 'kyoto_ae', 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix options, 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix, 'ytitle', 'AE index' options, 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix, 'labels', 'Kyoto AE' options, 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix, 'labflag', 1 options, 'kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix, 'ysubtitle', '[nT]' endif endif ;;============================================================================= ; load the data mms_load_fgm, probes=probe, suffix=suffix mms_load_fpi, probes=probe, datatype=['des-moms', 'dis-moms'], suffix=suffix store_data, 'mms'+probe+'_fpi_density'+suffix, data='mms'+probe+['_dis_numberdensity_fast', '_des_numberdensity_fast']+suffix mms_load_edp, probes=probe, suffix=suffix mms_load_hpca, datatype='moments', probes=probe, suffix=suffix mms_load_feeps, datatype='electron', probes=probe, suffix=suffix mms_load_eis, datatype='extof', probes=probe, suffix=suffix ; no errors up to this point error = 0 ;;============================================================================= ; Make the figure !p.background=255. !p.color=0. time_stamp,/off loadct2,43 !p.charsize=0.8 full_mms_plot = 'mms'+probe+['_fgm_b_gsm_srvy_l2_bvec', $ '_epd_eis_extof_proton_flux_omni', $ '_dis_energyspectr_omni_fast', $ '_epd_feeps_srvy_l2_electron_intensity_omni', $ '_des_energyspectr_omni_fast', $ '_hpca_hplus_number_density', $ '_edp_dce_dsl_fast_l2', $ '_fpi_density', $ '_hpca_hplus_ion_bulk_velocity_GSM', $ '_hpca_oplus_ion_bulk_velocity_GSM']+suffix if undefined(gui_overplot) then begin if ~undefined(device) then begin tplot_options,'title','MMS-'+probe+' Overview ('+overviewdate+')' tplot, ['kyoto_thm_combined_ae', $ ; AE plot [full_mms_plot]] endif else begin window, 1, xsize=window_xsize, ysize=window_ysize tplot_options,'title','MMS-'+probe+' Overview ('+overviewdate+')', window=1 tplot, ['kyoto_thm_combined_ae', $ ; AE plot [full_mms_plot]], window=1 endelse thm_gen_multipngplot, 'mms'+probe, overviewdate, directory = dir, /mkdir endif else begin tplot_gui, /no_verify, /add_panel, import_only=import_only, ['kyoto_thm_combined_ae'+suffix, $ ; AE plot [full_mms_plot]] endelse end