;+ ; ;PROCEDURE: MEX_ASP_IMA_BKG ; ;PURPOSE: ; Computes MEX/ASPERA-3 (IMA) background counts, and inserts the results into common blocks. ; ;INPUTS: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ;NOTE: See, ftp://psa.esac.esa.int/pub/mirror/MARS-EXPRESS/ASPERA-3/MEX-M-ASPERA3-2-EDR-IMA-EXT5-V1.0/CALIB/CALINFO.TXT ; ;CREATED BY: Takuya Hara on 2018-01-31. ; ;LAST MODIFICATION: ; $LastChangedBy: hara $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-04-04 16:17:13 -0700 (Wed, 04 Apr 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24998 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/mex/aspera/mex_asp_ima_bkg.pro $ ; ;- PRO mex_asp_ima_bkg, bkg, verbose=verbose COMMON mex_asp_dat, mex_asp_ima, mex_asp_els IF SIZE(mex_asp_ima, /type) NE 8 THEN BEGIN dprint, dlevel=2, verbose=verbose, 'No IMA data loaded yet.' RETURN ENDIF mex_asp_ima_calib, calib, verbose=verbose mnoise = calib.mnoise mratio = calib.mratio counts = mex_asp_ima.data counts[*, *, 0, *] = 0. counts[*, *, 4, *] = 0.5 * (counts[*, *, 3, *] + counts[*, *, 5, *]) counts[*, *, 10, *] = 0.5 * (counts[*, *, 9, *] + counts[*, *, 11, *]) counts[*, *, 22, *] = 0.5 * (counts[*, *, 21, *] + counts[*, *, 23, *]) ndat = N_ELEMENTS(mex_asp_ima) nenergy = N_ELEMENTS(counts[*, 0, 0, 0]) nmass = 32 avg = DBLARR(16, ndat) dev = avg FOR i=0, 15 DO BEGIN avg[i, *] = MEAN(REFORM(counts[*, i, *, *], nenergy*nmass, ndat), dim=1) dev[i, *] = STDDEV(REFORM(counts[*, i, *, *], nenergy*nmass, ndat), dim=1) ENDFOR bkg = counts bkg[*] = 0. FOR i=0, ndat-1 DO BEGIN asum = mex_asp_ima[i].hk.asum psum = mex_asp_ima[i].hk.psum msum = mex_asp_ima[i].hk.msum af = FLOAT((2^(asum)) *(2^(psum)) *(2^(msum))) FOR j=0, 15 DO BEGIN cnt = REFORM(counts[*, j, *, i]) IF dev[j, i] GT avg[j, i] THEN BEGIN w = WHERE(cnt LE avg[j, i] + 2.*dev[j, i], nw) IF nw GT 0 THEN mbkg = MEAN(cnt[w]) ELSE mbkg = 0. undefine, w, nw ENDIF ELSE mbkg = avg[j, i] noise = (mbkg * REFORM(mex_asp_ima[i].enoise[*, j, *]) * TRANSPOSE(REBIN(mnoise, nmass, nenergy, /sample))) / af cnt_remove_bkg = ((cnt - noise) > 0.) * TRANSPOSE(REBIN(mratio, nmass, nenergy, /sample)) bkg[*, j, *, i] = (cnt - cnt_remove_bkg) > 0. undefine, mbkg, noise, cnt_remove_bkg ENDFOR undefine, asum, psum, msum, af ENDFOR mex_asp_ima.bkg = bkg RETURN END