;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; MVN_SWIA_REGID ;PURPOSE: ; Routine to determine region of the Mars environment from SWIA and MAG data. ;AUTHOR: ; Jasper Halekas ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; MVN_SWIA_REGID ;INPUTS: ;KEYWORDS: ; TR: Time range (uses current tplot if not set) ; BDATA: Magnetic field data (needs to be in MSO ) ; FBDATA: Full resolution magnetic field data (any coordinate system, just for RMS) ; PDATA: Position data (needs to be in MSO) ; NOLOBE: Don't try to find lobe (allows us to skip B in MSO and save a lot of rotation time) ;OUTPUTS: ; REGOUT: Tplot structure containing region IDs ; ; $LastChangedBy: jhalekas $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-04-21 12:37:59 -0700 (Tue, 21 Apr 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17384 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swia/mvn_swia_regid.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swia_regid, tr = tr, bdata = bdata, fbdata = fbdata, pdata = pdata, regout, nolobe = nolobe RM = 3397. @tplot_com common mvn_swia_data if not keyword_set(bdata) then begin if keyword_set(nolobe) then bdata = 'mvn_B_1sec' else bdata = 'mvn_B_1sec_MAVEN_MSO' endif if not keyword_set(fbdata) then fbdata = 'mvn_B_full' if not keyword_set(pdata) then pdata = 'MAVEN_POS_(MARS-MSO)' if not keyword_set(tr) then tr = tplot_vars.options.trange get_data,pdata,data = pos get_data,fbdata,data = mag get_data,bdata,data = lmag w = where(swim.time_unix ge tr[0] and swim.time_unix le tr[1],nel) time = swim[w].time_unix + 2.0 ; Center time ux = interpol(pos.y[*,0],pos.x,time) uy = interpol(pos.y[*,1],pos.x,time) uz = interpol(pos.y[*,2],pos.x,time) uyz = sqrt(uy^2 + uz^2) alt = sqrt(ux^2+uy^2+uz^2)-RM nmagint = floor(n_elements(mag.x)/128L) mrx = fltarr(nmagint) mry = fltarr(nmagint) mrz = fltarr(nmagint) mt = dblarr(nmagint) for i = 0L,nmagint-1 do begin mt(i) = mean(mag.x[i*128:i*128+127],/nan,/double) mrx(i) = stddev(mag.y[i*128:i*128+127,0],/nan) mry(i) = stddev(mag.y[i*128:i*128+127,1],/nan) mrz(i) = stddev(mag.y[i*128:i*128+127,2],/nan) endfor nmag2 = floor(n_elements(lmag.x)/16L) mrx2 = fltarr(nmag2) mry2 = fltarr(nmag2) mrz2 = fltarr(nmag2) mt2 = fltarr(nmag2) for i = 0L,nmag2-1 do begin mt2(i) = mean(lmag.x[i*16:i*16+15],/nan,/double) mrx2(i) = stddev(lmag.y[i*16:i*16+15,0],/nan) mry2(i) = stddev(lmag.y[i*16:i*16+15,1],/nan) mrz2(i) = stddev(lmag.y[i*16:i*16+15,2],/nan) endfor magx = interpol(lmag.y(*,0),lmag.x,time) magy = interpol(lmag.y(*,1),lmag.x,time) magz = interpol(lmag.y(*,2),lmag.x,time) mag = sqrt(magx*magx+magy*magy+magz*magz) magstd = interpol(sqrt(mrx*mrx+mry*mry+mrz*mrz),mt,time) magstd2 = interpol(sqrt(mrx2*mrx2+mry2*mry2+mrz2*mrz2),mt2,time) store_data,'magave',data = {x:time,y:[[magx],[magy],[magz]]} store_data,'magstd',data = {x:time,y:magstd} store_data,'magstd2',data= {x:time,y:magstd2} regid = fltarr(nel) temp = total(swim[w].temperature,1)/3 vel = sqrt(total(swim[w].velocity*swim[w].velocity,1)) dens = swim[w].density w = where(vel gt 200 and (sqrt(temp)/vel lt 0.012 and magstd/mag lt 0.15) and alt gt 500) regid(w) = 1 ;Solar Wind w = where(vel gt 200 and (sqrt(temp)/vel gt 0.015 or magstd/mag gt 0.25) and alt gt 300) regid(w) = 2 ;Sheath w = where((vel lt 100 or dens lt 0.1) and magstd/mag lt 0.1 and mag gt 10 and alt lt 500) regid(w) = 3 ;Ionosphere w = where((vel lt 100 or dens lt 0.1) and magstd/mag lt 0.1 and mag gt 10 and alt lt 250 and alt gt 140 and (ux gt 0 or uyz gt RM)) regid(w) = 4 ;Periapsis Dayside Ionosphere w = where(vel lt 200 and magstd/mag lt 0.1 and abs(magx/mag) gt 0.9 and ux lt 0 and alt gt 300) if not keyword_set(nolobe) then regid(w) = 5 ;Tail Lobe regout = {x:time,y:[[regid],[regid]],v:[0,1],spec:1} store_data,'regid',data = regout,limits = {panel_size:0.1, no_interp:1} end