;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; MVN_SWIA_PROTONALPHAMOMS_MINF ;PURPOSE: ; Routine to compute approximately the proton and alpha moments from fine ; distributions. Does not work if distribution is too hot and they overlap. ; This version finds the minimum in the distribution instead of just bisecting. ;AUTHOR: ; Jasper Halekas ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; MVN_SWIA_PROTONALPHAMOMS_MINF, TRANGE = TRANGE ;INPUTS: ;KEYWORDS: ; TRANGE: Time Range to Compute Moments ; ARCHIVE: Use Archive data instead of Survey (default) ; ; $LastChangedBy: jhalekas $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-06-18 15:02:39 -0700 (Thu, 18 Jun 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17916 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swia/mvn_swia_protonalphamoms_minf.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swia_protonalphamom_minf, dat = dat, n1, t1, v1, n2, t2, v2, plot = plot, archive = archive compile_opt idl2 if not keyword_set(dat) then begin ctime,t,npoints = 1 dat = mvn_swia_get_3df(t, archive = archive) endif espec = total(dat.data*dat.domega,2)/total(dat.domega,2) een = dat.energy[*,0] n0 = n_3d(dat) t0 = t_3d(dat) v0 = v_3d(dat) e0 = 0.5*1.67e-27*total(v0*v0)*1e6/1.6e-19 ecut = e0*1.5 w = where(een gt e0 and een lt e0*2, nw) if nw gt 2 then begin dc1 = deriv(een[w],espec[w]) cross = dc1*shift(dc1,-1) dc2 = deriv(een[w],espec[w]) wm = where(cross lt 0 and dc2 gt 0,nwm) if nwm gt 0 then ecut = een[w[wm[0]]] else ecut = e0*1.5 endif else begin ecut = e0*1.5 endelse if keyword_set(plot) then begin print,n0 print,t0 print,v0 print,e0 print,e0*1.5 print,ecut endif dat0 = dat dat1 = dat w = where(dat0.energy gt ecut) dat0.data[w] = 0 n1 = n_3d(dat0) t1 = t_3d(dat0) v1 = v_3d(dat0) if keyword_set(plot) then begin print,n1 print,t1 print,v1 endif w = where(dat1.energy lt ecut) dat1.data[w] = 0 dat1.mass = dat1.mass*4.0 dat1.energy = 2*dat1.energy dat1.denergy = 2*dat1.denergy n2 = n_3d(dat1) t2 = t_3d(dat1) v2 = v_3d(dat1) if keyword_set(plot) then begin print,n2 print,t2 print,v2 endif end pro mvn_swia_protonalphamoms_minf, archive = archive, trange = trange compile_opt idl2 common mvn_swia_data if keyword_set(archive) then time = swifa.time_unix else time = swifs.time_unix if keyword_set(trange) then time = time[where(time ge trange[0] and time le trange[1])] nt = n_elements(time) dens0 = fltarr(nt) temp0 = fltarr(nt,3) vel0 = fltarr(nt,3) dens1 = fltarr(nt) temp1 = fltarr(nt,3) vel1 = fltarr(nt,3) for i = 0,nt-1 do begin if i mod 1000 eq 0 then print,i,'/',nt,', ', time_string(time[i]) dat = mvn_swia_get_3df(time[i],archive = archive) mvn_swia_protonalphamom_minf,dat = dat, n1,t1,v1, n2, t2, v2 dens0[i] = n1 temp0[i,*] = t1[0:2] vel0[i,*] = v1 dens1[i] = n2 temp1[i,*] = t2[0:2] vel1[i,*] = v2 endfor store_data,'nproton',data = {x:time+2.0,y:dens0} store_data,'tproton',data = {x:time+2.0,y:temp0,v:[0,1,2]} store_data,'vproton',data = {x:time+2.0,y:vel0,v:[0,1,2]} store_data,'nalpha',data = {x:time+2.0,y:dens1} store_data,'talpha',data = {x:time+2.0,y:temp1,v:[0,1,2]} store_data,'valpha',data = {x:time+2.0,y:vel1,v:[0,1,2]} end