;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; MVN_SWIA_PLOT_ORB_WHISK ;PURPOSE: ; Routine to plot whiskers of any quantity (default: magnetic field) on the orbit ;AUTHOR: ; Jasper Halekas ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; MVN_SWIA_PLOT_ORB_WHISK ;INPUTS: ;KEYWORDS: ; TR: Time range (uses current tplot if not set) ; FREQ: How much to decimate the whisker quantity ; XRANGE, YRANGE, ZRANGE: Obvious ; LEN: Whisker length (multiplied by whisker magnitude) ; BNORM: Normalize by length of whisker (otherwise all have same length) ; PDATA: Tplot variable for position data (defaults to MSO position) ; BDATA: Tplot variable for whisker data (defaults to MSO B) ; ; $LastChangedBy: jhalekas $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-07-15 06:58:10 -0700 (Wed, 15 Jul 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 18133 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swia/mvn_swia_plot_orb_whisk.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swia_plot_orb_whisk, tr = tr,freq = freq,xrange = xrange, yrange = yrange,zrange = zrange, len = len, bnorm = bnorm, pdata = pdata, bdata = bdata RM = 3397. if not keyword_set(freq) then freq = 1 if not keyword_set(xrange) then xrange = [-8e3,8e3] if not keyword_set(yrange) then yrange = [-8e3,8e3] if not keyword_set(zrange) then zrange = [-8e3,8e3] if not keyword_set(pdata) then pdata = 'MAVEN_POS_(MARS-MSO)' if not keyword_set(bdata) then bdata = 'mvn_B_1sec_MAVEN_MSO' if not keyword_set(len) then len = 1000 @tplot_com if not keyword_set(tr) then tr = tplot_vars.options.trange get_data,pdata,data = pos get_data,bdata,data = mag w = where(mag.x ge tr[0] and mag.x le tr[1],nel) time = mag.x[w] magx = interpol(mag.y[*,0],mag.x,time) magy = interpol(mag.y[*,1],mag.x,time) magz = interpol(mag.y[*,2],mag.x,time) xart = interpol(pos.y[*,0],pos.x,time) yart = interpol(pos.y[*,1],pos.x,time) zart = interpol(pos.y[*,2],pos.x,time) mag = sqrt(magx*magx+magy*magy+magz*magz) if not keyword_set(bnorm) then begin magx = magx/mag magy = magy/mag magz = magz/mag mag = mag*0.0+1 endif window,0 ang = findgen(360)*!pi/180 plot,/iso,RM*cos(ang),RM*sin(ang),thick = 2,xrange = xrange, yrange = yrange,xtitle = 'X (km)',ytitle = 'Y (km)',charsize=2 if not keyword_set(len) then delta = findgen(5000)*20-50000. else delta = findgen(100)*len/99 for i = 0,nel-1,freq do begin oplot,xart[i]+magx[i]*delta,yart[i]+magy[i]*delta, color = magz[i]/mag[i]*125 + 125 endfor oplot,xart,yart,thick = 2 xyouts,xart[0],yart[0],time_string(time[0]) xyouts,xart[nel-1],yart[nel-1],time_string(time[nel-1]) window,2 ang = findgen(360)*!pi/180 plot,/iso,RM*cos(ang),RM*sin(ang),thick = 2,xrange = xrange, yrange = zrange,xtitle = 'X (km)',ytitle = 'Z (km)',charsize=2 for i = 0,nel-1,freq do begin oplot,xart[i]+magx[i]*delta,zart[i]+magz[i]*delta, color = magy[i]/mag[i]*125 + 125 endfor oplot,xart,zart,thick = 2 xyouts,xart[0],zart[0],time_string(time[0]) xyouts,xart[nel-1],zart[nel-1],time_string(time[nel-1]) window,3 ang = findgen(360)*!pi/180 plot,/iso,RM*cos(ang),RM*sin(ang),thick = 2,xrange = yrange, yrange = zrange,xtitle = 'Y (km)',ytitle = 'Z (km)',charsize=2 for i = 0,nel-1,freq do begin oplot,yart[i]+magy[i]*delta,zart[i]+magz[i]*delta, color = magx[i]/mag[i]*125 + 125 endfor oplot,yart,zart,thick = 2 xyouts,yart[0],zart[0],time_string(time[0]) xyouts,yart[nel-1],zart[nel-1],time_string(time[nel-1]) end