;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; MVN_SWIA_PACKET_DECODE ;PURPOSE: ; General purpose routine to decode a series of words according to a provided definition ;AUTHOR: ; Jasper Halekas ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; MVN_SWIA_PACKET_DECODE, Message, Decoder, Data ;INPUTS: ; Message: An array of words from a packet ; Decoder: A struct with the decommutator type for each field in Data ;OUTPUTS: ; Data: A structure returning the decommutated version of Message ; ; $LastChangedBy: jhalekas $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-06-18 21:19:24 -0700 (Tue, 18 Jun 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 12551 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swia/mvn_swia_packet_decode.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swia_packet_decode, message, decoder, data compile_opt idl2 nt = n_tags(decoder) for i = 2,nt-1 do begin if tag_names(decoder.(i),/struct) eq 'SUBWORD' then begin word = decoder.(i).word bit1 = decoder.(i).bit1 bit2 = decoder.(i).bit2 data.(i-2) = mvn_swia_subword(message[word],bit1 = bit1,bit2 = bit2) endif if tag_names(decoder.(i),/struct) eq 'WORDS' then begin word0 = decoder.(i).word0 word1 = word0 + decoder.(i).nwords - 1 data.(i-2) = message[word0:word1] endif if tag_names(decoder.(i),/struct) eq 'BYTES' then begin nbytes = decoder.(i).nbytes word0 = decoder.(i).word0 word1 = word0 + nbytes/2-1 words = message[word0:word1] msbytes = words/256 lsbytes = words mod 256 counts = intarr(nbytes) ind = indgen(nbytes/2) counts[ind*2] = msbytes counts[ind*2+1] = lsbytes data.(i-2) = counts endif endfor end