;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; MVN_SWIA_LOAD_L0_DATA ;PURPOSE: ; Routine to load SWIA Level 0 data and produce common blocks and Tplot variables ;AUTHOR: ; Jasper Halekas ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; MVN_SWIA_LOAD_L0_DATA, Files, /TPLOT, /SYNC ;INPUTS: ; Files: An array of filenames containing PF Level 0 data (not needed if using file_retrieve) ;KEYWORDS: ; TPLOT: Produce Tplot variables ; SYNC: Sync on the spacecraft header and checksum (speeds performance greatly) ; QLEVEL: Set this keyword to not plot moments or spectra with a low quality flag ; or decommutation quality flag. Default cutoff = 0.5 ; PATH: Set the default data path for file_retrieve functionality if different from standard ; TRANGE: Set the time range for files to load, if using file_retrieve capability ; (otherwise the 'timerange' routine will be invoked to determine this) ; OLDCAL: Use old calibration factors appropriate for original table ; (appropriate before ~11/25/2014) ; ; $LastChangedBy: jhalekas $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-12-14 14:17:16 -0800 (Mon, 14 Dec 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 19630 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swia/mvn_swia_load_l0_data.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swia_load_l0_data, files, tplot = tplot, sync = sync, qlevel = qlevel, trange = trange, path = path, oldcal = oldcal compile_opt idl2 common mvn_swia_data, info_str, swihsk, swics, swica, swifs, swifa, swim, swis swihsk = 0 swics = 0 swica = 0 swifs = 0 swifa = 0 swim = 0 swis = 0 if not keyword_set(path) then path = 'maven/data/sci/pfp/l0/mvn_pfp_all_l0_YYYYMMDD_v???.dat' if not keyword_set(qlevel) then qlevel = 0.5 nfiles = n_elements(files) if nfiles eq 0 then begin files = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(path, /daily, trange = trange,/valid_only) w = where(files ne '',nfiles) if nfiles gt 0 then files = files[w] endif if nfiles eq 0 then begin print,'ERROR: No Files Found' return endif print,'Reading File: ',files[0] mvn_swia_read_compressed_packets, files[0], sync = sync, /r29, /r80, /r81, $ /r82s, /r82l, /r83s, /r83l, /r85, /r86, apid29=apid29, apid80=apid80, $ apid81=apid81, apid82short=apid82short, apid82long = apid82long, $ apid83short=apid83short, apid83long=apid83long, apid85=apid85, apid86 = apid86 if nfiles gt 1 then begin for file = 1,nfiles-1 do begin print,'Reading File: ',files[file] ;zero out old variables so I don't have "ghosts" napid29 = 0 napid80 = 0 napid81 = 0 napid82short = 0 napid82long = 0 napid83short = 0 napid83long = 0 napid85 = 0 napid86 =0 mvn_swia_read_compressed_packets, files[file], sync = sync, /r29, /r80, /r81, $ /r82s, /r82l, /r83s, /r83l, /r85, /r86, apid29=napid29, apid80=napid80, $ apid81=napid81, apid82short=napid82short, apid82long = napid82long, $ apid83short=napid83short, apid83long=napid83long, apid85=napid85, apid86 = napid86 if n_elements(apid29) gt 0 and n_elements(napid29) gt 1 then apid29 = [apid29,napid29] if n_elements(apid29) eq 0 and n_elements(napid29) gt 1 then apid29 = napid29 if n_elements(apid80) gt 0 and n_elements(napid80) gt 1 then apid80 = [apid80,napid80] if n_elements(apid80) eq 0 and n_elements(napid80) gt 1 then apid80 = napid80 if n_elements(apid81) gt 0 and n_elements(napid81) gt 1 then apid81 = [apid81,napid81] if n_elements(apid81) eq 0 and n_elements(napid81) gt 1 then apid81 = napid81 if n_elements(apid82short) gt 0 and n_elements(napid82short) gt 1 then apid82short = [apid82short,napid82short] if n_elements(apid82short) eq 0 and n_elements(napid82short) gt 1 then apid82short = napid82short if n_elements(apid82long) gt 0 and n_elements(napid82long) gt 1 then apid82long = [apid82long,napid82long] if n_elements(apid82long) eq 0 and n_elements(napid82long) gt 1 then apid82long = napid82long if n_elements(apid83short) gt 0 and n_elements(napid83short) gt 1 then apid83short = [apid83short,napid83short] if n_elements(apid83short) eq 0 and n_elements(napid83short) gt 1 then apid83short = napid83short if n_elements(apid83long) gt 0 and n_elements(napid83long) gt 1 then apid83long = [apid83long,napid83long] if n_elements(apid83long) eq 0 and n_elements(napid83long) gt 1 then apid83long = napid83long if n_elements(apid85) gt 0 and n_elements(napid85) gt 1 then apid85 = [apid85,napid85] if n_elements(apid85) eq 0 and n_elements(napid85) gt 1 then apid85 = napid85 if n_elements(apid86) gt 0 and n_elements(napid86) gt 1 then apid86 = [apid86,napid86] if n_elements(apid86) eq 0 and n_elements(napid86) gt 1 then apid86 = napid86 endfor endif if keyword_set(oldcal) then begin print,'Using Calibration Factors for 5 eV - 25 keV sweep (Valid before 11/20/2014)' print,'If your table does not match your time range, this program will crash' mvn_swia_make_info_str, info_str endif else begin print,'Using Calibration Factors for 25 eV - 25 keV sweep (Valid after 11/20/2014)' print,'If your table does not match your time range, this program will crash' mvn_swia_make_info_str_2,info_str endelse if n_elements(apid29) gt 0 then mvn_swia_make_swihsk_str, apid29, swihsk if n_elements(apid80) gt 0 then mvn_swia_make_swic_str, apid80, info_str, swics if n_elements(apid81) gt 0 then mvn_swia_make_swic_str, apid81, info_str, swica if n_elements(apid82short) gt 0 or n_elements(apid82long) gt 0 then mvn_swia_make_swif_str, shortpackets = apid82short, longpackets = apid82long, info_str, swifs if n_elements(apid83short) gt 0 or n_elements(apid83long) gt 0 then mvn_swia_make_swif_str, shortpackets = apid83short, longpackets = apid83long, info_str, swifa if n_elements(apid85) gt 0 then mvn_swia_make_swim_str, apid85, info_str, swim if n_elements(apid86) gt 0 then mvn_swia_make_swis_str, apid86, info_str, swis ;kluge fix for coarse attenuator state if n_elements(swics) gt 1 and n_elements(swis) gt 0 then begin waswitch = where(swics.atten_state ne shift(swics.atten_state,1) or swics.atten_state ne shift(swics.atten_state,-1),nw) if nw gt 0 then swics[waswitch].atten_state = round(interpol(swis.atten_state,swis.time_unix,swics[waswitch].time_unix)) print,'Fixing Coarse Atten State, ',nw endif if n_elements(swica) gt 1 and n_elements(swis) gt 0 then begin waswitch = where(swica.atten_state ne shift(swica.atten_state,1) or swica.atten_state ne shift(swica.atten_state,-1),nw) if nw gt 0 then swica[waswitch].atten_state = round(interpol(swis.atten_state,swis.time_unix,swica[waswitch].time_unix)) print,'Fixing Coarse Atten State, ',nw endif ;kluge fix for fine attenuator state if n_elements(swifs) gt 1 and n_elements(swis) gt 0 then begin waswitch = where(swifs.atten_state ne shift(swifs.atten_state,1) or swifs.atten_state ne shift(swifs.atten_state,-1),nw) if nw gt 0 then swifs[waswitch].atten_state = round(interpol(swis.atten_state,swis.time_unix,swifs[waswitch].time_unix)) print,'Fixing Fine Atten State, ',nw endif if n_elements(swifa) gt 1 and n_elements(swis) gt 0 then begin waswitch = where(swifa.atten_state ne shift(swifa.atten_state,1) or swifa.atten_state ne shift(swifa.atten_state,-1),nw) if nw gt 0 then swifa[waswitch].atten_state = round(interpol(swis.atten_state,swis.time_unix,swifa[waswitch].time_unix)) print,'Fixing Fine Atten State, ',nw endif if keyword_set(tplot) then begin if n_elements(swihsk) gt 0 then begin store_data,'mvn_swia_temps', data = {x:swihsk.time_unix, y: [[swihsk.lvpst],[swihsk.digt]], v:[0,1], $ labels: ['LVPS','DIG'],labflag:1, ytitle: 'SWIA!cTemp'} store_data,'mvn_swia_imons', data = {x:swihsk.time_unix, y: [[swihsk.imon_mcp],[swihsk.imon_raw]], $ v:[0,1], labels: ['MCP','RAW'],labflag:1, ytitle: 'SWIA!cHV Imon'} store_data,'mvn_swia_vmon_fixed', data = {x:swihsk.time_unix, y: [[swihsk.vmon_mcp],[swihsk.vmon_raw_def], $ [swihsk.vmon_raw_swp]], v:[0,1,2], labels: ['MCP','DEF','SWP'],labflag:1, ytitle: 'SWIA!cHV RAW'} store_data,'mvn_swia_vmon_sweep', data = {x:swihsk.time_unix, y: [[swihsk.vmon_swp],[swihsk.vmon_def1], $ [swihsk.vmon_def2]], v:[0,1,2], labels: ['SWP','DEF1','DEF2'],labflag:1, ytitle: 'SWIA!cHV SWEEP'} store_data,'mvn_swia_voltages', data = {x:swihsk.time_unix, y: [[swihsk.v25d],[swihsk.v5d],[swihsk.v33d], $ [swihsk.v5a],[swihsk.vn5a],[swihsk.v12],[swihsk.v28]], v:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6], $ labels: ['2.5d','5d','3.3d','5a','-5a','12','28'],var_label:1, ytitle: 'SWIA!cVoltages'} store_data,'mvn_swia_voltages_sub', data = {x:swihsk.time_unix, y: [[swihsk.v25d-2.5],[swihsk.v5d-5], $ [swihsk.v33d-3.3],[swihsk.v5a-5],[swihsk.vn5a+5],[swihsk.v12-12]], v:[0,1,2,3,4,5], $ labels:['2.5d','5d','3.3d','5a','-5a','12'],labflag:1, ytitle: 'SWIA!cOffsets'} store_data,'mvn_swia_dighsk', data = {x:swihsk.time_unix,y:[[mvn_swia_subword(swihsk.dighsk,bit1=7,bit2=7)], $ [mvn_swia_subword(swihsk.dighsk,bit1=3,bit2=3)],[mvn_swia_subword(swihsk.dighsk,bit1=2,bit2=2)]],v:[0,1,2], $ spec:1,no_interp:1,psym:10, ytitle: 'SWIA!cDigHSK'} store_data,'mvn_swia_trates',data = {x:swihsk.time_unix,y:[[swihsk.coarse_options[0]],[swihsk.coarse_options[1]], $ [swihsk.fine_options[0]],[swihsk.fine_options[1]],[swihsk.mom_options],[swihsk.spec_options]], $ labels:['CS','CA','FS','FA','MS','SS'],v:[0,1,2,3,4,5],labflag:1,psym:10, ytitle: 'SWIA!cOptions'} store_data,'mvn_swia_diagdata',data = {x:swihsk.time_unix,y:[[mvn_swia_subword(swihsk.diagdata,bit1=15,bit2=15)], $ [mvn_swia_subword(swihsk.diagdata,bit1=14,bit2=12)],[mvn_swia_subword(swihsk.diagdata,bit1=11,bit2=11)], $ [mvn_swia_subword(swihsk.diagdata,bit1=10,bit2=10)],[mvn_swia_subword(swihsk.diagdata,bit1=9,bit2=0)]], $ v:[0,1,2,3,4],labels:['slut','diag','enbswp','p1mode','mask'],labflag:1,psym:10, ytitle: 'SWIA!cDiag'} endif if n_elements(swics) gt 1 then begin ctime = swics.time_unix +4.0*swics.num_accum/2 ;center time of sample/sum espec = transpose(total(total(swics.data,2),2)) energies = transpose(info_str[swics.info_index].energy_coarse) store_data,'mvn_swics_en_counts',data = {x:ctime, y: espec, v:energies, ylog:1, zlog:1, spec:1, $ no_interp:1,yrange:[4,30000],ystyle:1,zrange:[10,1e6],ytitle:'Energy (eV)',ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts'}, dlimits = {datagap:180} phspec = transpose(total(total(swics.data,1),1)) phis = transpose(info_str[swics.info_index].phi_coarse) for i = 0,n_elements(swics)-1 do begin s = sort(phis[i,*]) phis[i,*] = phis[i,s] phspec[i,*] = phspec[i,s] endfor store_data,'mvn_swics_ph_counts',data = {x:ctime, y: phspec, v:phis, spec:1, no_interp:1, ytitle:'Phi', $ ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts',zlog:1}, dlimits = {datagap:180} thspec = transpose(total(total(swics.data,3),1)) thetas = transpose(info_str[swics.info_index].theta_coarse[47,*,*]) store_data,'mvn_swics_th_counts',data = {x:ctime,y:thspec,v:thetas,spec:1, no_interp:1, ytitle:'Theta', $ ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts',zlog:1}, dlimits = {datagap:180} endif if n_elements(swica) gt 1 then begin ctime = swica.time_unix +4.0*swica.num_accum/2 ;center time of sample/sum espec = transpose(total(total(swica.data,2),2)) energies = transpose(info_str[swica.info_index].energy_coarse) store_data,'mvn_swica_en_counts',data = {x:ctime, y: espec, v:energies, ylog:1, zlog:1, spec:1, no_interp:1, $ yrange:[4,30000],ystyle:1,zrange:[1,1e4],ytitle:'Energy (eV)',ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts'} phspec = transpose(total(total(swica.data,1),1)) phis = transpose(info_str[swica.info_index].phi_coarse) for i = 0,n_elements(swica)-1 do begin s = sort(phis[i,*]) phis[i,*] = phis[i,s] phspec[i,*] = phspec[i,s] endfor store_data,'mvn_swica_ph_counts',data = {x:ctime, y: phspec, v: phis, spec:1, no_interp:1, ytitle:'Phi', $ ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts',zlog:1}, dlimits = {datagap:180} thspec = transpose(total(total(swica.data,3),1)) thetas = transpose(info_str[swica.info_index].theta_coarse[47,*,*]) store_data,'mvn_swica_th_counts',data = {x:ctime,y:thspec,v:thetas,spec:1, no_interp:1, ytitle:'Theta', $ ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts',zlog:1}, dlimits = {datagap:180} endif if n_elements(swifs) gt 1 then begin ctime = swifs.time_unix + 2.0 ;center time of sample nsw = n_elements(swifs) espec = transpose(total(total(swifs.data,2),2)) energy_all = transpose(info_str[swifs.info_index].energy_fine) energies = fltarr(nsw,48) for i = 0,nsw-1 do energies[i,*] = energy_all[i,swifs[i].estep_first:swifs[i].estep_first+47] store_data,'mvn_swifs_en_counts',data = {x:ctime, y:espec, v:energies, ylog:1, zlog:1, spec:1, no_interp:1, $ yrange:[4,30000],ystyle:1,zrange:[1,1e4],ytitle:'Energy (eV)',ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts'}, dlimits = {datagap:180} phspec = transpose(total(total(swifs.data,1),1)) phis = transpose(info_str[swifs.info_index].phi_fine) store_data,'mvn_swifs_ph_counts',data = {x:ctime, y:phspec, v:phis, spec:1, no_interp:1, ytitle:'Phi', $ ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts',zlog:1}, dlimits = {datagap:180} thspec = transpose(total(total(swifs.data,3),1)) theta_all = transpose(info_str[swifs.info_index].theta_fine[95,*,*]) thetas = fltarr(nsw,12) for i = 0,nsw-1 do thetas[i,*] = theta_all[i,swifs[i].dstep_first:swifs[i].dstep_first+11] store_data,'mvn_swifs_th_counts',data = {x:ctime,y: thspec, v: thetas, spec:1, no_interp:1, $ ytitle:'Theta',ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts',zlog:1}, dlimits = {datagap:180} endif if n_elements(swifa) gt 1 then begin ctime = swifa.time_unix + 2.0 ;center time of sample nsw = n_elements(swifa) espec = transpose(total(total(swifa.data,2),2)) energy_all = transpose(info_str[swifa.info_index].energy_fine) energies = fltarr(nsw,48) for i = 0,nsw-1 do energies[i,*] = energy_all[i,swifa[i].estep_first:swifa[i].estep_first+47] store_data,'mvn_swifa_en_counts',data = {x:ctime, y:espec, v:energies, ylog:1, zlog:1, spec:1, no_interp:1, $ yrange:[4,30000],ystyle:1,zrange:[1,1e4],ytitle:'Energy (eV)',ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts'}, dlimits = {datagap:180} phspec = transpose(total(total(swifa.data,1),1)) phis = transpose(info_str[swifa.info_index].phi_fine) store_data,'mvn_swifa_ph_counts',data = {x:ctime, y:phspec, v:phis, spec:1, no_interp:1, ytitle:'Phi', $ ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts',zlog:1}, dlimits = {datagap:180} thspec = transpose(total(total(swifa.data,3),1)) theta_all = transpose(info_str[swifa.info_index].theta_fine[95,*,*]) thetas = fltarr(nsw,12) for i = 0,nsw-1 do thetas[i,*] = theta_all[i,swifa[i].dstep_first:swifa[i].dstep_first+11] store_data,'mvn_swifa_th_counts',data = {x:ctime,y: thspec, v: thetas, spec:1, no_interp:1, ytitle:'Theta',ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts',zlog:1}, dlimits = {datagap:180} endif if n_elements(swim) gt 1 then begin w = where(swim.quality_flag ge qlevel and swim.decom_flag ge qlevel) ctime = swim[w].time_unix + 2.0 ;center time of sample store_data,'mvn_swim_density',data = {x:ctime,y:swim[w].density,ytitle:'SWIA!cDensity!c[cm!E-3!N]'} store_data,'mvn_swim_velocity',data = {x:ctime,y:transpose(swim[w].velocity),v:[0,1,2],labels:['Vx','Vy','Vz'], $ labflag:1,ytitle:'SWIA!cVelocity!c[km/s]'}, limits = {SPICE_FRAME: 'MAVEN_SWIA'} store_data,'mvn_swim_pressure',data = {x:ctime,y:transpose(swim[w].pressure), v:[0,1,2,3,4,5], $ labels: ['Pxx','Pyy','Pzz','Pxy','Pxz','Pyz'], labflag:1, ytitle: 'SWIA!cPressure!c[eV/cm!E3!N]'}, $ limits = {SPICE_FRAME: 'MAVEN_SWIA'} store_data, 'mvn_swim_temperature', data = {x:ctime,y:transpose(swim[w].temperature), v:[0,1,2], $ labels: ['Tx','Ty','Tz'], labflag:1, ytitle: 'SWIA!cTemperature!c[eV]'}, limits = {SPICE_FRAME: 'MAVEN_SWIA'} store_data,'mvn_swim_heatflux', data = {x:ctime,y:transpose(swim[w].heat_flux), v:[0,1,2], $ labels: ['Qx','Qy','Qz'], labflag:1, ytitle: 'SWIA!cHeat Flux!c[ergs/cm!E2!N s]'}, $ limits = {SPICE_FRAME: 'MAVEN_SWIA'} endif if n_elements(swis) gt 1 then begin w = where(swis.decom_flag ge qlevel) ctime = swis[w].time_unix + 4.0*swis[w].num_accum/2 ;center time of sample energies = transpose(info_str[swis[w].info_index].energy_coarse) store_data,'mvn_swis_en_counts',data = {x:ctime,y:transpose(swis[w].data),v:energies, ylog:1, zlog:1, spec:1, no_interp:1, yrange:[4,30000], ystyle:1,zrange:[1,1e4],ytitle:'Energy (eV)',ztitle:'SWIA!cCounts'}, dlimits = {datagap:180} endif endif end