;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; MVN_SWIA_DEFINE_APID84 ;PURPOSE: ; Routine to define decoder and data structures for APID84 (Raw Survey) ;AUTHOR: ; Jasper Halekas ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; MVN_SWIA_DEFINE_APID84, Decoder = Decoder, Data = Data ;OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; Decoder: A structure containing the decommutator type for each field in the packet ; Data: A structure returning name/type of each field in the packet ; ; $LastChangedBy: jhalekas $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-06-18 21:19:24 -0700 (Tue, 18 Jun 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 12551 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swia/mvn_swia_define_apid84.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swia_define_apid84, decoder = decoder, data = data compile_opt idl2 subw = {subword, word: 0, bit1: 0, bit2: 0} wrds = {words, word0: 0, nwords: 0} byts = {bytes, word0: 0, nbytes: 0} decoder = {length:0, ccsdsver:subw,apid:subw,seqcount:subw,packetlen:subw,clock1:subw,clock2:subw,subsec:subw, $ compressed:subw,modeid:subw,attenpos:subw,cyclestep:subw,p0counts:byts} decoder.length = 584 decoder.ccsdsver = {subword,0,15,13} decoder.apid = {subword,0,10,0} decoder.seqcount = {subword,1,13,0} decoder.packetlen = {subword,2,15,0} decoder.clock1 = {subword,3,15,0} decoder.clock2 = {subword,4,15,0} decoder.subsec = {subword,5,15,0} decoder.compressed = {subword,6,15,15} decoder.modeid = {subword,6,14,8} decoder.attenpos = {subword,6,2,1} decoder.cyclestep = {subword,7,11,0} decoder.p0counts = {bytes,8,1152} data = {apid:0s,seqcount:0s,packetlen:0L,clock1:0L,clock2:0L,subsec:0L,compressed:0s,modeid:0s,attenpos:0s,cyclestep:0s, $ counts:intarr(1152)} end