;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; MVN_SWIA_ALFVEN_TEST ;PURPOSE: ; Use Alfven wave test to check density calibration ; ;INPUT: ; ;KEYWORDS: ; BDATA: tplot variable for the magnetic field (needs to be same frame as velocity) ; NDATA: tplot variable for the (uncalibrated) ion density ; VDATA: tplot variable for the velocity (needs to be same frame as mag field) ; TDATA: tplot variable for the temperature (needs to be in magnetic field coords.) ; TRANGE: time range to do minimum variance (will prompt to choose if not set) ; ALPHA: If set, try to do anisotropy correction ; ;AUTHOR: J. Halekas ; ; $LastChangedBy: jhalekas $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-05-08 13:38:59 -0700 (Fri, 08 May 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17535 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swia/mvn_swia_alfven_test.pro $ ; ;- pro mvn_swia_alfven_test, bdata = bdata, vdata = vdata, tdata = tdata, ndata = ndata, trange = trange, alpha = alpha if not keyword_set(bdata) then bdata = 'mvn_B_1sec_MAVEN_MSO' if not keyword_set(ndata) then ndata = 'nproton' if not keyword_set(vdata) then vdata = 'mvn_swim_velocity_mso' if not keyword_set(tdata) then tdata = 'tproton' if not keyword_set(trange) then ctime,trange,npoints = 2 get_data,bdata,data = bb get_data,vdata,data = vel get_data,tdata,data = temp get_data,ndata,data = dens w= where(vel.x ge trange(0) and vel.x le trange(1)) time = vel.x[w] bx = interpol(bb.y[*,0],bb.x,time) by = interpol(bb.y[*,1],bb.x,time) bz = interpol(bb.y[*,2],bb.x,time) bmag = sqrt(bx*bx+by*by+bz*bz) vx = interpol(vel.y[*,0],vel.x,time) vy = interpol(vel.y[*,1],vel.x,time) vz = interpol(vel.y[*,2],vel.x,time) tx = interpol(temp.y[*,0],temp.x,time) ty = interpol(temp.y[*,1],temp.x,time) tz = interpol(temp.y[*,2],temp.x,time) nn = interpol(dens.y,dens.x,time) rc1 = correlate(vy-mean(vy,/nan),by-mean(by,/nan)) if keyword_set(alpha) then begin alpha = nn*1e6*(tz-(tx+ty)/2)*1.6e-19*4*!pi*1e-7/(bmag*bmag*1e-18) alpha = alpha*2 ;fudge for electrons print,mean(alpha) endif else begin alpha = 0. alpha = 0. endelse vsign = sign(rc1) rms = fltarr(300) for i = 1,300 do begin un = nn*float(i)/100. vxth = vsign*bx*1d-9*sqrt((1-alpha)/(4*!pi*1e-7*un*1.67e-27*1e6))/1e3 vyth = vsign*by*1d-9*sqrt((1-alpha)/(4*!pi*1e-7*un*1.67e-27*1e6))/1e3 vzth = vsign*bz*1d-9*sqrt((1-alpha)/(4*!pi*1e-7*un*1.67e-27*1e6))/1e3 mvx = mean(vxth,/nan) mvy = mean(vyth,/nan) mvz = mean(vzth,/nan) vxth = vxth-mvx+mean(vx,/nan) vyth = vyth-mvy+mean(vy,/nan) vzth = vzth-mvz+mean(vz,/nan) rms[i-1] = sqrt(total(((vx-vxth-mean(vx,/nan)+mvx)^2 + (vy-vyth-mean(vy,/nan)+mvy)^2 + (vz-vzth-mean(vz,/nan)+mvz)^2))) endfor minr = min(rms,mini) un = nn*float(mini+1)/100. print,(mini+1)/100. vxth = vsign*bx*1d-9*sqrt((1-alpha)/(4*!pi*1e-7*un*1.67e-27*1e6))/1e3 vyth = vsign*by*1d-9*sqrt((1-alpha)/(4*!pi*1e-7*un*1.67e-27*1e6))/1e3 vzth = vsign*bz*1d-9*sqrt((1-alpha)/(4*!pi*1e-7*un*1.67e-27*1e6))/1e3 vxth = vxth-mean(vxth)+mean(vx) vyth = vyth-mean(vyth)+mean(vy) vzth = vzth-mean(vzth)+mean(vz) store_data,'vth',data = {x:time,y:[[vxth],[vyth],[vzth]]} un = nn vxth = vsign*bx*1d-9*sqrt((1-alpha)/(4*!pi*1e-7*un*1.67e-27*1e6))/1e3 vyth = vsign*by*1d-9*sqrt((1-alpha)/(4*!pi*1e-7*un*1.67e-27*1e6))/1e3 vzth = vsign*bz*1d-9*sqrt((1-alpha)/(4*!pi*1e-7*un*1.67e-27*1e6))/1e3 vxth = vxth-mean(vxth)+mean(vx) vyth = vyth-mean(vyth)+mean(vy) vzth = vzth-mean(vzth)+mean(vz) store_data,'vth1',data = {x:time,y:[[vxth],[vyth],[vzth]]} end