;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mvn_swia_3d_snap ; PURPOSE: ; Plots 3D distributions for the times and data types selected by cursor. ; Hold down the left mouse button and slide for a movie effect. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mvn_swia_3d_snap ; INPUTS: ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ; same as 'plot3d_new' except... ; ARCHIVE: Returns archive distribution instead of survey ; ERANGE: Specifies energy range to plot ; WINDOW: Specifies window to plot (Def: generates new window) ; STATIC: If set, shows STATIC field of view (SPICE kernels and STATIC CA data need to have been loaded) ; SPC: If set, draws spacecraft blockage using mvn_spc_fov_blockage ; MSO: If set, shows MSO +-XYZ ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2015-04-22 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-05-06 09:00:37 -0700 (Wed, 06 May 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17483 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swia/mvn_swia_3d_snap.pro $ ;- pro mvn_swia_3d_snap, archive=archive, erange=erange, window=window, static=static, spc=spc, mso=mso, _extra=_extra if keyword_set(erange) then erange = minmax(erange) dsize = get_screen_size() ;- set up windows ;- plot3d window if keyword_set(window) then Dwin = window else begin window, /free, xsize=dsize[0]/2., ysize=dsize[1]*2./3.,xpos=0., ypos=0. Dwin = !d.window endelse print, 'Use button 1 to select time; button 3 to quit.' ctime,t,npoints=1,/silent,vname=vname ok = 1 while (ok) do begin get3d_func = 'mvn_swia_get_3dc' ;- coarse by default if strmatch(vname,'*swif*') eq 1 then get3d_func = 'mvn_swia_get_3df' d = call_function(get3d_func,t,archive=archive) if keyword_set(erange) then begin ebins = where( average(d.energy,2) gt erange[0] and average(d.energy,2) lt erange[1] , nw ) if nw eq 0 then begin dprint,'No energy bins in the specified erange' return endif endif wset,Dwin plot3d_new,d,ebins=ebins, _extra=_extra if keyword_set(static) then begin ;- cf. Takuya's mvn_sta_3d_snap dsta = mvn_sta_get_ca(t) w = where( average(dsta.theta,1) gt 0 , nw, complement=cw, ncomplement=ncw ) csta = bytescale(average(dsta.phi,1), bottom=7, top=254, range=[-180., 180.]) mvn_pfp_cotrans,dsta,from='MAVEN_STATIC',to='MAVEN_SWIA',theta=thsta,phi=phsta thsta = reform(thsta[dsta.nenergy-1,*]) phsta = reform(phsta[dsta.nenergy-1,*]) plots,phsta[w],thsta[w],psym=6,color=csta[w] plots,phsta[cw],thsta[cw],psym=5,color=csta[cw] xyouts, !x.window[0]*1.2, !y.window[1]-!y.window[0]*0.5, 'STATIC FOV, +Z: Square / -Z: Triangle', charsize=!p.charsize, /normal, color=255 xyouts, !x.window[0]*1.2, !y.window[1]-!y.window[0]*1.1,'STATIC Phi:', charsize=!p.charsize,/normal,color=255 lsta = [-180,-90,0,90,180] clsta = bytescale(lsta, bottom=7, top=254, range=[-180., 180.]) for i=0, n_elements(lsta)-1 do $ xyouts, !x.window[0]*1.2 + 0.04*i + 0.1, !y.window[1]-!y.window[0]*1.1, string(lsta[i], '(I0)'), charsize=!p.charsize, /normal, color=clsta[i] endif if keyword_set(spc) then mvn_spc_fov_blockage,trange=[d.time,d.end_time],/invert_phi,/invert_theta,/swia ;- cf. Roberto's mvn_spc_fov_blockage if keyword_set(mso) then begin ;- cf. Takuya's mvn_sta_3d_snap xyz = [ [1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.] ] xyzmso = transpose(xyz*0.) for iii=0,2 do xyzmso[iii,*] = spice_vector_rotate(xyz[*,iii],(d.time+d.end_time)/2.d,'MAVEN_MSO','MAVEN_SWIA',verb=-1) xyz_to_polar,xyzmso,theta=thmso,phi=phmso,/ph_0_360 plots,phmso,thmso,psym=1,color=[2,4,6], thick=2, symsize=1.5 plots,phmso+180.,-thmso,psym=4,color=[2,4,6], thick=2, symsize=1.5 xyouts, !x.window[1], !y.window[0]*1.2, 'MSO XYZ', charsize=!p.charsize, /normal, color=255, align=1. xyouts, !x.window[1], !y.window[1]-!y.window[0]*0.5, '(+: Plus / -: Diamond) ', charsize=!p.charsize, /normal, color=255, align=1. endif ctime,t,npoints=1,/silent,vname=vname if (data_type(t) eq 5) then ok = 1 else ok = 0 endwhile end