;+ ;PROCEDURE: swe_snap_layout ;PURPOSE: ; Puts snapshot windows in convenient, non-overlapping locations, ; depending on display hardware. These layouts are only recognized ; by the SWEA snapshot routines. This routine has no effect unless ; a non-zero layout is specified, and you can only do that by calling ; this routine. It is perfectly safe to simply ignore the existence ; of this routine. It is admittedly only useful to the author. ; ; See putwin.pro for details on how the configuration structures are ; used to create and place windows. ; ;USAGE: ; swe_snap_layout, layout ; ;INPUTS: ; layout: Integer specifying the layout: ; ; 0 --> Default. No fixed window positions. ; 1 --> Macbook 1440x900 (below) with Dell 5120x1440 (above) ; 2 --> Macbook 1440x900 (below) with twin Dell 2560x1440 (left, right) ; 3 --> Macbook 1440x900 (below) with Dell 2560x1440 (above) ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ; HOME: Equivalent to LAYOUT=3. ; ; WORK: Equivalent to LAYOUT=2. ; ; WORK2: Equivalent to LAYOUT=1. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-08-03 16:50:17 -0700 (Mon, 03 Aug 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28980 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/projects/maven/swea/swe_snap_layout.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 07-24-12 ;- pro swe_snap_layout, layout, home=home, work=work, work2=work2 @swe_snap_common if keyword_set(home) then layout = 3 if keyword_set(work) then layout = 2 if keyword_set(work2) then layout = 1 if (size(layout,/type) eq 0) then begin print,"Hardware-dependent positions for snapshot windows." print," 0 --> Default. No fixed window positions." print," 1 --> 1440x900 (below) with 5120x1440 (above)" print," 2 --> 1440x900 (below) with 2560x1440 (left), 2560x1440 (right)" print," 3 --> 1440x900 (below) with 2560x1440 (above)" print,"" layout = '' read, layout, prompt='Layout > ' endif case layout[0] of '1' : begin ; Macbook 1440x900 (below) with Dell 5120x1440 (above) snap_index = 1 Dopt = {xsize:800, ysize:600, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; 3D Sopt = {xsize:450, ysize:600, dx:820, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; 3D SPEC Popt = {xsize:800, ysize:600, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; PAD Nopt = {xsize:600, ysize:450, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:2} ; PAD Energy Cut Copt = {xsize:500, ysize:700, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:2} ; PAD 3D View Fopt = {xsize:400, ysize:600, dx:820, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; PAD SPEC Eopt = {xsize:400, ysize:600, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; SPEC Hopt = {xsize:200, ysize:600, dx:420, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; HSK Oopt = {yfull:1, aspect:0.351, dx:10, dy:0, monitor:0, corner:0} ; Orbit 1x3 Oopt1 = {xsize:500, ysize:473, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; Orbit 1x1 OCopt = {xsize:600, ysize:350, dx:510, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:2} ; Orbit cylindrical Mopt = {xsize:757, ysize:409, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:1} ; Mars Small MMopt = {xsize:1082, ysize:572, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:1} ; Mars Large SSopt = {xsize:600, ysize:280, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:2} ; MSO Lat-Lon Ropt = {xsize:792, ysize:765, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; Orrery tplot_options,'charsize',1.5 ; larger characters for 5120x1440 display end '2' : begin ; Macbook 1440x900 (below) with twin Dell 2560x1440 (left, right) snap_index = 2 Dopt = {xsize:800, ysize:600, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:0} ; 3D Sopt = {xsize:450, ysize:600, dx:820, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:0} ; 3D SPEC Popt = {xsize:800, ysize:600, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:0} ; PAD Nopt = {xsize:600, ysize:450, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:2} ; PAD Energy Cut Copt = {xsize:500, ysize:700, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:2} ; PAD 3D View Fopt = {xsize:400, ysize:600, dx:820, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:0} ; PAD SPEC Eopt = {xsize:400, ysize:600, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:0} ; SPEC Hopt = {xsize:200, ysize:600, dx:420, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:0} ; HSK Oopt = {yfull:1, aspect:0.351, dx:10, dy:0, monitor:2, corner:0} ; Orbit 1x3 Oopt1 = {xsize:500, ysize:473, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:0} ; Orbit 1x1 OCopt = {xsize:600, ysize:350, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:2} ; Orbit cylindrical Mopt = {xsize:757, ysize:409, dx:550, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:0} ; Mars Small MMopt = {xsize:1082, ysize:572, dx:550, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:0} ; Mars Large SSopt = {xsize:600, ysize:280, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:2} ; MSO Lat-Lon Ropt = {xsize:792, ysize:765, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:2, corner:0} ; Orrery tplot_options,'charsize',1.5 ; larger characters for 2560x1440 display end '3' : begin ; Macbook 1440x900 (below) with Dell 2560x1440 (above) snap_index = 3 Dopt = {xsize:800, ysize:600, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; 3D Sopt = {xsize:450, ysize:600, dx:820, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; 3D SPEC Popt = {xsize:800, ysize:600, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; PAD Nopt = {xsize:600, ysize:450, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:2} ; PAD Energy Cut Copt = {xsize:500, ysize:700, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:2} ; PAD 3D View Fopt = {xsize:400, ysize:600, dx:820, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; PAD SPEC Eopt = {xsize:400, ysize:600, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; SPEC Hopt = {xsize:200, ysize:600, dx:420, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; HSK Oopt = {yfull:1, aspect:0.351, dx:10, dy:0, monitor:0, corner:0} ; Orbit 1x3 Oopt1 = {xsize:500, ysize:473, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; Orbit 1x1 OCopt = {xsize:600, ysize:350, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:2} ; Orbit cylindrical Mopt = {xsize:757, ysize:409, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:1} ; Mars Small MMopt = {xsize:1082, ysize:572, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:1} ; Mars Large SSopt = {xsize:600, ysize:280, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:2} ; MSO Lat-Lon Ropt = {xsize:792, ysize:765, dx:10, dy:10, monitor:0, corner:0} ; Orrery tplot_options,'charsize',1.5 end else : begin ; Default. No fixed window positions snap_index = 0 Dopt = {xsize:800, ysize:600} ; 3D Sopt = {xsize:450, ysize:600} ; 3D SPEC Popt = {xsize:800, ysize:600} ; PAD Nopt = {xsize:600, ysize:450} ; PAD Energy Cut Copt = {xsize:500, ysize:700} ; PAD 3D View Fopt = {xsize:400, ysize:600} ; PAD SPEC Eopt = {xsize:400, ysize:600} ; SPEC Hopt = {xsize:200, ysize:545} ; HSK Oopt = {xsize:318, ysize:856} ; Orbit 1x3 Oopt1 = {xsize:600, ysize:538} ; Orbit 1x1 OCopt = {xsize:600, ysize:350} ; Orbit cylindrical Mopt = {xsize:757, ysize:409} ; Mars Small MMopt = {xsize:1082, ysize:572} ; Mars Large SSopt = {xsize:600, ysize:280} ; MSO Lat-Lon Ropt = {xsize:792, ysize:765} ; Orrery end endcase return end